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Created November 10, 2019 07:28
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Created with Fable REPL
module SpreadSheet
// Build your own Excel 365 in an hour with F# by Tomas Petricek!
// Watch the video of the talk here:
module Parsec =
type ParseStream<'T> = int * list<'T>
type Parser<'T, 'R> = Parser of (ParseStream<'T> -> option<ParseStream<'T> * 'R>)
/// Returned by the `slot` function to create a parser slot that is filled later
type ParserSetter<'T, 'R> =
{ Set : Parser<'T, 'R> -> unit }
/// Ignore the result of the parser
let ignore (Parser p) = Parser(fun input ->
p input |> (fun (i, r) -> i, ()))
/// Creates a delayed parser whose actual parser is set later
let slot () =
let mutable slot = None
{ Set = fun (Parser p) -> slot <- Some p },
Parser(fun input -> slot.Value input)
/// If the input matches the specified prefix, produce the specified result
let prefix (prefix:list<'C>) result = Parser(fun (offset, input) ->
let rec loop (word:list<'C>) input =
match word, input with
| c::word, i::input when c = i -> loop word input
| [], input -> Some(input)
| _ -> None
match loop prefix input with
| Some(input) -> Some((offset+List.length prefix, input), result)
| _ -> None)
/// Parser that succeeds when either of the two arguments succeed
let (<|>) (Parser p1) (Parser p2) = Parser(fun input ->
match p1 input with
| Some(input, res) -> Some(input, res)
| _ -> p2 input)
/// Run two parsers in sequence and return the result as a tuple
let (<*>) (Parser p1) (Parser p2) = Parser(fun input ->
match p1 input with
| Some(input, res1) ->
match p2 input with
| Some(input, res2) -> Some(input, (res1, res2))
| _ -> None
| _ -> None)
/// Transforms the result of the parser using the specified function
let map f (Parser p) = Parser(fun input ->
p input |> (fun (input, res) -> input, f res))
/// Run two parsers in sequence and return the result of the second one
let (<*>>) p1 p2 = p1 <*> p2 |> map snd
/// Run two parsers in sequence and return the result of the first one
let (<<*>) p1 p2 = p1 <*> p2 |> map fst
/// Succeed without consuming input
let unit res = Parser(fun input -> Some(input, res))
/// Parse using the first parser and then call a function to produce
/// next parser and parse the rest of the input with the next parser
let bind f (Parser p) = Parser(fun input ->
match p input with
| Some(input, res) ->
let (Parser g) = f res
match g input with
| Some(input, res) -> Some(input, res)
| _ -> None
| _ -> None)
/// Parser that tries to use a specified parser, but returns None if it fails
let optional (Parser p) = Parser(fun input ->
match p input with
| None -> Some(input, None)
| Some(input, res) -> Some(input, Some res) )
/// Parser that succeeds if the input matches a predicate
let pred p = Parser(function
| offs, c::input when p c -> Some((offs+1, input), c)
| _ -> None)
/// Parser that succeeds if the predicate returns Some value
let choose p = Parser(function
| offs, c::input -> p c |> (fun c -> (offs + 1, input), c)
| _ -> None)
/// Parse zero or more repetitions using the specified parser
let zeroOrMore (Parser p) =
let rec loop acc input =
match p input with
| Some(input, res) -> loop (res::acc) input
| _ -> Some(input, List.rev acc)
Parser(loop [])
/// Parse one or more repetitions using the specified parser
let oneOrMore p =
(p <*> (zeroOrMore p))
|> map (fun (c, cs) -> c::cs)
let anySpace = zeroOrMore (pred (fun t -> t = ' '))
let char tok = pred (fun t -> t = tok)
let separated sep p =
p <*> zeroOrMore (sep <*> p)
|> map (fun (a1, args) -> a1::( snd args))
let separatedThen sep p1 p2 =
p1 <*> zeroOrMore (sep <*> p2)
|> map (fun (a1, args) -> a1::( snd args))
let separatedOrEmpty sep p =
optional (separated sep p)
|> map (fun l -> defaultArg l [])
let number = pred (fun t -> t <= '9' && t >= '0')
let integer = oneOrMore number |> map (fun nums ->
nums |> List.fold (fun res n -> res * 10 + (int n - int '0')) 0)
let letter = pred (fun t ->
(t <= 'Z' && t >= 'A') || (t <= 'z' && t >= 'a'))
let run (Parser(f)) input =
match f (0, List.ofSeq input) with
| Some((i, _), res) when i = Seq.length input -> Some res
| _ -> None
module Evaluator =
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
type ColumnName = private { Col: char }
module ColumnName =
let ofChar c = { Col = System.Char.ToUpper c }
let pretty c = c.Col |> string
let tryPrev c =
if c.Col = 'A' then
(int c.Col) - 1 |> char |> ofChar |> Some
let tryNext c =
if c.Col = 'K' then
(int c.Col) + 1 |> char |> ofChar |> Some
open Parsec
type Position = ColumnName * int
type Expr =
| Reference of Position
| Number of int
| Binary of Expr * char * Expr
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Basics: operators (+, -, *, /), cell reference (e.g. A10), number (e.g. 123)
let operator = char '+' <|> char '-' <|> char '*' <|> char '/'
let reference = letter <*> integer |> map (fun (c,d) -> ((ColumnName.ofChar c), d) |> Reference )
let number = integer |> map Number
// Nested operator uses need to be parethesized, for example (1 + (3 * 4)).
// <expr> is a binary operator without parentheses, number, reference or
// nested brackets, while <term> is always bracketed or primitive. We need
// to use `expr` recursively, which is handled via mutable slots.
let exprSetter, expr = slot ()
let brack = char '(' <*>> anySpace <*>> expr <<*> anySpace <<*> char ')'
let term = number <|> reference <|> brack
let binary = term <<*> anySpace <*> operator <<*> anySpace <*> term |> map (fun ((l,op), r) -> Binary(l, op, r))
let exprAux = binary <|> term
exprSetter.Set exprAux
// Formula starts with `=` followed by expression
// Equation you can write in a cell is either number or a formula
let formula = char '=' <*>> anySpace <*>> expr
let equation = anySpace <*>> (formula <|> number) <<*> anySpace
// Run the parser on a given input
let parse input = run equation input
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
let rec evaluate visited (cells:Map<Position, string>) expr =
match expr with
| Number num ->
Some num
| Binary(l, op, r) ->
let ops = dict [ '+', (+); '-', (-); '*', (*); '/', (/) ]
evaluate visited cells l |> Option.bind (fun l ->
evaluate visited cells r |> (fun r ->
ops.[op] l r ))
| Reference pos when Set.contains pos visited ->
| Reference pos ->
cells.TryFind pos |> Option.bind (fun value ->
parse value |> Option.bind (fun parsed ->
evaluate (Set.add pos visited) cells parsed))
open Elmish
open Elmish.React
open Fable.React
open Fable.React.Props
open Fable.Core.JsInterop
open Evaluator
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
type Range = { TopLeft: Position; BottomRight: Position }
type Event =
| UpdateValue of Position * string
| StartEdit of Position
| CancelEdit
| Select of Range
type EditorState =
| Nothing
| Editor of Position
| Selection of Range
type SpreadsheetState =
{ Rows : int list
Active : Position option
Range: Range option
Cols : ColumnName list
Cells : Map<Position, string> }
type Movement =
| MoveTo of Position
| Invalid
type Direction = Up | Down | Left | Right
let keyMatch expected result (ke:Browser.Types.KeyboardEvent) =
if int ke.keyCode = expected then
Some result
let (|Escape|_|) = keyMatch 27 Escape
let (|Tab|_|) = keyMatch 9 Tab
let (|Enter|_|) = keyMatch 13 Enter
let (|Arrow|_|) (ke: Browser.Types.KeyboardEvent) =
if ke.ctrlKey || ke.shiftKey then
match int ke.keyCode with
| 37 -> Arrow Left |> Some
| 38 -> Arrow Up |> Some
| 39 -> Arrow Right |> Some
| 40 -> Arrow Down |> Some
| _ -> None
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
let update msg state =
match msg with
| StartEdit(pos) ->
{ state with Active = Some pos; Range = None }, Cmd.none
| CancelEdit ->
{ state with Active = None }, Cmd.none
| UpdateValue(pos, value) ->
let newCells =
if value = ""
then Map.remove pos state.Cells
else Map.add pos value state.Cells
{ state with Cells = newCells }, Cmd.none
| Select range ->
{ state with Range = Some range }, Cmd.ofMsg CancelEdit
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
let getPosition ((col, row): Position) (direction: Direction) =
match direction with
| Up -> Some (col, row - 1)
| Down -> Some (col, row + 1)
| Left ->
match ColumnName.tryPrev col with
| Some col1 -> Some (col1, row)
| None -> None
| Right ->
match ColumnName.tryNext col with
| Some col1 -> Some (col1, row)
| None -> None
let getMovement (state: SpreadsheetState) (direction: Direction) : Movement =
match state.Active with
| None -> Invalid
| Some position ->
match (getPosition position direction) with
| Some (col, row) when List.contains col state.Cols && List.contains row state.Rows ->
MoveTo (col, row)
| _ -> Invalid
let getKeyPressEvent (state: SpreadsheetState) trigger = fun ke ->
match ke with
| Enter ->
match getMovement state Direction.Down with
| Invalid -> trigger <| CancelEdit
| MoveTo pos -> trigger <| StartEdit pos
| Escape -> trigger <| CancelEdit
| Tab ->
match getMovement state Direction.Right with
| Invalid -> trigger <| CancelEdit
| MoveTo pos -> trigger <| StartEdit pos
| Arrow direction ->
match getMovement state direction with
| Invalid -> ()
| MoveTo position -> trigger(StartEdit(position))
| _ -> ()
let renderEditor (trigger:Event -> unit) pos state value =
td [ Class "selected"] [
input [
AutoFocus true
OnKeyDown (getKeyPressEvent state trigger)
OnInput (fun e -> trigger (UpdateValue (pos, ? value )))
Value value ]
let prettyPos pos = sprintf "%s%d" (pos |> fst |> ColumnName.pretty) (pos |> snd)
let pretty range =
sprintf "%s:%s" (range.TopLeft |> prettyPos) (range.BottomRight |> prettyPos)
let inRange range (x,y) =
let x1, y1 = range.TopLeft
let x2, y2 = range.BottomRight
x <=x2 && x >= x1 && y <= y2 && y >= y1
let mapPosToStyles rangeOpt pos (value: string option) =
let ActiveBorderColor = "#1a73e8"
let ActiveBackgroundColor = "rgba(23, 102, 202, 0.2)"
match rangeOpt with
| Some range when inRange range pos -> [
if value.IsSome then yield BackgroundColor ActiveBackgroundColor
if range.TopLeft |> fst = fst pos then yield BorderLeftColor ActiveBorderColor
if range.TopLeft |> snd = snd pos then yield BorderTopColor ActiveBorderColor
if range.BottomRight |> fst = fst pos then yield BorderRightColor ActiveBorderColor
if range.BottomRight |> snd = snd pos then yield BorderBottomColor ActiveBorderColor ]
| _ -> []
let onMouseMove trigger pos state (e: Browser.Types.MouseEvent) =
if e.buttons = 1.0 then
let start = match state.Range with None -> pos | Some range -> range.TopLeft
trigger (Select { TopLeft = start; BottomRight = pos })
let renderView trigger pos state (value:option<_>) =
[ Style [
if value.IsNone then yield Background "#ffb0b0"
yield! mapPosToStyles state.Range pos value ]
OnClick (fun _ -> trigger (Select {TopLeft = pos; BottomRight = pos}))
OnDoubleClick (fun _ -> trigger(StartEdit(pos)) )
OnMouseMove <| onMouseMove trigger pos state ]
[ str (Option.defaultValue "#ERR" value) ]
let renderCell trigger pos state =
let value = Map.tryFind pos state.Cells
if state.Active = Some pos then
renderEditor trigger pos state (Option.defaultValue "" value)
let value =
match value with
| Some value ->
parse value |> Option.bind (evaluate Set.empty state.Cells) |> string
| _ -> Some ""
renderView trigger pos state value
let view state trigger =
let empty = td [] []
let header h = th [] [str h]
let headers = state.Cols |> (fun h -> header (h |> ColumnName.pretty))
let headers = empty::headers
let row cells = tr [] cells
let cells n =
let cells = state.Cols |> (fun h -> renderCell trigger (h, n) state)
header (string n) :: cells
let rows = state.Rows |> (fun r -> tr [] (cells r))
table [] [
tr [] headers
tbody [] rows
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
let initial () =
{ Cols = ['A' .. 'K'] |> ColumnName.ofChar
Rows = [1 .. 15]
Active = None
Range = Some { TopLeft = (ColumnName.ofChar 'B', 2); BottomRight = (ColumnName.ofChar 'D', 5) }
Cells = Map.empty }, Cmd.none
Program.mkProgram initial update view
|> Program.withReact "main"
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body {
padding: 50px;
font-family: sans-serif;
table {
border-spacing: 0px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
border-right: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
th {
width: 50px;
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text-overflow: ellipsis;
td.selected {
padding: 0px;
td input {
width: calc(100% - 5px);
height: 22px;
margin: 0px;
<div id="main"></div>
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