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Created September 14, 2016 04:43
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Angular Promises Unit test
.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, searchService) {$scope.query)
.then(function(data) {
// This is set when the promise is resolved.
$scope.results = data;
.catch(function() {
// This is set in the event of an error.
$scope.error = 'There has been an error!';
.factory('searchService', function ($q, $http) {
var service = {}; = function search (query) {
// We make use of Angular's $q library to create the deferred instance
var deferred = $q.defer();
$http.get('http://localhost/v1?=q' + query)
.success(function(data) {
// The promise is resolved once the HTTP call is successful.
.error(function() {
// The promise is rejected if there is an error with the HTTP call.
// The promise is returned to the caller
return deferred.promise;
return service;
describe('Testing a Controller that uses a Promise', function() {
var $rootScope;
var $scope;
var $q;
var deferred;
var mockSearchService;
var mockResponse = 123;
beforeEach(inject(function(_$q_, _$rootScope_) {
$q = _$q_;
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
deferred = _$q_.defer();
beforeEach(inject(function($controller, searchService) {
$scope = $rootScope.$new();
// Use a Jasmine Spy to return the deferred promise by mocking the service
spyOn(searchService, 'search').and.returnValue(deferred.promise);
// Init the controller, passing our spy service instance
$controller('MainCtrl', {
$scope: $scope,
searchService: searchService
it('should resolve promise', function() {
// Setup the data we wish to return for the .then function in the controller
// We have to call apply for this to work
// Since we called apply, not we can perform our assertions
it('should reject promise', function() {
// This will call the .catch function in the controller
// We have to call apply for this to work
// Since we called apply, not we can perform our assertions
expect($scope.error).toBe('There has been an error!');
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