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Created September 23, 2010 11:37
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#! /usr/bin/env gosh
(use gl)
(use gl.glut)
;; Util Procedure
(define (assq-ref entry alist)
(cdr (assq entry alist)))
(define (slot-list obj getter-list)
(map (cut <> obj) getter-list))
;;; Classes ---------------------------------------------------
;; Color
;; Hue-Chroma-X model
(define-class <hcx> ()
((hue :init-value 0 :init-keyword :hue :accessor hue-of)
(chroma :init-value 0 :init-keyword :chroma :accessor chroma-of)
(x :init-value 0 :init-keyword :x :accessor x-of)))
(define-method x->list ((hcx <hcx>))
(slot-list hcx (list hue-of chroma-of x-of)))
;; RGB
(define-class <rgb> ()
((red :init-value 0 :init-keyword :r :accessor red-of)
(green :init-value 0 :init-keyword :g :accessor green-of)
(blue :init-value 0 :init-keyword :b :accessor blue-of)))
(define-method hcx->rgb ((hcx <hcx>))
(receive (h c x) (apply values (x->list hcx))
(receive (r g b) (apply values (case (x->integer (floor h))
[(0) (list c x 0)]
[(1) (list x c 0)]
[(2) (list 0 c x)]
[(3) (list 0 x c)]
[(4) (list x 0 c)]
[(5) (list c 0 x)]
[else (list 0 0 0)]))
(make <rgb> :r r :g g :b b))))
(define-method x->list ((rgb <rgb>))
(slot-list rgb (list red-of green-of blue-of)))
(define-method modified-values ((rgb <rgb>) (proc <procedure>))
(apply values (map proc (x->list rgb))))
(define-method +bright ((rgb <rgb>) (bright <number>))
(receive (r g b) (modified-values rgb (cut + <> bright))
(make <rgb> :r r :g g :b b)))
(define-class <rgba> (<rgb>)
((alpha :init-value 0 :init-keyword :a :accessor alpha-of)))
(define-method add-alpha ((rgb <rgb>) (a <number>))
(receive (r g b) (modified-values rgb identity)
(make <rgba> :r r :g g :b b :a a)))
(define-method x->list ((rgba <rgba>))
(slot-list rgba (list red-of green-of blue-of alpha-of)))
(define-method +bright ((rgba <rgba>) (bright <number>))
(receive (r g b) (modified-values rgba (cut + <> bright))
(make <rgba> :r r :g g :b b :a (alpha-of rgba))))
;; HSL
(define-class <hsl> ()
((hue :init-value 0 :init-keyword :h :accessor hue-of)
(sat :init-value 0 :init-keyword :s :accessor sat-of)
(lum :init-value 0 :init-keyword :l :accessor lum-of)))
(define-method x->list ((hsl <hsl>))
(slot-list hsl (list hue-of sat-of lum-of)))
(define-method hsl->rgb ((hsl <hsl>))
(receive (h s l) (apply values (x->list hsl))
(let* ((c (if (<= l (/ 1 2)) (* 2 l s) (* 2 (- 1 l) s)))
(x (* c (- 1 (abs (- (mod h 2) 1)))))
(m (- l (/ c 2)))
(rgb (hcx->rgb (make <hcx> :hue h :chroma c :x x))))
(+bright rgb m))))
(define-class <hsla> (<hsl>)
((alpha :init-value 0 :init-keyword :a :accessor alpha-of)))
(define-method x->list ((hsla <hsla>))
(slot-list hsla (list hue-of sat-of lum-of alpha-of)))
(define-method add-alpha ((hsl <hsl>) (a <number>))
(receive (h s l) (apply values (x->list hsl))
(make <hsla> :h h :s s :l l :a a)))
;;; Global Variables --------------------------------------
(define *bg-color* (make <rgb> :r 0.5 :g 0.5 :b 0.5 :a 1.0))
(define (rated-value value range)
(if (>= value range) 1.0 (/. value range)))
(define (rated-values value-range-pair-list)
(apply values (map (pa$ apply rated-value) value-range-pair-list)))
(define (rgba-color-convert r-r g-r b-r a-r)
(lambda (r g b a)
(let1 r-g-b-a-list (list `(,r ,r-r) `(,g ,g-r) `(,b ,b-r) `(,a ,a-r))
(receive (red green blue alpha) (rated-values r-g-b-a-list)
(make <rgba> :r red :g green :b blue :a alpha)))))
(define (hsla-color-convert h-r s-r l-r a-r)
(lambda (h s l a)
(let* ((hue-conv (lambda (r) (if (>= r 360) (mod r 360) r)))
(hue (/ (hue-conv (* 360 (/ h h-r))) 60))
(s-l-a-list (list `(,s ,s-r) `(,l ,l-r) `(,a ,a-r))))
(receive (sat lum alpha) (rated-values s-l-a-list)
(add-alpha (hsl->rgb (make <hsl> :h hue :s sat :l lum)) alpha)))))
(define *color-changer*
`((RGBA . ,rgba-color-convert)
(HSLA . ,hsla-color-convert)))
(define *current-color-changer* '())
(define *current-alpha-range* 1.0)
(define *title* "")
(define *key-code*
'((8 . BS) (9 . Tab) (13 . Return) (16 . Shift) (17 . Ctrl)
(27 . ESC) (37 . Left) (38 . Up) (39 . Right) (40 . Down)
(46 . Del)))
;; Accessor of Global Variables
(define (name-of key)
(assq-ref key *key-code*))
(define (color-mode mode v1-r v2-r v3-r a-r)
(set! *current-color-changer*
((assq-ref mode *color-changer*) v1-r v2-r v3-r a-r))
(set! *current-alpha-range* a-r)
;; default Color Space Model
(color-mode 'RGBA 100 100 100 100)
(define (color v . vs)
(let ((conv *current-color-changer*)
(alpha *current-alpha-range*))
(case (length vs)
[(0) (conv v v v alpha)]
[(1) (apply conv v v v vs)]
[(2) (apply conv v (append vs `(,alpha)))]
[else (apply conv v vs)])))
(define (background v . vs) (set! *bg-color* (apply color v vs)))
;;; Basic Process ----------------------------------------------
(define (rendering)
(apply gl-clear-color (to-list *bg-color*))
(print (to-list *bg-color*))
(define (key-event) '())
(define (size w h)
(glut-init-display-mode (logior GLUT_SINGLE GLUT_RGBA))
(glut-init-window-size w h)
(glut-init-window-position 0 0)
(define (init args)
(glut-init args)
(gl-matrix-mode GL_PROJECTION)
(gl-ortho 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0)
(glut-display-func rendering)
(glut-keyboard-func key-pressed)
(glut-create-window *title*))
(define (main args)
(set! *title* (car args))
(init args)
;;; User Sketch Program -------------------------------------
(define (setup)
(size 400 400)
(background 0.0 0.0 0.0)
;; write something setup procedure
(define (draw)
;; write something drawing procedure
(define (key-pressed key-code x y)
(let* ((key (name-of key-code))
(print-key-info (lambda () (print #`"key :: ,|key|"))))
(case key
((ESC) (begin (print-key-info)
(exit 0)))
;; write something key event procedure
(else (print-key-info)))))
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VoQn commented Aug 2, 2011

HSL -> RGB 色空間変換 だけサポートして,ユーザのプログラムがより Processing Like になるように書き直した

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