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Last active November 8, 2023 03:17
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Moving object with Bounds
namespace FabulousCanvasImageMove
open System
open Avalonia
open Avalonia.Layout
open Avalonia.Controls
open Avalonia.Controls.Shapes
open Fabulous
open Fabulous.Avalonia
open type Fabulous.Avalonia.View
open Avalonia.Platform.Storage
open Avalonia.Media
module ImageOpener =
type Model = { Files: IStorageFile list}
type Msg =
| FileSelection of IStorageFile list
| OpenPicker
let init () = { Files = [] }
let getStorageProvider () = FabApplication.Current.StorageProvider
let openPicker (model: Model) =
task {
let! wellKnownFolder =
|> Async.AwaitTask
let options = FilePickerOpenOptions()
options.Title <- "Select an Image"
options.AllowMultiple <- false
options.FileTypeFilter <- [ FilePickerFileTypes.ImageAll ]
options.SuggestedStartLocation <- wellKnownFolder
let! res = getStorageProvider().OpenFilePickerAsync(options) |> Async.AwaitTask
//if Seq.length(model.Files) > 0 then
// printfn "Path below ---------------------------"
// printfn "Stopped inside"
// let list = Seq.toList model.Files
// printfn $"{list}"
// printfn "nothing..."
let mutableList = List.ofSeq res
return FileSelection mutableList
let update msg model =
match msg with
| OpenPicker -> model, Cmd.ofTaskMsg(openPicker(model))
| FileSelection file ->
let latestFiles = (model.Files, file) ||> List.append
latestFiles |> List.iter (fun elem -> printfn "%A " elem.Path)
{ model with
Files = latestFiles }, Cmd.none
let view model =
(HStack(5.) {
Button("Add Image", OpenPicker)
.size(100, 30)
.margin(0., 6.)
module DrawCanvas =
type Model =
{ IsPressed: bool
IsMoving: bool
OutOfBound: bool
LastPoint: Point option
RectPoint: Point option
OldRectPoint: Point option
OldLastPoint: Point option
ImageManager: ImageOpener.Model
type Msg =
| DoNothing
| PointerPressed of Input.PointerPressedEventArgs
| PointerReleased of Input.PointerReleasedEventArgs
| PointerMoved of Input.PointerEventArgs
| PointerPressedRect of Input.PointerPressedEventArgs
| PointerMovedRect of Input.PointerEventArgs
| ImageManagerMsg of ImageOpener.Msg
let init () =
{ IsPressed = false
IsMoving = false
OutOfBound = false
LastPoint = Some(Point(0., 0.))
RectPoint = Some(Point(0., 0.))
OldRectPoint = Some(Point(0., 0.))
OldLastPoint = Some(Point(0., 0.))
ImageManager = ImageOpener.init()
let canvasRef = ViewRef<Canvas>()
let rectangleRef = ViewRef<Rectangle>()
let imagesRef = ViewRef<Image seq>()
let update msg model =
match msg with
| DoNothing -> model
| ImageManagerMsg msg ->
let (imageManager, cmd) = ImageOpener.update msg model.ImageManager
{ model with
ImageManager = imageManager }
| PointerPressed args ->
printfn $"paths files {model.ImageManager.Files}"
let _point = args.GetPosition(canvasRef.Value)
{ model with LastPoint = Some _point }
| PointerReleased args ->
let _point = args.GetPosition(canvasRef.Value)
{ model with
LastPoint = model.OldLastPoint;
IsMoving = false;
IsPressed = false }
| PointerMoved args ->
let _point = args.GetPosition(canvasRef.Value)
let rectPoint = args.GetPosition(rectangleRef.Value)
if model.IsPressed && not model.OutOfBound then
{ model with
LastPoint = Some _point
OldLastPoint = Some _point
OldRectPoint =
Some(Point(_point.X - rectPoint.X, _point.Y - rectPoint.Y))
IsMoving = true }
elif model.IsPressed && model.OutOfBound then
//printfn $"Was Out of bounds {DateTime.Now}"
{model with LastPoint = model.OldLastPoint; OutOfBound = false}
| PointerPressedRect args ->
//printfn $"{ImageOpener.init().Files}"
match args.Source with
| :? Rectangle as rect ->
let position = args.GetPosition(rect)
{ model with
RectPoint = Some position
IsPressed = true }
| _ -> model
| PointerMovedRect args ->
match args.Source with
| :? Rectangle as rect ->
let rectPositionByCanvas = args.GetPosition(canvasRef.Value)
let rectPosition = args.GetPosition(rect)
if model.IsMoving then
let boundX = (rectPositionByCanvas.X - rectPosition.X) + rect.Width
let boundY = (rectPositionByCanvas.Y - rectPosition.Y) + rect.Height
if boundX > canvasRef.Value.Bounds.Width || boundX < rect.Width
{model with OutOfBound = true}
elif boundY > canvasRef.Value.Bounds.Height || boundY < rect.Height
{model with OutOfBound = true}
{model with OutOfBound = false}
| _ -> model
let view model =
(Canvas() {
Rectangle(10., 10.)
.size(100., 100.)
if model.IsMoving then
model.LastPoint.Value.X - model.RectPoint.Value.X,
model.LastPoint.Value.Y - model.RectPoint.Value.Y
TranslateTransform(model.OldRectPoint.Value.X, model.OldRectPoint.Value.Y)
//Image("file:///C:/Users/jeevan/Documents/bcyeg.png", Stretch.Uniform)
// .size(100, 100)
// .renderTransform(TranslateTransform(
// 200,
// 200
// ))
for file in model.ImageManager.Files do
Image(file.Path.ToString(), Stretch.Uniform)
.size(100, 100)
.onPointerMoved (PointerMoved)
module App =
type Model =
{ DrawingCanvas: DrawCanvas.Model
FilePicker: ImageOpener.Model }
type Msg =
| DrawingCanvasMsg of DrawCanvas.Msg
| FilePickerMsg of ImageOpener.Msg
let initModel =
{ DrawingCanvas = DrawCanvas.init ()
FilePicker = ImageOpener.init () }
let init () = initModel, Cmd.none
let update msg model =
match msg with
| DrawingCanvasMsg msg ->
let drawingCanvas = DrawCanvas.update msg model.DrawingCanvas
{ model with
DrawingCanvas = drawingCanvas },
| FilePickerMsg msg ->
let filePicker, cmd = ImageOpener.update msg model.FilePicker
{ model with FilePicker = filePicker }, FilePickerMsg cmd
let view model =
Grid(coldefs = [], rowdefs = [Star; Auto]) { DrawingCanvasMsg (DrawCanvas.view(model.DrawingCanvas)) FilePickerMsg (ImageOpener.view(model.FilePicker))
let app model = SingleViewApplication(view model)
let app model = DesktopApplication(Window(view model))
let program = Program.statefulWithCmd init update app
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