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Created August 1, 2009 09:51
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module Text.JSON.JPath (jPath) where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Text.JSON
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Combinator
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Char
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Prim
data Element = ObjectLookup String | ArrayLookup Int deriving (Show)
-- Parses (maybe) string and retrieves (maybe) value
jPath :: String -> String -> Maybe JSValue
jPath query s = let json = (decode s) :: Result JSValue
in case json of
Error s -> Nothing
Ok json' -> jPath' query json'
expression = do
result <- element `sepBy` slash
return $ concat result
slash = string "/"
element :: GenParser Char st [Element]
element = do
parsedName <- optionMaybe name
parsedIndex <- optionMaybe index
return $ catMaybes [parsedName, parsedIndex]
name = do
parsedName <- many1 (noneOf "/[]")
return $ ObjectLookup parsedName
index = do
result <- between (string "[") (string "]") (many1 digit)
return $ ArrayLookup $ read result
parseExpression = parse expression "(unknown)"
jPath' :: String -> JSValue -> Maybe JSValue
jPath' query v = let parsedQuery = parseExpression query
in either (const Nothing) ((flip jPathP) v) parsedQuery
jPathP :: [Element] -> JSValue -> Maybe JSValue
jPathP [] v = Just v
jPathP (e:es) v = case e of
ObjectLookup s -> case v of
JSObject wtf -> maybe (Nothing) (jPathP es) $ s `lookup` (fromJSObject wtf)
otherwise -> Nothing
ArrayLookup i -> case v of
JSArray vs -> if length vs > i then jPathP es $ vs !! i else Nothing
otherwise -> Nothing
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