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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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  • Save VladimirAlexiev/2510e8ea78aecda94dd6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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1234 rc:Action
11621 rc:Actor
452 rc:Actor_Voice
4647 rc:AilmentCondition
2457 rc:AirlineCompany
9520 rc:Airport_Physical
10000 rc:Album_IBO
341 rc:Algae
254 rc:Ambassador
6841 rc:Amphibian
10000 rc:Animal
3851 rc:AnimalBodyPart
1846 rc:Arachnid
652 rc:Architect
364 rc:Artery
11895 rc:Artist
420 rc:Association
602 rc:Astronaut
31031 rc:Athlete
10000 rc:AutoEngine
6517 rc:Automobile
561 rc:AwardPractice
163 rc:Bacterium
10000 rc:Band_MusicGroup
10000 rc:BaseballPlayer
1352 rc:BasketballPlayer
10164 rc:BiologicalLivingObject
10000 rc:Bird
2207 rc:Bishop_Clerical
10000 rc:BodyOfWater
414 rc:Bone_BodyPart
10000 rc:Book_CW
1181 rc:Boxer
513 rc:Brain
2175 rc:Bridge
17128 rc:Building
16775 rc:Business
96 rc:Canal
609 rc:Cardinal_CatholicBishop
5161 rc:CartoonCharacter
144 rc:Cave
85 rc:Chancellor_HeadOfGovernment
6273 rc:ChemicalSubstanceType
10000 rc:City
5423 rc:Cleric
20000 rc:Club_Organization
78 rc:College
657 rc:Color
622 rc:Comedian
2534 rc:CommunityOrganization
10000 rc:ComputerGameProgram
8053 rc:ConflictEvent
702 rc:Conifer
8 rc:Continent
2505 rc:Country
1449 rc:Crater
997 rc:Criminal
1506 rc:Crustacean
313 rc:Currency
165 rc:Cycad
2648 rc:Cyclist
488 rc:Drink
4348 rc:DrugProduct
10000 rc:EducationalOrganization
160 rc:Embryology
10000 rc:EukaryoticCell
11779 rc:Event
8914 rc:Facility_Construct
836 rc:FashionModel
570 rc:Fern
769 rc:Festival
8635 rc:FictionalCharacter
1662 rc:FigureSkater
10000 rc:Fish
9775 rc:FloweringPlant
8963 rc:FootballPlayer_American
1010 rc:FormalProductType
6960 rc:Fungus
1136 rc:Game
4806 rc:GeographicalRegion
4 rc:Ginkgo
380 rc:GovernmentalOrganization
241 rc:Grape
60 rc:HockeyTeam
1327 rc:HospitalBuilding
6304 rc:IceHockeyPlayer
10000 rc:Insect
1822 rc:Island
1352 rc:Journalist
911 rc:Judge
8174 rc:Lake
3059 rc:Language
991 rc:Lighhouse
10000 rc:Location_Underspecified
81 rc:Lymph
2182 rc:Magazine
8274 rc:Mammal
3520 rc:Manager
799 rc:Mayor
335 rc:Meeting_SocialGathering
10000 rc:MilitaryPerson
6187 rc:Model_airplane
8677 rc:Mollusk
1517 rc:Monarch_HeadOfState
3 rc:Monument
395 rc:Moss
8479 rc:Mountain
1473 rc:MountainRange
10000 rc:Movie_CW
276 rc:Muscle
10000 rc:MusicSingle
10586 rc:MusicalComposition
5143 rc:MusicalComposition_Song
10000 rc:MusicalPerformer
335 rc:Nerve
3337 rc:NewspaperSeries
1443 rc:NonProfitOrganization
52 rc:OlympicGames
10000 rc:Organization
1959 rc:OrganizationOfOrganizations
847 rc:Park
3951 rc:ParliamentMember
10541 rc:PersonWithOccupation
946 rc:Philosopher
10000 rc:PhysicalDevice
11513 rc:Place
10000 rc:Planet
10000 rc:Plant
652 rc:PlayboyModel
10901 rc:Politician
263 rc:Pope
20000 rc:PopulatedPlace
2105 rc:PresidentOfOrganization
1581 rc:PrimeMinister_HeadOfGovernment
1689 rc:ProteinMolecule
1262 rc:RaceCarDriver
10000 rc:RadioStation_Organization
1703 rc:RecordCompany
5737 rc:Reptile
10000 rc:River
206 rc:RocketEngine
4094 rc:RoyalFamily
2344 rc:Saint
3472 rc:SalesContract
10000 rc:School_AcademicOrganization
8475 rc:Scientist
10000 rc:Ship
1730 rc:ShoppingMallBuilding
711 rc:Situation
432 rc:SkiArea
2707 rc:Skyscraper
8490 rc:SoccerCoach
10000 rc:SoccerPlayer
10000 rc:SoftwareObject
377 rc:SpaceMission
20 rc:SpaceShuttle
22 rc:SpaceStation
62 rc:Spacecraft
98 rc:Sport
3375 rc:SportsEvent
4809 rc:Stadium
2145 rc:StateGovernor
10000 rc:Stream
8914 rc:Street_Generic
10000 rc:TVShow_IBT
10000 rc:TVShow_SingleCW
20 rc:Team
1347 rc:TennisPlayer
1093 rc:Tournament
10000 rc:Town
1209 rc:TradeUnion
63 rc:TransportFacility
10000 rc:TransportationDevice_Vehicle
9393 rc:Troop_MilitaryUnit
1922 rc:USRepresentative
10000 rc:University
38 rc:Valley
230 rc:Vein
20000 rc:Village
3669 rc:Weapon
1852 rc:WorldWideWebPage_PCW
2175 rc:Wrestler
792 rc:WrestlingSportsEvent
8751 rc:Writer
52 rc:Abbey
423 rc:Abolitionist
6 rc:AbominableSnowman
62 rc:Abortion_Intentional
20 rc:Abstinence
14 rc:AcademicDepartment
53121 rc:AcademicProfessional
591 rc:Accident
281 rc:Accountant
119 rc:AccountingUse
3 rc:Accreditation
24 rc:AceticAnhydride
922 rc:AcidType
103 rc:Acronym
101 rc:Acting
132 rc:Action
429 rc:Activism
94804 rc:Actor
31 rc:Acupuncture
67 rc:Addiction
740 rc:Administrator
2618 rc:Admiral_Rank
202 rc:Advertisement_Commercial_IBT
588 rc:Advertising
246 rc:Advisor
284 rc:AfricanStudies
60 rc:AgriculturalEconomics
1998 rc:Agriculture
212 rc:Agronomist
85 rc:Agronomy
206 rc:AilmentConditionTypeBySyndrome
13467 rc:AirTransportationDevice
402 rc:Airfield
8 rc:AirlineCompany
53 rc:Airliner
47 rc:Airplane
207839 rc:Album_CW
28 rc:Alcohol_Compound
25 rc:AleBeer
164 rc:Algae
2294 rc:Algebra
1396 rc:Algorithm
66 rc:Alkaloid
160 rc:Alliance_Organization
24 rc:Alligator
239 rc:AlternativeMedicine
248 rc:Ambassador
14 rc:Ambulance
17 rc:Amendment_PCW
11 rc:AmericanBison
1334 rc:AmericanHistory
129 rc:AmericanStudies
525 rc:Amphibian
215 rc:Amplifier
111 rc:AnalysisDiagram_CW
640 rc:Analyst
167 rc:AnalyticalChemistry
624 rc:Anarchism
1062 rc:Anarchist
3177 rc:Anatomy_FieldOfStudy
9 rc:Anesthesia
89 rc:Anesthetic
497 rc:Animal
47 rc:AnimalBreeding
122 rc:Anime
24 rc:Anion
32 rc:Announcement
3639 rc:Announcer
22 rc:Ant
56 rc:Antelope
388 rc:Anthem
1525 rc:Anthropologist
921 rc:Anthropology
43 rc:AntiPsychotic
142 rc:AntiSemitism
335 rc:Antibiotic
721 rc:Anticommunist
43 rc:Antidepressant
56 rc:Antioxidant
95 rc:Ape
80 rc:Aquaculture
8 rc:Aquarium
16 rc:Aqueduct
12 rc:Arachnid
28 rc:Arcade
1584 rc:Archaeologist
2028 rc:Archaeology
6820 rc:Architect
65298 rc:Architecture
153 rc:Archivist
32 rc:Archpriest
38 rc:AreaStudies
237 rc:Arithmetic
5 rc:Armadillo
191 rc:Army_MilitaryEchelon
28 rc:Arsenal
89 rc:ArtHistory
59 rc:Arthropod
71 rc:Artifact
389 rc:ArtificialIntelligence
34023 rc:Artist
2532 rc:Artist_Performer
2622 rc:Arts
129 rc:AsianStudies
177 rc:AspatialInformationStore
600 rc:Assassin
378 rc:Associate
2067 rc:Association
11402 rc:Asteroid
433 rc:Astrologer
399 rc:Astrology
805 rc:Astronaut
3374 rc:Astronomer
1660 rc:Astronomy
158 rc:Astrophysics
1514 rc:Atheist
5904 rc:Athlete
1960 rc:AthleticActivity
26 rc:Atlas
736 rc:AttackOnObject
7 rc:AudioBook_CW
422 rc:AudioConceptualWork
698 rc:AudioRecordedObject
708 rc:Author
466 rc:Autobiography
8419 rc:Automobile
48 rc:Avatar_ComputerImage
818 rc:Aviation
4028 rc:Aviator
141 rc:Bacterium
5 rc:Baker
46 rc:BakingDish
1858 rc:Ballad_CW
76 rc:Ballerina
1623 rc:Band_MusicGroup
3 rc:Bandit
436 rc:BankRobber
1343 rc:Banker
163 rc:Bankruptcy
24 rc:Barge
489 rc:Baritone_Singer
22 rc:Barn
174 rc:Bartender
40 rc:Basalt
1374 rc:BaseballCatcher
529 rc:BaseballInfielder
1792 rc:BaseballOutfielder
6151 rc:BaseballPitcher
792 rc:BaseballShortstop
2860 rc:Basketball_TheGame
3 rc:Bass_guitarist
334 rc:Bat_Mammal
2 rc:Bathhouse_Facility
117 rc:Battalion_MilitaryEchelon
830 rc:Battle
58 rc:BattleCruiser
469 rc:Battleship
31 rc:Beaver
127 rc:Beer
38 rc:Beetle
8 rc:Bibliography
46 rc:Bicycle
980 rc:Billionaire
430 rc:Biochemist
102 rc:Biochemistry
104 rc:Bioethics
88 rc:Biogeography
1307 rc:Biographer
323 rc:Biography
6551 rc:BiologicalGenus
355 rc:BiologicalMetabolismEvent
5 rc:BiologicalPhylum
1901 rc:Biologist
4941 rc:Biology
17 rc:BiomeType
46 rc:BiomedicalEngineering
69 rc:Biophysics
3201 rc:Bird
49 rc:BirthControlEvent
649136 rc:BirthEvent
113 rc:BisexualHuman
19934 rc:Bishop_Clerical
102 rc:BlackHole
21 rc:BloodDialysis
1 rc:BluegrassMusic
244 rc:BluesMusic
1021 rc:Boat
638 rc:Bodybuilder
60 rc:Bodyguard_Occupation
48 rc:Boiler_Device
26909 rc:Book_CW
117 rc:Book_seller
53 rc:Bookstore
9 rc:Boot_Footwear
850 rc:Borough
1986 rc:Botanist
124 rc:Botany
774 rc:Botswana
8 rc:Bottle
5502 rc:Boxer
8 rc:Boycott_Economic
447 rc:Bread
652 rc:Breeder
2197 rc:Bridge
75 rc:Brig
75 rc:Broker
31 rc:BrokerageFirm
549 rc:Buddhism
177 rc:Budget
6 rc:Buffalo
26082 rc:Building
1 rc:Bulldozer
18 rc:Bunker
8 rc:BusDriver
1716 rc:Business
33 rc:BusinessAdministration
14216 rc:BusinessPerson
12 rc:Butcher
21 rc:Butler
33 rc:Butter
70 rc:Butterfly
142 rc:CabinetLevelDepartment
250 rc:Calculator
664 rc:Calculus
76 rc:CalendarCentury
30 rc:CalendarWeek
62 rc:CalendarYear
112 rc:CalligraphyWriting
80 rc:Calligraphy_ArtObject
6 rc:Camel
978 rc:Camera
861 rc:CameraOperator
227 rc:Campaign
928 rc:Campsite
32 rc:Campus
80 rc:Canal
5 rc:Canary
4255 rc:Cancer
9 rc:Candle
24 rc:CanineAnimal
88 rc:Cannibal
156 rc:Cannon
313 rc:Canton_Swiss
81 rc:Capitalist
1562 rc:Captain_Rank
527 rc:CarRacingFacility
21 rc:CarbonDisulfide
268 rc:CarcinogenType
3 rc:CardiacElectroPhysiologist
11 rc:CardinalDeacon
1732 rc:CardinalPriest
352 rc:Cardiology
62 rc:CargoShip
11 rc:Carnival
58 rc:Carnivore
13 rc:Carousel
54 rc:Carpet
233 rc:Cartography
495 rc:Cartoon
1916 rc:Cartoonist
505 rc:Cartridge
121 rc:Casino_Object
194 rc:Castle
12 rc:Castration
392 rc:Cat
74 rc:Catalog_CW
129 rc:CategoryTheory
146 rc:Cathedral
46 rc:Cattle
13 rc:CattleRanch
103 rc:Celebration
45 rc:Celebrity
301 rc:CellBiology
498 rc:Cellist
35 rc:Cello
53 rc:Census
43 rc:Cephalopod
25 rc:Ceramic
400 rc:Ceremony
258 rc:Certification
52 rc:Cetacean
296 rc:Chairman
37 rc:ChaosTheory
35 rc:Chapel
363 rc:Chaplain
7 rc:Chauffeur
111 rc:Cheerleader
920 rc:Cheese
1180 rc:Chef
141 rc:ChemicalBonding
344 rc:ChemicalEngineering
66 rc:ChemicalSpillSituation
436 rc:ChemicalSubstanceType
2392 rc:Chemist
4 rc:Chemistry_Topic
604 rc:Chess
31 rc:Chicken
5 rc:Chicken_Meat
47 rc:ChildMolester
27 rc:Chimpanzee
27 rc:Chipmunk
17 rc:ChlorideIon
28 rc:Chocolate
717 rc:Choir
1009 rc:Choreographer
6 rc:Choreography
28 rc:Chorus
1463 rc:Christianity
5 rc:Chronology
2196 rc:Church_LocalCongregation
48 rc:Circus
2444 rc:City
142 rc:CityState
75 rc:CivilEngineering
95 rc:CivilLaw
1364 rc:CivilServant
18 rc:Clamp_Tool
32 rc:Classic
441 rc:ClassificationSystem
32 rc:CleaningSubstance
3704 rc:Cleric
412 rc:ClimateConcept
29 rc:Climbing_Recreational
90 rc:ClinicalPharmacologist
20 rc:Clock
240 rc:Cloth
1014 rc:Clothing_Generic
156 rc:Clown
18242 rc:Club_Organization
20 rc:CocktailDrink
15 rc:Cocoa_ThePowder
13 rc:Coffee_Beverage
4 rc:Cogeneration
12 rc:Cognition
28 rc:CognitivePsychology
184 rc:CognitiveScience
304 rc:Coin_Currency
3 rc:ColaSoftDrink
433 rc:Collaborator
91 rc:Collecting_Hobby
2408 rc:Collection
6016 rc:College
254 rc:CollegeFraternalGreekOrganization
107 rc:Colonel_Rank
2297 rc:Colony_GeopoliticalEntity
67 rc:Color
318 rc:Combinatorics
192 rc:CombustibleFuelSubstance
522 rc:CombustionProcess
5130 rc:Comedian
1047 rc:Commentator
164 rc:CommercialActivity
16316 rc:CommercialOrganization
128 rc:Commercial_CW
128 rc:Commercial_farm
207 rc:Commission_Organization
254 rc:Committee_Organization
32 rc:CommodityProduct
954 rc:Communication_Topic
121 rc:Communism
2296 rc:Communist
113 rc:Compensation
5028 rc:Competition
455 rc:Compiler
1315 rc:ComplexNumber
12 rc:CompostingProcess
72 rc:Comptroller
98 rc:ComputationalChemistry
51 rc:ComputationalFluidDynamics
1403 rc:Computer
99 rc:ComputerDataStructure
668 rc:ComputerDatabase_CW
310 rc:ComputerInterfaceConvention
225 rc:ComputerPeripheralDevice
14687 rc:ComputerProgram_CW
1560 rc:ComputerProgrammer
98 rc:ComputerSimulation
954 rc:Computer_hardware
649 rc:ConceptualWork_AnimationGenre
239 rc:Concerto
288 rc:CondensedMatterPhysics
146 rc:Condiment
254 rc:Confectionery
3366 rc:ConflictEvent
96 rc:Confucianism
29 rc:ConsciousActivity
126 rc:Consonant
4491 rc:Constellation
724 rc:Consul
4 rc:Contortionist
2 rc:Contract
70 rc:Contributor
18 rc:Convent_Residence
997 rc:Convention_Meeting
11 rc:ConvertibleCar
1722 rc:Conveyance
8 rc:CookBook
1087 rc:CooperativeOrganization
2 rc:Copyist
9 rc:Corporal_Rank
1754 rc:Correspondent
121 rc:Corvette_Ship
326 rc:Cosmology
6727 rc:Council_Organization
331 rc:Countess
79 rc:CountrySedanCar
90991 rc:CountrySubsidiary
159622 rc:County
74 rc:Coup
13 rc:Cow
140 rc:Cowboy
67 rc:Crab
22 rc:Cracker_FoodItem
20 rc:CraftWorker
18 rc:Crayfish
63 rc:Cream_Dairy
48 rc:Creationism
1498 rc:CrewMemberOnShip
229 rc:CrewTeam
1488 rc:Criminal
541 rc:CriminalLaw
87 rc:Crisis
3224 rc:Critic
105 rc:Crocodile
172 rc:Crop
13 rc:Crude_petroleum_product
788 rc:Cruiser
413 rc:Crustacean
32 rc:Cryobiology
375 rc:Cryptographer
735 rc:Cryptography
26 rc:Cryptozoology
8035 rc:Cuisine
114 rc:Cult
553 rc:Cultivar
273 rc:Culture_Civilization
232 rc:Curling_SportsEvent
723 rc:Currency
13 rc:Curriculum
229 rc:CycloneAsObject
278 rc:Cyst
128 rc:DVD_Disk
180 rc:Dam
695 rc:DanceBandLeader
2323 rc:DancePerformance
3781 rc:Dancer_Performer
21 rc:Dancing_Human
79 rc:DataMining
524 rc:Dean
7 rc:Decongestant
6 rc:Decoration
37 rc:Deer
273 rc:Defector
18 rc:Delicatessen
16 rc:DemographicInformation
305 rc:Demography
256 rc:Dentist
34 rc:Dentistry
123 rc:Dermatologist
17 rc:Description_PCW
2185 rc:Design
12221 rc:Designer
620 rc:DessertFood
1537 rc:Destroyer
615 rc:Detective
312 rc:Diarist
176 rc:Dictator_HeadOfGovernment
427 rc:Dictionary
35 rc:DietProgram
2 rc:Diner
1060 rc:Dinosaur
179 rc:Diocese_Catholic
33 rc:Diode
9372 rc:Diplomat
17708 rc:Director_Movie
33 rc:Directory_ReferenceWork
382 rc:Disability
1086 rc:DisasterEvent
436 rc:Discoverer
1 rc:DisinfectantSubstance
227 rc:DisputeEvent
344 rc:Dissident
14 rc:Diuretic
105 rc:Dock
1604 rc:Doctor_MD
9088 rc:Doctor_Medical
829 rc:Document_CW
1279 rc:Documentary_Genre
1127 rc:Dog
382 rc:Dominica
2073 rc:DominicanRepublic
13 rc:Donkey
16 rc:Dormitory
2 rc:Draftsman_Artist
128 rc:Drawing_Depiction
1451 rc:Drink
3515 rc:DrugProduct
19 rc:DrugTherapy
2974 rc:Drummer
188 rc:Duchess
40 rc:Duchy
276 rc:Duke
97 rc:Dwarf_Mythical
401 rc:Dye
3715 rc:DynasticFamily
7 rc:EMailClientProgram
565 rc:Earl
144 rc:Earldom
90 rc:EarthScience
632 rc:Earthquake
1141 rc:EatingVessel
3 rc:Echinodermata
1025 rc:Eclipse_CelestialEvent
205 rc:Ecologist
1619 rc:Ecology
10 rc:Econometrician
113 rc:Econometrics
4302 rc:EconomicSystem
3880 rc:Economist
4728 rc:Editor
6865 rc:Education
58 rc:Egg_Foodstuff
76 rc:Egyptology
3720 rc:Election
782 rc:ElectoralCandidate
172 rc:ElectricalGenerator
53 rc:Electricity
103 rc:ElectromagneticRadiation
302 rc:ElectronicSynthesizer
115 rc:Elephant
21 rc:Elevator
41 rc:EmbassyBuilding
8 rc:Emblem
192 rc:Embryology
3 rc:Emerald_Gem
68 rc:Emotion_Topic
1069 rc:Emperor_HeadOfState
184 rc:Empire
7041 rc:Employee
508 rc:Encyclopedia
192 rc:Endocrinology
3452 rc:Engine
14825 rc:Engineer
3984 rc:EngineeringField
768 rc:Ensemble
536 rc:Entertainer
1170 rc:Entomologist
809 rc:Entomology
63 rc:EnvironmentalChemistry
151 rc:EnvironmentalEconomics
46 rc:Environmentalism
833 rc:Environmentalist
1317 rc:Enzyme
7 rc:Epidemiologist
234 rc:Epidemiology
201 rc:Epistemology
535 rc:Equation_MathematicalStatement
1760 rc:Era
54 rc:Ergonomics
17 rc:Erotica
6 rc:EscherichiaColi
133 rc:Espionage
247 rc:Ester
8 rc:Estrogen
468 rc:Ether
1587 rc:EthicsCodeOfConduct
9 rc:EthnicGroupOfAlbanians
2 rc:EthnicGroupOfArmenians
396 rc:EthnicGroupOfChinese
5 rc:EthnicGroupOfCzechs
5 rc:EthnicGroupOfGeorgiansOfEurasia
131 rc:EthnicGroupOfGermans
141 rc:EthnicGroupOfGreeks
3 rc:EthnicGroupOfIndia
10 rc:EthnicGroupOfIrish
7 rc:EthnicGroupOfIsraeliJews
29 rc:EthnicGroupOfItalians
51 rc:EthnicGroupOfJapanese
5 rc:EthnicGroupOfLatvians
10 rc:EthnicGroupOfLithuanians
2 rc:EthnicGroupOfMaltese
6 rc:EthnicGroupOfPortuguese
2 rc:EthnicGroupOfRomanians
18 rc:EthnicGroupOfThais
5 rc:EthnicGroupOfTurks
6 rc:EthnicGroupOfVietnamese
24 rc:EthnicGroupOfWelsh
36 rc:Ethnology
144 rc:Ethology
6 rc:EthylAlcohol
308 rc:Etymology
27 rc:Eugenics
45 rc:Eunuch
25 rc:EuropeanStudies
505 rc:Evaluating
339 rc:EvangelicalChristianity
275 rc:Evangelist
6909 rc:Event
358 rc:Evolution
306 rc:EvolutionaryBiology
40 rc:EvolutionaryPsychology
516 rc:Execution_Judicial
54 rc:Executioner
6238 rc:Executive
515 rc:Expatriate
324 rc:Expedition
145 rc:Expert
29 rc:ExpertSystem
981 rc:Exploration
2337 rc:Explorer
231 rc:Explosion
29 rc:ExplosiveDevice
1278 rc:Extinction
936 rc:Facility_Construct
149 rc:Faction
258 rc:FactoryBuildingComplex
8 rc:Fairy
14986 rc:Family_Human
1011 rc:Farmer
361 rc:Fascist
1028 rc:FashionDesigner
5881 rc:FashionModel
10 rc:Feast
44 rc:FelidaeFamily
149 rc:Feminism
1078 rc:Feminist
68 rc:FencingSportsEvent
61 rc:Ferry
6 rc:Fertilizer
3052 rc:Festival
22 rc:Fever
90 rc:Fiber
6932 rc:FictionalPCW
1607 rc:FieldArtillery
3651 rc:FigureSkater
53 rc:Finalist
9 rc:FinancialAsset
33 rc:FinancialAssetHoldings
106 rc:FinancialEconomics
108 rc:Financier
129 rc:Firefighter
37 rc:Firefighting
25 rc:Firework_PyrotechnicDevice
2697 rc:Fish
154 rc:Fishing
2 rc:FishingLure
20 rc:Fixture
653 rc:Flag
51 rc:FlightAttendant
121 rc:Flooding
5 rc:FluorideIon
70 rc:Flute
18 rc:Flycatcher
44 rc:Fog
1869 rc:Food
114 rc:FoodScience
125 rc:FoodUtensil
2 rc:Foot_AnimalBodyPart
1366 rc:FootballFullback
1664 rc:FootballQuarterback
58 rc:Forecaster
47 rc:ForensicPsychology
52 rc:ForensicScience
38 rc:ForestManagement
177 rc:Forgery
11 rc:FormalGrammar_CW
71 rc:FortTheShelterRegion
19 rc:Fortification
422 rc:Fossil
986 rc:Founder
79 rc:Foundry_Building
64 rc:Fox
802 rc:Franchise
126 rc:Fraud
153 rc:Freeware
244 rc:Freeway
112 rc:Frog
143 rc:Fruit
1177 rc:Fundamental_Topic
31 rc:Fundamentalist
136 rc:Fundraiser
12 rc:Funeral
618 rc:Fungus
21 rc:Furnace
121 rc:FurniturePiece
38 rc:FuzzyLogic
9 rc:Gala
931 rc:Galaxy
13 rc:Galleon
409 rc:Gallery_ArtDisplayStructure
9 rc:Galley
144 rc:Gambler
102848 rc:Game
305 rc:GameTheory
272 rc:Gang
1897 rc:Gangster
72 rc:Gaseous_StateOfMatter
21 rc:Gastroenterology
284 rc:Gastropod
11 rc:Gecko
61 rc:GemStone
25 rc:Gene_GenInfo
189 rc:Genealogy
10409 rc:GeneralRelativity
403 rc:Geneticist
128 rc:Geodesy
3812 rc:GeographicalPlace
15337 rc:GeographicalRegion
1724 rc:Geography
2 rc:GeologicalEpoch
1089 rc:Geologist
1329 rc:Geology
3644 rc:Geometry
168 rc:Geomorphology
127 rc:Geophysics
60 rc:Geriatric_medicine
127 rc:Ghost
16 rc:Gift
25 rc:Giraffe
171 rc:Glaciology
16 rc:Gladiator
124 rc:Glider
6 rc:Glossary
4 rc:Glue
3 rc:Glyph
20 rc:Goat
4413 rc:God
2 rc:Goldfish
687 rc:Golf
5165 rc:Golfer
17 rc:Gopher_Rodent
20 rc:Gorilla
2579 rc:GovernmentalOrganization
129752 rc:Graduate
242 rc:GraphTheory
297 rc:Graph_CW
162 rc:GraphicDesign
1009 rc:Graphic_VisualIBT
1041 rc:Graveyard
24 rc:Grenade
32 rc:GroceryStore
99 rc:Ground
417 rc:GroupTheory
41 rc:Groupware
4 rc:Guideline
108 rc:Guitar
10901 rc:Guitarist
921 rc:Gun_Portable
239 rc:Guru
1693 rc:Gymnast
20 rc:GymnasticsApparatus
234 rc:GymnasticsSportsEvent
104 rc:Gynecologist
89 rc:Hacker
13 rc:Hacking
29 rc:HairStylist
40 rc:Hallucinogen
20 rc:Hamster
21 rc:Hang_gliding
4 rc:Harp_TheStringInstrument
48 rc:Headmaster
162 rc:Height
14 rc:HeirApparent
243 rc:Helicopter
83 rc:Helmet
276 rc:Hematology
98 rc:Heraldry
1 rc:Herring
2288 rc:Highway
45 rc:Hijacking
376 rc:Hinduism
25 rc:Hippopotamus
91 rc:Histology
22471 rc:Historian
404 rc:HistoricalNarrative
19437 rc:History_FieldOfStudy
283 rc:Hoax
51 rc:HobbyActivity
70 rc:Hockey
454 rc:Holiday
4 rc:HomoSapiens
85 rc:HomosexualFemaleHuman
319 rc:HonorarySociety
12 rc:Hoof
206 rc:Hormone
40 rc:Horn_AnimalBodyPart
599 rc:Horse
585 rc:Hospital
272 rc:HotelBuilding
75 rc:Hound
1537 rc:House_Modern
234 rc:HouseholdAppliance
91 rc:HousingIndustry
52 rc:Howitzer
2 rc:HumanConsumer
577 rc:HumanCulture
218 rc:HumanResidence
340 rc:Hunter
1276 rc:HurricaneAsEvent
29 rc:HurricaneAsObject
22 rc:HusbandryOfPlant
71 rc:Hydrocarbon
11 rc:Hyena
1 rc:Illustration
2311 rc:Illustrator
323 rc:Imam
20 rc:Immigration
420 rc:Immortal
36 rc:Implement
50 rc:ImportExportEvent
68 rc:Inauguration
29 rc:Incubator_Organization
56 rc:Infection
96 rc:Influenza
83 rc:Infographic
10 rc:Informant
362 rc:InformationScience
300 rc:InformationSystem
180 rc:InformationTheory
79 rc:InjuryCondition
346 rc:Inscription
460 rc:Insect
5 rc:InsectEater
86 rc:Insecticide
188 rc:Insignia
1001 rc:Institution
286 rc:InstructionalWork
150 rc:InsurancePlan
158 rc:Insurgency
100 rc:Insurgent
13 rc:Integer
23 rc:InternationalAffairs
246 rc:InternationalOrganization
3477 rc:Inventor
122 rc:Invertebrate
717 rc:Investor
1 rc:IodideIon
163 rc:IslamicFundamentalism
110 rc:Isotope
4 rc:Jackal
24 rc:Janitor
5 rc:Jar
6530 rc:Jargon
358 rc:JazzMusic
61 rc:Jewelry
632 rc:Jockey
491 rc:Joke_CW
6527 rc:JournalSeries
675 rc:Journalism
16049 rc:Journalist
12063 rc:Judge
17 rc:Juggling
32 rc:Juice
23187 rc:JustinianCode
50 rc:KarateActivity
33 rc:Keyboard_MusicalInstrument
1108 rc:Keyboardist
19 rc:KillerWhale
1664 rc:King_HeadOfState
268 rc:Kiribati
6 rc:Kite_TheDevice
47 rc:KnowledgeManagement
17 rc:Koala
85 rc:LASER_Device
47 rc:LaborEconomics
8487 rc:Language
314 rc:LanguageDialect
86 rc:LaptopComputer
42 rc:LatinAmericanStudies
27 rc:LaundryDetergent
24218 rc:Law
28 rc:Law_FieldOfStudy
23052 rc:Lawyer
8394 rc:Leader
7 rc:Ledger
355 rc:LegalCorporation
16 rc:Legislator
72 rc:LegumeOrder
126 rc:Lemming
418 rc:Lesotho
869 rc:Letter_CW
271 rc:LexicalWord
323 rc:Lexicographer
111 rc:Liberalism_Classical
563 rc:Libertarian
19 rc:Libertarianism
599 rc:Librarian
1438 rc:LibrarySpace
468 rc:Liechtenstein
42 rc:Lifeguard
38 rc:LightingDevice
3723 rc:Linguist
1464 rc:Linguistic_Topic
157 rc:List_Information
17075 rc:LiteraryWork_CW
217 rc:Lizard
42 rc:Lobster
16 rc:LodgingOrganization
1460 rc:Logic
224 rc:Logician
199 rc:Logistics
9 rc:Logo
61 rc:Loyalist
41 rc:Lubricant
4 rc:Lyric_WordsToSong
252 rc:MachineLearning
238 rc:MacroeconomicEvent
11604 rc:MagazineSeries
571 rc:Magician
11 rc:Maid
37 rc:Major_Rank
1867 rc:Mammal
3724 rc:Management
27874 rc:Manager
52 rc:Manifesto
28 rc:Mantra
287 rc:Manufacturing
4594 rc:ManufacturingOrganization
2202 rc:Manuscript_CW
120 rc:Map
65 rc:Marathon
40 rc:Marchioness
85 rc:MarineBiology
373 rc:Market
984 rc:MarketingActivity
113 rc:Marriage_Agreement
46 rc:Marsupial
11 rc:MartialArtsSportsEvent
158 rc:Marxism
206 rc:Mast_Device
64 rc:Matador
1824 rc:MatchSportsEvent
28 rc:MaterialHandling
125 rc:MathematicalLogic
43 rc:MathematicalPhysics
14826 rc:Mathematician
2876 rc:Mathematics
73 rc:Matter_particle
824 rc:Mayor
131 rc:Mayotte
16 rc:Meal
132 rc:Meat
825 rc:MechanicalDevice
226 rc:MechanicalEngineering
230 rc:Medal_Physical
37642 rc:MediaSeriesProduct
33 rc:MedicalDiagnosis
165 rc:MedicalPatient
71 rc:MedicalPhysics
2374 rc:Medicine_FieldOfStudy
21 rc:Medley
177 rc:Meeting_SocialGathering
7 rc:Melodrama
435 rc:Meme
3 rc:Memorabilia
186 rc:MentalHealth_FieldOfStudy
55 rc:Mermaid
40 rc:Messiah
153 rc:Metal
215 rc:MetalAlloy
25 rc:MetalPlating
141 rc:Metaphysics
1 rc:Meteorite
450 rc:Meteorologist
1015 rc:Meteorology
18 rc:Metrology
218 rc:Microbiologist
743 rc:Microbiology
105 rc:Microeconomics
4 rc:Microorganism
426 rc:Microprocessor
35 rc:Midwifery
14 rc:MigrantFarmWorker
57 rc:Militant
66 rc:MilitaryIntelligence
19 rc:MilitaryInvasion
1112 rc:MilitaryOrganization
346 rc:MilitaryVeteran
42 rc:Militia
39 rc:Milk
623 rc:MineCountermeasuresVessel
195 rc:Miner
2738 rc:Mineral
133 rc:Mineralogy
21 rc:Minicomputer
454 rc:Mining
2124 rc:Minister
1226 rc:Ministry
2 rc:Minivan
784 rc:Missile
428 rc:Missile_RocketPropelled
3506 rc:Missionary
16 rc:Mite
75 rc:ModalLogic
99 rc:ModelTheory
755 rc:ModernFrigate
451 rc:MolecularBiology
212 rc:Mollusk
4083 rc:Monarch_HeadOfState
1267 rc:Monarchy
670 rc:Monastery_Residence
5 rc:Mongoose
900 rc:Monk
326 rc:Monkey
14 rc:Monorail
13 rc:Monotreme
337 rc:Monument
100 rc:MoonOfAPlanet
906 rc:Morphology
127 rc:MortarLauncher
86 rc:Mosque_Building
12 rc:Moth
4 rc:MotorSport
47 rc:Motorboat
1217 rc:Motorcycle
85 rc:Motto
636 rc:MountainClimber
14 rc:MountaineeringEvent
636 rc:Mouse_Rodent
1703 rc:MovieSoundtrack
475 rc:MovieTheaterSpace
249379 rc:Movie_CW
7 rc:Mule
65 rc:MultipleMyeloma_PhysiologicalConditionType
666 rc:Municipality
2527 rc:Murder
1492 rc:Murderer
60 rc:Muscle
62 rc:MuscleRelaxant
35 rc:MuscularDystrophy
578 rc:MuseumCurator
2320 rc:MuseumStructure
26869 rc:Music
60424 rc:MusicPerformanceOrganization
21390 rc:MusicalComposer
4 rc:MusicalComposition_ACappella
2784 rc:MusicalConductor
4138 rc:MusicalInstrument
31 rc:MusicalNotation_General
3054 rc:MusicalPerformance
58557 rc:Musician
91 rc:Mycology
176 rc:MythologicalPCW
13974 rc:Mythology
24 rc:Nanny
20 rc:Nanotube
152 rc:Narrative
295 rc:Nationalist
549 rc:NationalistIdeology
12 rc:NativeAmericanStudies
14287 rc:NaturalLanguage
147 rc:NaturalLanguageProcessing_Topic
10285 rc:Navy
159 rc:Nebula
129 rc:Neighborhood
100 rc:Nephrology
88 rc:Nerve
493 rc:Neurology
25 rc:Neuron
103 rc:Neuropsychology
98 rc:Neurosurgery
8 rc:Neutron
16826 rc:NewZealand
2341 rc:NewspaperSeries
10 rc:NightClub
23 rc:NitrateIon
8 rc:NitriteIon
5996 rc:Nobility
27 rc:NotaryPublic
334 rc:Notation_CommunicationConvention
43981 rc:Novel_CW
10954 rc:Novelist
20 rc:Novella
5 rc:Nucleus
450 rc:NumberTheory
1126 rc:NumericString
142 rc:NumericalAnalysis
1461 rc:Nun
639 rc:Nurse
88 rc:Nursing
8 rc:Nutrient
353 rc:Nutrition
14 rc:Obelisk
1 rc:Oboe
249 rc:Obstetrics
797 rc:Oceanography
31 rc:OilGasSeparation_PetroleumRefining
531 rc:Oncology
570 rc:Ontology
5 rc:OperaLibretto_CW
4641 rc:OperaPerformance
725 rc:OperatingSystem
121 rc:OperationsResearch
207 rc:Ophthalmologist
460 rc:Ophthalmology
14 rc:Opossum
47 rc:Optometry
1211 rc:Orchestra
80 rc:OrdinaryDifferentialEquations
352 rc:OrganicChemistry
188 rc:Organism_Whole
1418 rc:Organist
22687 rc:Organization
445 rc:OrganizationMerger
123 rc:Organization_Administration_Management
810 rc:Ornithologist
97 rc:Ornithology
81 rc:Otolaryngology
4 rc:Otter
163 rc:Outlaw
37 rc:OutletStore
16 rc:Oven
28 rc:Owl
53 rc:Oxide
23 rc:Pacifism
583 rc:Pacifist
181 rc:Paganism
1040 rc:Pageant
5 rc:Pager
19788 rc:Painter_FineArtist
3395 rc:Painting_ArtForm
276 rc:PalaceBuilding
10 rc:Paleoanthropology
883 rc:Paleontologist
354 rc:Paleontology
1 rc:Pancreas
51 rc:PandaBear
3 rc:Pangolin
165 rc:Paper_IBO
110 rc:Parade
121 rc:Paradox
42 rc:Parameter
10 rc:ParanormalEvent
95 rc:Parapsychology
37 rc:ParasiticOrganism
15 rc:Parchment
3562 rc:Park
88 rc:Parliament
68 rc:Parrot
212 rc:PartialDifferentialEquations
2 rc:Partnership
266 rc:Pathologist
951 rc:Pathology
2 rc:PaymentObligation
218 rc:Pediatric_medicine
16 rc:Pedophile
1962 rc:Peer
29 rc:PentathlonSportsEvent
69 rc:Pepper
9 rc:PeptideMolecule
20 rc:Perfume
157 rc:Pericarp
204 rc:PeriodicalSeries
35 rc:PeroxideIon
48 rc:Person
59 rc:PersonalComputer
150 rc:Pharmacist
103 rc:Pharmacy
2250 rc:Philanthropist
16601 rc:Philosopher
3304 rc:Philosophy
50 rc:PhilosophyBeliefs
95 rc:PhilosophyOfLanguage
151 rc:Phonetics
341 rc:Phonology
24 rc:Phosphine
26 rc:Phosphorus
50 rc:Photograph
531 rc:PhotographAsArtForm
4663 rc:Photographer
5356 rc:PhysicalDevice
4642 rc:Physicist
5664 rc:Physics
264 rc:Physiologist
1346 rc:Physiology
5174 rc:Pianist
179 rc:Piano_Acoustic
1 rc:Picture_Image
180 rc:Pie
105 rc:Pig
27 rc:Pigeon
108 rc:Pilgrimage
7 rc:Pimp
116 rc:Pipeline
2 rc:Pizzeria
59 rc:Plain_Topographical
1385 rc:Planet
12775 rc:Plant
345 rc:PlantBLO
27 rc:Plantation
59 rc:PlaqueStuff
185 rc:PlasmaPhysics
65 rc:Plasma_StateOfMatter
21 rc:Plastic
3 rc:Platoon_MilitaryEchelon
8193 rc:Play_CW
4583 rc:Playwright
12 rc:Plumber
14 rc:Podiatry
2541 rc:Poem_CW
18124 rc:Poet
1788 rc:PoeticWork
112 rc:Poker_CardGame
1447 rc:PoliceOfficer_Municipal
203 rc:PoliticalBeliefSystem
23 rc:PoliticalCulture
174 rc:PoliticalProtesting
104 rc:PoliticalScience
18946 rc:Political_activist
87518 rc:Politician
5993 rc:Politics
104 rc:Pollutant
99 rc:PolymerMolecule
638 rc:Pope
11 rc:Porcupine
3 rc:Porifera
391 rc:PornographicMaterial
173 rc:PortFacility
205 rc:Portal
144 rc:PortraitPerspective
346 rc:Potter
340 rc:Pottery
16 rc:Poultry
168 rc:Prayer
4 rc:PrecipitationProcess
2 rc:Premier_HeadOfGovernment
555 rc:PremierePerformance
28 rc:Preservationist
1907 rc:PresidentOfOrganization
9424 rc:Priest
71 rc:Primate
28 rc:Primatology
1309 rc:Prince
1575 rc:Princess
12 rc:PrintReproduction
341 rc:Prison
599 rc:Prisoner_Legal
206 rc:Prize
232 rc:ProbabilityTheory
37 rc:Probability_Topic
85 rc:ProblemSolvingStrategy
1234 rc:ProcessingEvent
10843 rc:Producer
1909 rc:Product
38 rc:ProductRecall
83 rc:Professor
137 rc:ProgramCoordinator
81 rc:ProjectileLauncher
43 rc:Pronoun
75 rc:ProofTheory
177 rc:Propaganda
76 rc:Prophet
2125 rc:PropositionalCWText
801 rc:PropositionalConceptualWork_ComedyGenre
2579 rc:PropositionalConceptualWork_DramaGenre
138 rc:PropositionalConceptualWork_ParodyGenre
58 rc:PropositionalConceptualWork_SatireGenre
33 rc:Proprietor
293 rc:Prosecutor
245 rc:Prostitute
31 rc:Protectorate
835 rc:ProteinMolecule
13 rc:Proverb
45297 rc:Province
48 rc:Provost
835 rc:Psychiatrist
464 rc:Psychiatry
253 rc:PsychologicalTherapy
2406 rc:Psychologist
3724 rc:Psychology
61 rc:Psychotherapist
1451 rc:PublishedMaterial
432 rc:PublishingIndustry
916 rc:PublishingOrganization
9 rc:Pudding
49 rc:Pump_Generic
1 rc:PumpingFacility
229 rc:Puzzle
51 rc:Pyramid
73 rc:QuantumChromodynamics
21 rc:QuantumElectrodynamics
299 rc:QuantumFieldTheory
644 rc:Quartet_MusicalPerformanceGroup
9 rc:Quasar
1805 rc:Queen_HeadOfState
259 rc:Quintet_MusicalPerformanceGroup
3247 rc:Rabbi
168 rc:Rabbit
7 rc:Raccoon
15685 rc:RaceCarDriver
20 rc:RaceTrack
4153 rc:Racehorse
84 rc:Racism
317 rc:RadarDevice
1614 rc:Radio
6 rc:RadioScanner
5621 rc:RadioStation_Organization
171 rc:Radiology
5508 rc:Railway
138 rc:Rancher
27 rc:Rape
440 rc:Rapist
5124 rc:Rapper
215 rc:Rat
219 rc:Ratio
595 rc:RealEstate
23 rc:Realist
535 rc:Rebel
109 rc:RecreationalActivity
8 rc:Recruiter
94 rc:RecursionTheory
1238 rc:Referee
12 rc:Refinery
505 rc:Refugee
392 rc:Regent
2053 rc:Regiment_MilitaryEchelon
4552 rc:Religion
816 rc:ReligiousDenomination
1792 rc:ReligiousLeader
1355 rc:ReportOnSituation_CW
284 rc:RepresentativeDemocracy
424 rc:Reptile
6173 rc:Republican
1591 rc:ResearchOrganization
1640 rc:Researcher
32 rc:Resin
141 rc:ResortFacility
90 rc:Respiration
1025 rc:RestaurantSpace
416 rc:RetailOrganization
87 rc:RetailStore
27 rc:Reunion_Gathering
6 rc:Revetment
142 rc:Revolution_Political
939 rc:Revolutionary
156 rc:Revolver
206 rc:Rhetoric
82 rc:Rheumatology
43 rc:Rhinoceros
885 rc:Rifle
88 rc:Ritual
1167 rc:Roadway
28 rc:RoadwayJunction
764 rc:Robot
218 rc:Rodent
403 rc:RollerCoaster
24 rc:Router_Network
153 rc:Rowing
5 rc:Ruby_Gem
41 rc:Rug
3457 rc:Runner
38 rc:SacredText
2 rc:Saddle
52 rc:SafetyEngineering
138 rc:Sailing
63 rc:Salamander
702 rc:SalesActivity
26 rc:SalesPerson
14 rc:Salt_ChemicalSubstance
7 rc:Sapphire_Gem
565 rc:Satellite_Device
153 rc:Sauce
149 rc:Sausage
2043 rc:Saxophonist
670 rc:Scandal
9363 rc:Scholar
8752 rc:SchoolBuilding
1227 rc:Schoolteacher
10926 rc:Science
18508 rc:Scientist
94 rc:Scooter
2 rc:ScreenShot
6026 rc:Screenwriter
9169 rc:Sculptor
927 rc:Sculpture
27 rc:Seafood
6 rc:Seagull
32 rc:Segregation
110 rc:SellingOrganization
295 rc:Semantics
289 rc:Seminary
106 rc:Semiotics
21 rc:Separatist
665 rc:Serial_MediaProduct
293 rc:SetTheory
125 rc:SexOffender
42 rc:SexWorker
40 rc:Shack
39 rc:ShaleOil
31 rc:Shaman
26 rc:Shareware
97 rc:Shark
19 rc:Sheep
25 rc:SheepWool
5 rc:Shellfish
253 rc:Sheriff
26687 rc:Ship
146 rc:Shipwreck
22 rc:Shipyard
72 rc:Shoe
109 rc:ShoppingMallBuilding
88 rc:Shotgun
9 rc:Showroom
35 rc:Shrew
3 rc:Shrimp
224 rc:Shrine_Religious
13 rc:Sikhism
3 rc:SilkCloth
42449 rc:Singer
1861 rc:Sitcom
187 rc:Skateboarder
118 rc:SkinInfection
8 rc:Skunk
86 rc:Skyscraper
755 rc:Slave
312 rc:Sloop
34 rc:Sloth
23 rc:Smuggler
34 rc:Snack
11 rc:Snail
172 rc:Snake
35 rc:Sniper_Professional
2632 rc:SnowSkier
428 rc:SnowSkiing
4466 rc:SoccerGoalkeeper
144590 rc:SoccerPlayer
1437 rc:SocialAidOrganization
102 rc:SocialGathering
237 rc:SocialScience
89 rc:SocialWork
126 rc:Socialism
1462 rc:Socialist
3042 rc:Society_Organization
39 rc:Sociobiology
149 rc:Sociolinguistics
1193 rc:Sociologist
819 rc:Sociology
206 rc:SoftDrink
9 rc:Softball_TheGame
67 rc:SoftwareEngineering
34 rc:SolarCell
5512 rc:Soldier
232 rc:Solicitor
84 rc:SolidMechanics
113 rc:Soloist
706 rc:SolomonIslands_TheNation
62307 rc:Song_CW
5409 rc:Songwriter
1452 rc:Soprano_Singer
217 rc:Sound
75 rc:Soup
674 rc:Spacecraft
450 rc:Specialist
55 rc:Specification
41 rc:Spectroscopy
9 rc:Spokesman
574 rc:Sport
25483 rc:SportsCoach
4939 rc:SportsLeague
150 rc:SportsOfficial
347 rc:Sportscaster
690 rc:Sportswriter
11 rc:Spreadsheet
1321 rc:Spy
1334 rc:Squadron_MilitaryEchelon
77 rc:Squid
103 rc:Squirrel
2895 rc:Stadium
1980 rc:Staff
2481 rc:Star
1 rc:Starfish
747 rc:StateGovernor
72 rc:Statesman
211 rc:StatisticalMechanics
2821 rc:Statistics
129 rc:Statue
86 rc:Steel
40 rc:Steroid
61 rc:Stimulant
24 rc:StorageFacility
4 rc:StorageShed
265 rc:StormAsObject
3627 rc:Story
61 rc:Storyteller
11 rc:Strategist
280 rc:Strategy
692 rc:Street_Generic
105 rc:StructuralEngineering
49 rc:Student
2204 rc:Submarine
1088 rc:Subsidiary
193 rc:SuburbanNeighborhood
129 rc:Subway
2704 rc:Suicide
26 rc:Sulfur
23 rc:SunTanning
22 rc:Supercomputer
57 rc:Surfactant
245 rc:Surfer
50 rc:Surfing
1515 rc:Surgeon
1405 rc:Surgery
222 rc:Survey
4787 rc:Swimmer
591 rc:Swimming_Generic
364 rc:Sword
1174 rc:SymbolicThing
217 rc:Symphony
519 rc:Synagogue_Building
372 rc:Syntactician
68 rc:Syntax
471 rc:TVMiniseries
25 rc:TaekwondoActivity
610 rc:Tank_Vehicle
453 rc:TankerShip
1 rc:Tapestry
228 rc:Tax_COC
136 rc:Taxonomy
274 rc:Tea_Beverage
10038 rc:Teacher
16262 rc:Team
199 rc:TectonicPlate
186 rc:Telecommunication
16 rc:Telephone
479 rc:Telescope
688 rc:Temple
831 rc:Tenor_Singer
753 rc:Terrorism_Topic
45 rc:Terrorist
65 rc:TextileArtifact
30 rc:TextualMaterial
1921 rc:Theater_PhysicalStructure
4269 rc:Theologian
1353 rc:Theology
8 rc:Thrush_Bird
896 rc:Timeline
17 rc:Tincture_Pharmaceutical
46 rc:Toad
14 rc:Tobacco
100 rc:Tomb
273 rc:TopographicalFeature
608 rc:Topology
828 rc:TornadoAsObject
19 rc:Tortoise
143 rc:Tourism
9 rc:Tourist
1642 rc:Tournament
243 rc:Tower
1274 rc:Town
104 rc:ToxicSubstance
280 rc:Toxicology
543 rc:Toy
20 rc:Trail
7006 rc:TrainEngine
641 rc:Train_TransportationDevice
6 rc:Tram
8 rc:Transaction
15 rc:Transformation
4729 rc:Translator
11412 rc:TransportationDevice_Vehicle
710 rc:Transportation_Topic
2587 rc:Travel_TripEvent
36 rc:Trawler
15 rc:Treaty
847 rc:Tree_ThePlant
501 rc:Trial
49 rc:TriathlonSportsEvent
4678 rc:Tribe
272 rc:Tribunal
1348 rc:TrinidadAndTobago
310 rc:Trio_MusicalPerformanceGroup
21 rc:Troop_MilitaryUnit
203 rc:Trophy
4 rc:TruckDriver
1086 rc:Trumpeter
294 rc:Trust_LegalEntity
146 rc:Trustee
6 rc:Tuber
395 rc:Tugboat
139 rc:Tumor
374 rc:Tunnel
76 rc:Turbine
127 rc:Turtle
15 rc:Tycoon
5 rc:Typewriter
77 rc:Tyrant
3148 rc:University
161 rc:UnmannedAircraft
29 rc:Uranium
812 rc:Urology
21 rc:Vaccine
170 rc:Vampire
2 rc:Vandalism
17 rc:Vase
389 rc:Vegetable_Food
880 rc:Vegetarian
64 rc:Vermin
26 rc:Vertebrate
175 rc:Veterinarian
57 rc:VeterinaryMedicine
346 rc:VideoConceptualWork
191 rc:Vigilante
22 rc:Villa
399 rc:Village
30 rc:Villain
100 rc:Violin
1533 rc:Violinist
180 rc:Violist
381 rc:Virology
143 rc:Virus
47 rc:Viscountess
34 rc:Visionary
79 rc:VisualImage
14 rc:Vitamin
4 rc:Vocabulary
23 rc:Vulture
327 rc:Wagon
4 rc:Walking_Generic
9 rc:Walrus
24979 rc:War
3 rc:Warehouse
21 rc:Warhead
554 rc:Warrior
19 rc:Watch
136 rc:WaterFrontProperty
11 rc:WaterSurfacePath
9 rc:Watercraft
3161 rc:Weapon
9 rc:Weasel
136 rc:WeatherEvent
23 rc:Weaving
4523 rc:WebSite
245 rc:Weblog
22 rc:Welding
246 rc:Welfare_GovernmentService
55 rc:Werewolf
123 rc:Whale
81 rc:Wheel
251 rc:Whisky
19 rc:WikiWiki
6 rc:WindProcess
124 rc:Windmill
24 rc:WindstormAsObject
818 rc:Wine
162 rc:Winery
28 rc:Witch
104 rc:Witchcraft
40 rc:Wizard
6 rc:Wombat
231 rc:Wood
20 rc:Woodworking
124 rc:WorkStation
1 rc:Workshop
377 rc:WorldWideWebClientProgram
109 rc:Worm
191 rc:Worshipping
4060 rc:Wrestler
63382 rc:Writer
259 rc:Writing
365 rc:WritingSystem
59 rc:Xenophobia
195 rc:Yacht
6 rc:YachtingSportsEvent
17 rc:Yogurt
3 rc:Zebra
4 rc:ZooGrounds
877 rc:Zoologist
208 rc:Zoology
rc:Action 132 1234
rc:Actor 94804 11621
rc:AirlineCompany 8 2457
rc:Algae 164 341
rc:Ambassador 248 254
rc:Amphibian 525 6841
rc:Animal 497 10000
rc:Arachnid 12 1846
rc:Architect 6820 652
rc:Artist 34023 11895
rc:Association 2067 420
rc:Astronaut 805 602
rc:Athlete 5904 31031
rc:Automobile 8419 6517
rc:Bacterium 141 163
rc:Band_MusicGroup 1623 10000
rc:Bird 3201 10000
rc:Bishop_Clerical 19934 2207
rc:Book_CW 26909 10000
rc:Boxer 5502 1181
rc:Bridge 2197 2175
rc:Building 26082 17128
rc:Business 1716 16775
rc:Canal 80 96
rc:ChemicalSubstanceType 436 6273
rc:City 2444 10000
rc:Cleric 3704 5423
rc:Club_Organization 18242 20000
rc:College 6016 78
rc:Color 67 657
rc:Comedian 5130 622
rc:ConflictEvent 3366 8053
rc:Criminal 1488 997
rc:Crustacean 413 1506
rc:Currency 723 313
rc:Drink 1451 488
rc:DrugProduct 3515 4348
rc:Embryology 192 160
rc:Event 6909 11779
rc:Facility_Construct 936 8914
rc:FashionModel 5881 836
rc:Festival 3052 769
rc:FigureSkater 3651 1662
rc:Fish 2697 10000
rc:Fungus 618 6960
rc:Game 102848 1136
rc:GeographicalRegion 15337 4806
rc:GovernmentalOrganization 2579 380
rc:Insect 460 10000
rc:Journalist 16049 1352
rc:Judge 12063 911
rc:Language 8487 3059
rc:Mammal 1867 8274
rc:Manager 27874 3520
rc:Mayor 824 799
rc:Meeting_SocialGathering 177 335
rc:Mollusk 212 8677
rc:Monarch_HeadOfState 4083 1517
rc:Monument 337 3
rc:Movie_CW 249379 10000
rc:Muscle 60 276
rc:Nerve 88 335
rc:NewspaperSeries 2341 3337
rc:Organization 22687 10000
rc:Park 3562 847
rc:Philosopher 16601 946
rc:PhysicalDevice 5356 10000
rc:Planet 1385 10000
rc:Plant 12775 10000
rc:Politician 87518 10901
rc:Pope 638 263
rc:PresidentOfOrganization 1907 2105
rc:ProteinMolecule 835 1689
rc:RaceCarDriver 15685 1262
rc:RadioStation_Organization 5621 10000
rc:Reptile 424 5737
rc:Scientist 18508 8475
rc:Ship 26687 10000
rc:ShoppingMallBuilding 109 1730
rc:Skyscraper 86 2707
rc:SoccerPlayer 144590 10000
rc:Spacecraft 674 62
rc:Sport 574 98
rc:Stadium 2895 4809
rc:StateGovernor 747 2145
rc:Street_Generic 692 8914
rc:Team 16262 20
rc:Tournament 1642 1093
rc:Town 1274 10000
rc:TransportationDevice_Vehicle 11412 10000
rc:Troop_MilitaryUnit 21 9393
rc:University 3148 10000
rc:Village 399 20000
rc:Weapon 3161 3669
rc:Wrestler 4060 2175
rc:Writer 63382 8751
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