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Last active May 21, 2021 11:30
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Save VitoVan/abeeb79da01298855692153f1830360e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
GUI automation in Common Lisp. Used to programmatically control the mouse & keyboard and take screenshot etc. (X11 only)
(ql:quickload '(clx zpng))
(defpackage #:cl-autogui
(:use #:common-lisp #:xlib)
(:export #:x-position
(in-package #:cl-autogui)
(defmacro with-default-display ((display &key (force nil)) &body body)
`(let ((,display (open-default-display)))
(when ,force
(display-force-output ,display)))
(close-display ,display))))
(defmacro with-default-display-force ((display) &body body)
`(with-default-display (,display :force t) ,@body))
(defmacro with-default-screen ((screen) &body body)
(let ((display (gensym)))
`(with-default-display (,display)
(let ((,screen (display-default-screen ,display)))
(defmacro with-default-window ((window) &body body)
(let ((screen (gensym)))
`(with-default-screen (,screen)
(let ((,window (screen-root ,screen)))
(defun x-position ()
(with-default-window (w)
(query-pointer w)))
(defun x-size ()
(with-default-screen (s)
(screen-width s)
(screen-height s))))
(defun x-move (x y)
(if (and (integerp x) (integerp y))
(with-default-display-force (d)
(xtest:fake-motion-event d x y))
(error "Integer only for position, (x: ~S, y: ~S)" x y)))
(defun mklist (obj)
(if (and
(listp obj)
(not (null obj)))
obj (list obj)))
(defmacro defun-with-actions (name params actions &body body)
"This macro defun a function which witch do mouse or keyboard actions,
body is called on each action."
`(defun ,name ,params
#'(lambda (action)
(mklist ,actions))))
(defun perform-mouse-action (press? button &key x y)
(and x y (x-move x y))
(with-default-display-force (d)
(xtest:fake-button-event d button press?)))
(macrolet ((def (name actions)
`(defun-with-actions ,name
(&key (button 1) x y)
(funcall #'perform-mouse-action
action button :x x :y y))))
(def x-mouse-down t)
(def x-mouse-up nil)
(def x-click '(t nil))
(def x-dbclick '(t nil t nil)))
(defmacro with-scroll (pos neg clicks x y)
`(let ((button (cond
((= 0 ,clicks) nil)
((> 0 ,clicks) ,pos) ; scroll up/right
((< 0 ,clicks) ,neg)))) ; scroll down/left
(dotimes (_ (abs ,clicks))
(x-click :button button :x ,x :y ,y))))
(defun x-vscroll (clicks &key x y)
(with-scroll 4 5 clicks x y))
(defun x-scroll (clicks &key x y)
(x-vscroll clicks :x x :y y))
(defun x-hscroll (clicks &key x y)
(with-scroll 7 6 clicks x y))
(defun perform-key-action (press? keycode) ; use xev to get keycode
(with-default-display-force (d)
(xtest:fake-key-event d keycode press?)))
(macrolet ((def (name actions)
`(defun-with-actions ,name (keycode)
(funcall #'perform-key-action
action keycode))))
(def x-key-down t)
(def x-key-up nil)
(def x-press '(t nil)))
(defun raw-image->png (data width height)
(let* ((png (make-instance 'zpng:png :width width :height height
:color-type :truecolor-alpha
:image-data data))
(data (zpng:data-array png)))
(dotimes (y height)
(dotimes (x width)
;; BGR -> RGB, ref code:
;; diffs between RGB and BGR:
(rotatef (aref data y x 0) (aref data y x 2))
(setf (aref data y x 3) 255)))
(multiple-value-bind (default-width default-height) (x-size)
(defun x-snapshot (&key (x 0) (y 0)
(width default-width) (height default-height)
(delay 0)
"Return RGB data array (The dimensions correspond to the height, width,
and pixel components, see comments in x-snapsearch for more details),
or write to file (PNG only), depend on if you provide the path keyword"
(sleep delay)
(with-default-window (w)
(let ((image
(get-raw-image w :x x :y y
:width width :height height
:format :z-pixmap)
width height)))
(if path
(let* ((ext (pathname-type path))
(path (if ext path (concatenate 'string path ".png")))
(png? (or (null ext) (equal ext "png"))))
(png? (zpng:write-png image path))
(t (error "Only PNG file is supported"))))
(zpng:data-array image)))))
(defun x-snapsearch (rgba &key (x 0) (y 0)
(width default-width) (height default-height)
(test #'equal)
"Search screen for specific Color (PNG's RGBA mode, where 'A' should be 0~255)"
(let ((data (or snap-data (x-snapshot :x x :y y :width width :height height))))
(dotimes (s-x width)
(dotimes (s-y height)
(labels ((get-rgba (data x y)
#'(lambda (i) (aref data y x i))
;; why reversed order?
;; what is row-major?
'(0 1 2 3))))
(when (funcall test rgba (get-rgba data s-x s-y))
(return-from x-snapsearch (list (+ x s-x) (+ y s-y))))))))))
(defun pixel->color (image-data x y)
#'(lambda (data) (mapcar
#'(lambda (i) (aref data y x i))
'(0 1 2 3)))
(defun x-getcolor (&rest coordinates)
"Get colors by coordinates"
(with-default-window (w)
(let* ((x-list (mapcar #'(lambda (c) (car c)) coordinates))
(y-list (mapcar #'(lambda (c) (cadr c)) coordinates))
(min-x (apply #'min x-list))
(max-x (apply #'max x-list))
(min-y (apply #'min y-list))
(max-y (apply #'max y-list))
(width (1+ (- max-x min-x)))
(height (1+ (- max-y min-y)))
(x min-x)
(y min-y)
(get-raw-image w :x x :y y
:width width :height height
:format :z-pixmap)
width height))))
(mapcar #'(lambda (cod)
(pixel->color image-data (- (car cod) x) (- (cadr cod) y)))
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