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Created December 19, 2019 11:12
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Phone exercise
module Phone where
import Data.List
import Data.Char
import Data.String
import qualified Data.Map as Map
convo :: [String]
convo = [
"Wanna play 20 questions",
"U 1st haha",
"Lol ok. Have u ever tasted alcohol lol",
"Lol ya",
"Wow ur cool haha. Ur turn",
"Ok. Do u think I am pretty Lol",
"Lol ya",
"Haha thanks just making sure rofl ur turn"]
-- fill in the rest.
-- 1>
data DaPhone = DaPhone [DaButton]
type DaButton = (Digit, [Char])
nb::DaButton -> DaButton
nb (d, sx) = (d, sx ++ [d])
defPhone = DaPhone [
nb ('1', "" ),
nb ('2', "abc" ),
nb ('3', "def" ),
nb ('4', "ghi" ),
nb ('5', "jkl" ),
nb ('6', "mno" ),
nb ('7', "pqrs" ),
nb ('8', "tuv" ),
nb ('9', "wxyz" ),
nb ('*', "^" ),
nb ('0', "+ " ),
nb ('#', ".," )]
-- validButtons = "1234567890*#"
type Digit = Char
-- Valid presses: 1 and up
type Presses = Int
reverseTaps :: DaPhone -> Char -> [(Digit, Presses)]
reverseTaps (DaPhone bs) sym
| sym == '^' = undefined
| isUpper sym = go '^' ++ go (toLower sym)
| otherwise = go sym
b2ts (d, sx) s = case elemIndex s sx of
Nothing -> undefined
Just index -> [(d, index + 1)]
go s = case find (elem s.snd) bs of
Nothing -> undefined
Just b -> b2ts b s
-- assuming the default phone definition
-- 'a' -> [('2', 1)]
-- 'A' -> [('*', 1), ('2', 1)]
cellPhonesDead :: DaPhone -> String -> [(Digit, Presses)]
cellPhonesDead phone = concat . map (reverseTaps phone)
-- 2>
txtToTaps = map (cellPhonesDead defPhone)
-- txtToTaps convo
fingerTaps :: [(Digit, Presses)] -> Presses
fingerTaps = sum . map snd
-- 3>
txtToTapsCount = fingerTaps . concat . map (cellPhonesDead defPhone)
-- txtToTapsCount convo
mostPopularLetter :: String -> Char
mostPopularLetter = fst . getMax . getMap .map toLower
update = Map.insertWith (+)
calc key = update key 1
getMap = foldr calc Map.empty
getMax = maximumBy (\(_, a) (_,b) -> compare a b) . Map.toList
mostPopularLetterAndCost :: String -> (Char, Presses)
mostPopularLetterAndCost txt = (leter, cost)
leter = mostPopularLetter txt
cmp:: Char -> Bool
cmp = (== leter).toLower
cost = fingerTaps . cellPhonesDead defPhone .filter cmp $ txt
-- 4>
-- map mostPopularLetterAndCost convo
-- 5>
coolestLtr :: [String] -> Char
coolestLtr = mostPopularLetter.concat
-- coolestLtr convo
coolestWord :: [String] -> String
coolestWord txt = fst . getMax . getMap $ ws
ws = words . map toLower . unlines $ txt
calc key = Map.insertWith (+) key 1
getMap = foldr calc Map.empty
getMax = maximumBy (\(_, a) (_,b) -> compare a b) . Map.toList
-- coolestWord convo
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