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Last active December 10, 2017 08:54
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  • Save VladimirMi/739b10f9b82fb7bd7c99a23e994310a6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save VladimirMi/739b10f9b82fb7bd7c99a23e994310a6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
public String getDeviceId() {
String m_szDevIDShort = "35"
+ // we make this look like a valid IMEI
Build.BOARD.length() % 10 + Build.BRAND.length() % 10
+ Build.CPU_ABI.length() % 10 + Build.DEVICE.length() % 10
+ Build.DISPLAY.length() % 10 + Build.HOST.length() % 10
+ Build.ID.length() % 10 + Build.MANUFACTURER.length() % 10
+ Build.MODEL.length() % 10 + Build.PRODUCT.length() % 10
+ Build.TAGS.length() % 10 + Build.TYPE.length() % 10
+ Build.USER.length() % 10; // 13 digits
String m_szAndroidID = Settings.Secure.getString(App.getInstance().getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID);
String m_szLongID = m_szDevIDShort + m_szAndroidID;
MessageDigest m = null;
try {
m = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
m.update(m_szLongID.getBytes(), 0, m_szLongID.length());
byte p_md5Data[] = m.digest();
StringBuilder m_szUniqueID = new StringBuilder();
for (byte aP_md5Data : p_md5Data) {
int b = (0xFF & aP_md5Data);
if (b <= 0xF)
m_szUniqueID = new StringBuilder(m_szUniqueID.toString().toUpperCase());
return m_szUniqueID.toString();
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