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Created December 24, 2011 07:10
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-- dependency: utf8-string
data Character = Azu | Ruizu deriving Eq
instance Show Character where
show c = case c of
Azu -> "あず"
Ruizu -> "ルイズ"
class Mederable a where
mederu :: a -> String
instance Mederable Character where
mederu c = let name = show c in case c of
Azu -> name ++ "にゃんぺろぺろ"
Ruizu -> foldl (++) ""
[ name, "!", name, "!", name, "!"
, name, "ぅぅうううわぁああああああああああああああああああああああん!!! あぁああああ…ああ…あっあっー!あぁああああああ!!!"
, name, name, name, "ぅううぁわぁああああ!!!"
main = mapM_ (putStrLn . mederu) [Azu, Ruizu]
-- try
-- runhaskell JapaneseLoveExpression.hs
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