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Created January 12, 2021 19:45
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Calculate minimum and maximum feret diameters for connected components in label images in python
# Volker Hilsenstein
# BSD-3 license
import numpy as np
import skimage.morphology
from rotating_calipers import min_max_feret
def get_min_max_feret_from_labelim(label_im, labels=None):
""" given a label image, calculate the oriented
bounding box of each connected component with
label in labels. If labels is None, all labels > 0
will be analyzed.
label_im: numpy array with labelled connected components (integer)
obbs: dictionary of oriented bounding boxes. The dictionary
keys correspond to the respective labels
if labels is None:
labels = set(np.unique(label_im)) - {0}
results = {}
for label in labels:
results[label] = get_min_max_feret_from_mask(label_im == label)
return results
def get_min_max_feret_from_mask(mask_im):
""" given a binary mask, calculate the minimum and maximum
feret diameter of the foreground object. This is done
by calculating the outline of the object, transform
the pixel coordinates of the outline into a list of
points and then calling
mask_im: binary numpy array
eroded = skimage.morphology.erosion(mask_im)
outline = mask_im ^ eroded
boundary_points = np.argwhere(outline > 0)
# convert numpy array to a list of (x,y) tuple points
boundary_point_list = list(map(list, list(boundary_points)))
return min_max_feret(boundary_point_list)
# This file contains code taken from
# convex hull (Graham scan by x-coordinate) and diameter of a set of points
# David Eppstein, UC Irvine, 7 Mar 2002
# According to that website the code is under the PSF licencse
# modifications by Volker Hilsenstein
from __future__ import generators
from math import sqrt
def orientation(p,q,r):
'''Return positive if p-q-r are clockwise, neg if ccw, zero if colinear.'''
return (q[1]-p[1])*(r[0]-p[0]) - (q[0]-p[0])*(r[1]-p[1])
def hulls(Points):
'''Graham scan to find upper and lower convex hulls of a set of 2d points.'''
U = []
L = []
for p in Points:
while len(U) > 1 and orientation(U[-2],U[-1],p) <= 0: U.pop()
while len(L) > 1 and orientation(L[-2],L[-1],p) >= 0: L.pop()
return U,L
def rotatingCalipers(Points):
'''Given a list of 2d points, finds all ways of sandwiching the points
between two parallel lines that touch one point each, and yields the sequence
of pairs of points touched by each pair of lines.'''
U,L = hulls(Points)
i = 0
j = len(L) - 1
while i < len(U) - 1 or j > 0:
yield U[i],L[j]
# if all the way through one side of hull, advance the other side
if i == len(U) - 1: j -= 1
elif j == 0: i += 1
# still points left on both lists, compare slopes of next hull edges
# being careful to avoid divide-by-zero in slope calculation
elif (U[i+1][1]-U[i][1])*(L[j][0]-L[j-1][0]) > \
i += 1
else: j -= 1
def min_max_feret(Points):
'''Given a list of 2d points, returns the minimum and maximum feret diameters.'''
squared_distance_per_pair = [((p[0]-q[0])**2 + (p[1]-q[1])**2, (p,q))
for p,q in rotatingCalipers(Points)]
min_feret_sq, min_feret_pair = min(squared_distance_per_pair)
max_feret_sq, max_feret_pair = max(squared_distance_per_pair)
return sqrt(min_feret_sq), sqrt(max_feret_sq)
def diameter(Points):
'''Given a list of 2d points, returns the pair that's farthest apart.'''
diam,pair = max([((p[0]-q[0])**2 + (p[1]-q[1])**2, (p,q))
for p,q in rotatingCalipers(Points)])
return diam, pair
def min_feret(Points):
'''Given a list of 2d points, returns the pair that's farthest apart.'''
min_feret_sq,pair = min([((p[0]-q[0])**2 + (p[1]-q[1])**2, (p,q))
for p,q in rotatingCalipers(Points)])
return min_feret_sq, pair
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