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Forked from usrlocalben/stackblur.cpp
Created April 1, 2016 01:22
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stackblur - c++, floating-point, vectorized
* "stackblur"
* originally, Mario Klingemann,
* this implementation, Benjamin Yates (
* this blur routine seems to be quite popular.
* unfortunately, mario didn't comment anything.
* but, it's easy to see it's just a flavor of a two-pass
* sliding box kernel.
* this version is vectorized for float32 r/g/b/a using sse
* vec4() is just a class wrapping _mm_zzz_ps() family of SSE intrinsics
* ( if you need one, start here:
* - )
* radius is in (whole) pixels
void stackblur( vec4* colorbuffer, const int w, const int h, const int radius )
if ( radius < 1 ) return; // nothing to do
vec4* const pix = reinterpret_cast<vec4*>(image.c);
// some values for convenience
const int w = image.width;
const int h = image.height;
const int wm = w-1;
const int hm = h-1;
const int wh = w*h;
const int r1 = radius + 1;
// number of divisions in the kernel
// D(-r), D(-r+1), ... D(0), ... D(r-1), D(r)
const int div = (radius * 2) + 1;
// temporary output space for first pass.
vec4* tsurface = new vec4[wh];
// lookup table for clamping pixel offsets
// as the kernel passes the right (or lower) edge
// of the input data
int* const vmin = new int[ max(w,h) ];
// calculate divisor for pulling an output from the kernel
// the kernel is pyramid shaped.
// to understand this divisor, imagine a cross-section
// of the center of the pyramid.
// (or ask mario to document it better)
// I store the reciprocal in the vector to
// mul_ps later instead of div_ps
int divsumi = ( div + 1 ) >> 1;
divsumi *= divsumi;
const vec4 divsum( 1.0f / (float)divsumi );
// kernel pixel data "stack"
// which works more like a ring-buffer,
// where the pointer is advanced each iteration, modulo #divisions
vec4* stack = new vec4[ div ];
int stackpointer;
int stackstart;
// input/output offsets.
// they are discrete because the source can be non-square
int yw = 0; // current read offset in source
int yi = 0; // current write offset in destination
// blur horizontally, output to temporary buffer
for ( int y=0; y<h; y++ ) {
vec4 insum(0);
vec4 outsum(0);
vec4 sum(0);
// preload the kernel(stack)
// pixels before the left edge of the image are
// samples of [0] (max()). min() handles
// images which are smaller than the kernel.
for ( int i=-radius; i<=radius; i++ ) {
// calcualte address of source pixel
const vec4& p = pix[ yi + min(wm,max(i,0)) ];
// put pixel in the stack
vec4& sir = stack[ i + radius ];
sir = p;
// rbs is a weight from (1)...(radius+1)...(1)
const int rbs = r1 - abs(i);
// add pixel to accumulators
sum += sir * rbs;
if ( i > 0 ) { insum += sir; }
else { outsum += sir; }
// now that the kernel is preloaded
// stackpointer is the index of the center of the kernel
stackpointer = radius;
// now start outputing pixels
for ( int x=0; x<w; x++ ) {
// output a pixel
tsurface[yi] = sum * divsum;
// calculate address of the next pixel
// to add to the kernel
// on first pass, make a lut to handle access
// past the right edge of the width image.
// min() will cause the last pixel to repeat.
if ( y == 0 ) vmin[x] = min( x+radius+1, wm );
vec4& p = pix[ yw + vmin[x] ];
// remove "past" pixels from the sum
sum -= outsum;
// remove "left" side of stack from outsum
stackstart = stackpointer - radius + div;
vec4& sir = stack[ stackstart % div ];
outsum -= sir;
// now this (same) stack entry is the "right" side
// add new pixel to the stack, and update accumulators
sir = p;
insum += sir;
sum += insum;
// slide kernel one pixel ahead (right),
// update accumulators again
stackpointer = (stackpointer+1)%div;
const vec4& sirnext = stack[ stackpointer ];
outsum += sirnext;
insum -= sirnext;
yi++; // advance output offset to next pixel
yw += w; // advance input offset to next line
}//y loop
// now blur vertically from the temporary
// buffer, using the original image buffer
// as the output
for ( int x=0; x<w; x++ ) {
vec4 insum(0);
vec4 outsum(0);
vec4 sum(0);
//preload the stack
int yp = -radius * w;
for ( int i = -radius; i<=radius; i++ ) {
vec4& sir = stack[ i + radius ];
yi = max(0,yp)+x;
const vec4& p = tsurface[ yi ];
sir = p;
const int rbs = r1 - abs(i);
sum += sir * rbs;
if ( i > 0 ) { insum += sir; }
else { outsum += sir; }
// only advance to the next row if there
// are still more rows of image left.
// otherwise, we keep sampling the same row
// as if the bottom line was duplicated
if ( i < hm ) yp += w;
stackpointer = radius;
// this loop is the same as the y-loop,
// except the src/dest offsets are calcuated differently
yi = x; // set starting output offset by column
for ( int y=0; y<h; y++ ) {
pix[yi] = sum * divsum;
stackstart = stackpointer - radius + div;
vec4& sir = stack[ stackstart % div ];
sum -= outsum;
outsum -= sir;
if ( x == 0 ) vmin[y] = min(y+r1,hm)*w;
sir = tsurface[ x + vmin[y] ];
insum += sir;
sum += insum;
stackpointer = (stackpointer+1)%div;
const vec4& sirnext = stack[ stackpointer ];
outsum += sirnext;
insum -= sirnext;
yi += w; // advance output offset to next line
}//x loop
delete [] vmin;
delete [] stack;
delete [] tsurface;
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zihaomu commented Apr 16, 2021

Great job.

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