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Last active September 7, 2018 13:20
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Save VisualMelon/cb057316dfd5e00858dc6cab250ef138 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using Priority_Queue;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CodeReview.AnotherAStar
public class SharedFunctions
public static float GetDistanceFromLatLonInMeters(float lat1, float long1, float lat2, float long2)
// I am not a geographer
float dlat = lat1 - lat2;
float dlong = lat2 - long2;
return (float)Math.Sqrt(dlat * dlat + dlong * dlong);
// I have no idea what a NodeRow is... so these are just Nodes
// are your nodes structs? I am confused why you use the Id everywhere... (if they are classes, then you can probably drop all the nodeId stuff: it just adds unhelpful indirection)
public class NodeRow
public NodeRow(string type, string nodeId, float lattitude, float longitude)
NodeId = nodeId;
Lattitude = lattitude;
Longitude = longitude;
public string Type { get; }
public string NodeId { get; }
public float Lattitude { get; }
public float Longitude { get; }
private readonly List<NodeEdgeRow> _edges = new List<NodeEdgeRow>();
public IReadOnlyList<NodeEdgeRow> Edges => _edges;
/// <summary>
/// Connects this node to another with a two-way edge
/// </summary>
public void ConnectWith(NodeRow other, float weight)
// enforce contracts on the topology
if (other == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(other));
if (other == this)
throw new ArgumentException("Cannot connect a node to itself", nameof(other));
var edge = new NodeEdgeRow(this, other, weight);
// much nicer
public bool IsCorridor => Type == "C" || Type == "c";
public float DistanceInMetersTo(NodeRow other)
// it is really easy to mess calls like this up: hide them behind a logical 'business' method
return SharedFunctions.GetDistanceFromLatLonInMeters(Lattitude, Longitude, other.Lattitude, other.Longitude);
// now idea what node-edge row is either, so here is just an Edge
/// <summary>
/// A two-way edge, to be shared between connected Nodes (connected nodes are unorded)
/// </summary>
public class NodeEdgeRow
public NodeEdgeRow(NodeRow node1, NodeRow node2, float weight)
// really important assumptions: document and enforce them
if (node1 == node2)
throw new ArgumentException("Cannot connect a node to itself");
if (weight < 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Edge weight cannot be less than 0");
Node1 = node1;
Node2 = node2;
Weight = weight;
public NodeRow Node1 { get; }
public NodeRow Node2 { get; }
public float Weight { get; }
public bool TryGetOther(NodeRow known, out NodeRow other)
if (known.NodeId == Node1.NodeId)
other = Node2;
return true;
else if (known.NodeId == Node2.NodeId)
other = Node1;
return true;
other = null;
return false;
public class Route
public Route(float totalCost, IReadOnlyList<NodeRow> nodes)
TotalCost = totalCost;
Nodes = nodes;
public float TotalCost { get; }
public IReadOnlyList<NodeRow> Nodes { get; }
public class AStar
/// <summary>
/// Attempts to route a path from start to end through the given nodes
/// (Assumes that all nodes in the graph are found in allNodes)
/// </summary>
// If you can stop using NodeIds everywhere, you can ditch allNodes, and just pass the nodes to this method
public static Route BuildAStarOptimisation2(Dictionary<string, NodeRow> allNodes, string start, string end)
if (!allNodes.ContainsKey(start))
throw new ArgumentException("Start node is not present in allNodes");
if (!allNodes.ContainsKey(end))
throw new ArgumentException("End node is not present in allNodes");
if (start == end)
{ // job done
return new Route(0f, new NodeRow[0]);
// lookup start and end, and find endCorridor
NodeRow startNode = allNodes[start];
NodeRow endNode = allNodes[end];
var endCorridor = FindNextCorridorNode(endNode);
// frontier priority queue
FastPriorityQueue<AStarNode> frontier = new FastPriorityQueue<AStarNode>(allNodes.Count);
// mapping between NodeId and AStarNode
Dictionary<string, AStarNode> queueTable = new Dictionary<string, AStarNode>();
float heuristicFunction(NodeRow node) => node.IsCorridor ? node.DistanceInMetersTo(endCorridor) : 0f; // this heuristic no sense
// enque the first node...
var starter = new AStarNode(startNode, null, 0f);
queueTable.Add(startNode.NodeId, starter);
frontier.Enqueue(starter, heuristicFunction(startNode));
// ... and off we go
while (frontier.Count > 0)
AStarNode current = frontier.Dequeue();
float currentCost = current.TrueCost;
if (current.Node.NodeId == endCorridor.NodeId)
// route found: finish
return new Route(currentCost, BackTrack(current));
foreach (var edge in current.Node.Edges)
if (!edge.TryGetOther(current.Node, out NodeRow edgeEnd))
throw new Exception("Invalid topology: <insert descriptive exception message here so that someone who has to read it has a hope of debugging it without looking at your code");
// find the node correspodning to edgeEnd if it already exists
bool edgeEndAlreadyPresent = queueTable.TryGetValue(edgeEnd.NodeId, out var target);
bool alreadyVisitedEdgeEnd = edgeEndAlreadyPresent && target.Visited;
if (alreadyVisitedEdgeEnd)
continue; // under assumptions, we can't perform better than this
float trueCost = currentCost + edge.Weight;
float heuristicCost = heuristicFunction(edgeEnd);
float combinedCost = trueCost + heuristicCost;
if (edgeEndAlreadyPresent)
// only use our new route if it is better
if (combinedCost < target.TrueCost)
target.Update(current, trueCost);
frontier.UpdatePriority(target, combinedCost);
target = new AStarNode(edgeEnd, current, trueCost);
queueTable.Add(edgeEnd.NodeId, target);
frontier.Enqueue(target, combinedCost);
return null;
private static IReadOnlyList<NodeRow> BackTrack(AStarNode lastNode)
List<NodeRow> route = new List<NodeRow>();
while (lastNode != null)
lastNode = lastNode.LeadingNode;
return route;
// this can be static: make it so (it communicates that it can't be changing any state)
private static NodeRow FindNextCorridorNode(NodeRow node)
var provisional = TryFindNextCorridorNode(node, new HashSet<string>());
if (provisional != null)
return provisional;
throw new Exception("Invalid Graph"); // this should have a better message
// I'm guessing at what this is meant to do
private static NodeRow TryFindNextCorridorNode(NodeRow node, HashSet<string> seen)
if (!seen.Add(node.NodeId))
return null;
if (node.IsCorridor)
return node;
foreach (NodeEdgeRow edge in node.Edges)
if (edge.TryGetOther(node, out var other))
return other;
throw new Exception("Invalid toplogy, etc. etc.");
foreach (NodeEdgeRow edge in node.Edges)
var provisional = FindNextCorridorNode(edge.Node2);
if (provisional != null)
return provisional;
return null;
private class AStarNode : FastPriorityQueueNode
/// <summary>
/// The Node wherefor this AStarNode is responsible
/// </summary>
public NodeRow Node { get; } // immutability is usually a good thing
/// <summary>
/// The node which leads to this node
/// null if there is no leading node
/// </summary>
public AStarNode LeadingNode { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// The total cost of the route up to this Node
/// </summary>
public float TrueCost { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Indicates whether this node has been visited yet
/// </summary>
public bool Visited { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Initiaislises an un-visited AStarNode
/// </summary>
public AStarNode(NodeRow node, AStarNode leadingNode, float trueCost)
Node = node;
LeadingNode = leadingNode;
TrueCost = trueCost;
Visited = false;
public void MarkVisited()
Visited = true;
public void Update(AStarNode newLeadingNode, float newTrueCost)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(newTrueCost < TrueCost);
LeadingNode = newLeadingNode;
TrueCost = newTrueCost;
public class AStarTest
public void ExampleTest()
List<NodeRow> nodes = new List<NodeRow>();
NodeRow newNode(string type, string nodeId, float lat, float @long)
var node = new NodeRow(type, nodeId, lat, @long);
return node;
var startNode = newNode("c", "s", 0f, 0f);
var endNode = newNode("notc", "en", 1000f, 0f);
var endCorridor = newNode("C", "e", 8000f, 0f);
endNode.ConnectWith(endCorridor, 0); // NOTE: the implementation doesn't consider this weight
var a = newNode("c", "a", 400, 300);
var b = newNode("c", "b", 400, 0);
var c = newNode("c", "c", 400, -300);
var s = startNode;
var e = endCorridor;
// contrived map: best option is s->a->b->e
int five = 500;
s.ConnectWith(a, five);
s.ConnectWith(b, 400 + 1000);
s.ConnectWith(c, five + 1000);
a.ConnectWith(b, 300);
b.ConnectWith(c, 300);
e.ConnectWith(a, five + 1000);
e.ConnectWith(b, 400);
e.ConnectWith(c, five + 1000);
float optimalRoute = five + 400 + 300;
Dictionary<string, NodeRow> allNodes = nodes.ToDictionary(node => node.NodeId, node => node);
var route = AStar.BuildAStarOptimisation2(allNodes, startNode.NodeId, endNode.NodeId);
Assert.IsNotNull(route, "Route should not be null");
Assert.IsNotNull(route.Nodes, "Routes nodes should not be null");
Assert.AreEqual(optimalRoute, route.TotalCost, 0.001, "Route length was outside tollerances");
Assert.AreEqual(MakeRouteString(s, a, b, e), MakeRouteString(route.Nodes), false, "Route nodes incorrect");
private static string MakeRouteString(params NodeRow[] path) => MakeRouteString((IReadOnlyList<NodeRow>)path);
private static string MakeRouteString(IReadOnlyList<NodeRow> path)
return string.Join("->", path.Select(n => n.NodeId));
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Indeed, if you replace the heuristic function with return 0 then it is (should be) equivalent to a Dijkstra's.

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