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Created February 20, 2022 10:38
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My go-to webpack encore config
const encore = require("@symfony/webpack-encore");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const frontend = path.join(__dirname, "frontend/");
const output = path.join(__dirname, "public", "build");
// Checks whether NODE_ENV is set to dev/development, otherwise defaults to production.
const env = ["dev", "development"].includes(String(process.env.NODE_ENV).toLowerCase())
? "development"
: "production";
// Sets the environment if not already set.
if (!encore.isRuntimeEnvironmentConfigured()) {
// Split webpack runtime shenanigans into a separate chunk
// Split into multiple chunks
// .splitEntryChunks()
// Enable versioning hashes (entry.[hash].js) (disable for dev-server)
// Output folder
// Path to public output folder (eg public/build => build)
// Add your entrypoints here
.addEntry("main", path.join(frontend, "index.ts"))
// Enables TypeScript
isTSX: false, // If you use React, set to true
allExtensions: true
.configureBabel((c) => {
// Uncomment if you use React
// c.presets.push(["@babel/preset-react", {runtime: "automatic"}])
// Uncomment if you use Vue
// .enableVueLoader()
// Uncomment if you use PostCSS (requires deps: postcss-loader)
// .enablePostCssLoader()
// Uncomment if you use Sass
// .enableSassLoader()
// Cleans up the output folder
module.exports = encore.getWebpackConfig();
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