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Volker E. Volker-E

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Pure SASS-adaption of Lea Verou's contrast-ratio javascript. Can be useful when eg. generating colored buttons from a single supplied color as you can then check which out of a couple of text colors would give the best contrast.

This script currently lacks the support for alpha-transparency that Lea supports in her script though.

In addition to the color-contrast adaption there's also some math methods that were needed to be able to calculate the exponent of a number and especially so when the exponent is a decimal number. A 2.4 exponent is used to calculate the luminance of a color and calculating such a thing is not something that SASS supports out of the box and not something I found a good pure-SASS script for calculating and I much prefer pure-SASS over ruby extensions. The math methods might perhaps be unecessary though if you're running Compass or similar as they may provide compatible math methods themselves.

Normal usage: `color: pick_best_color(#f00

Volker-E / is_blog.php
Last active August 29, 2015 14:14 — forked from jjeaton/is_blog.php
* WordPress' missing is_blog() function. Determines if the currently viewed page is
* one of the blog pages, including the blog home page, archive, category/tag, author, or single
* post pages.
* Doesn't include is_search(), if you only use search for the blog, then add that in or test separately
* @props grantnorwood @wesbos @toscho @jjeaton
* @return bool
Volker-E / .htaccess
Created January 14, 2014 01:50 — forked from meaku/.htaccess
# HTTP(S) Stuff
# Redirect all users except IE 5-8 & Android < 4 to HTTPS
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !^443$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !MSIE\ [5-8]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !Android.*(Mobile)?\ [0-3]
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [L]
body {
font: 100%/1.25 sans-serif;
color: #636363;
padding: 1em;
table {
width: 100%;
margin: 0;
border-top: 1px solid #e4e2e8;
/* Add the desktop-hidden class to any HTML tag that contains mobile specific content */
.desktop-hidden {
*display:none !important; /* IE6-7 */
@media \0 screen {
.desktop-hidden {
display:none !important; /* IE8 only */
// Original code from
var metas = document.getElementsByTagName('meta');
var i;
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)) {
for (i=0; i<metas.length; i++) {
if (metas[i].name == "viewport") {
metas[i].content = "width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0";