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Last active August 29, 2019 11:57
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Dating App - Firebase Realtime Database Schema - Messages
"messages": {
"$chat_id": {
// Only users who are on this chat can read/write
".read": "root.child('chats/' + $chat_id + '/members/' + auth.uid).exists()",
".write": "root.child('chats/' + $chat_id + '/members/' + auth.uid).exists()",
"$message_id": {
// the object to write must have required nodes, and also an existing msg can't be rewritten
".validate": "!data.exists() && newData.hasChildren(['message', 'author', 'timestamp'])",
// the message must be longer than 0 chars and less than 50
"message": { ".validate": "newData.isString() && newData.val().length > 0 && newData.val().length < 50" },
"author": { ".validate": "newData.val() === auth.uid" },
"timestamp": { ".validate": "newData.val() <= now" },
// no other fields can be included in a message
"$other": { ".validate": false }
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