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english isn't my native language
so I had to find a way to control ender dragon and every time it was flying away very fast but I found that with minecart it doesn't move but minecart cannot be invisible in any way so there is two command how to imitate minecart with ender dragon passanger
1. pick any two tags (ex. dragon, stand)
2. both have to be in cycled repetiteve command blocks
in this first command stand moving away to 0.001 block every tick
execute at @e[tag=stand] run tp @e[tag=stand] ~ ~ ~0.001 0 0
in second it teleports dragon to it every tick
execute at @e[tag=dragon] run tp @e[tag=dragon] @e[tag=stand,limit=1]
3. spawn armor stand with no gravity and if you want to, invisibility with tag
/summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {NoGravity:1,Tags:["stand"],Invisible:1}
4. spawn ender dragon with tag and if you want to, silent
/summon minecraft:ender_dragon ~ ~ ~ {Tags:["dragon"],Silent:1}
5. If something went wrong, kill them
/kill @e[type=minecraft:ender_dragon,tag=dragon]
/kill @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=stand]
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