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Created April 27, 2019 19:18
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warning: xacro: in-order processing became default in ROS Melodic. You can drop the option.
... logging to /home/vadim/.ros/log/0c7b8e10-6921-11e9-8a5c-8c164557e6f5/roslaunch-vadim-ros-21435.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
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started roslaunch server http://vadim-ros:38655/
* /uav1/mavros/
* /uav2/mavros/
* /uav3/mavros/
* /gazebo/enable_ros_network: True
* /rosdistro: melodic
* /rosversion: 1.14.3
* /uav1/mavros/cmd/use_comp_id_system_control: False
* /uav1/mavros/conn/heartbeat_rate: 1.0
* /uav1/mavros/conn/system_time_rate: 1.0
* /uav1/mavros/conn/timeout: 10.0
* /uav1/mavros/conn/timesync_rate: 10.0
* /uav1/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/field_of_view: 0.0
* /uav1/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/frame_id: hrlv_ez4_sonar
* /uav1/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/id: 0
* /uav1/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/orientation: PITCH_270
* /uav1/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/send_tf: True
* /uav1/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/sensor_position/x: 0.0
* /uav1/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/sensor_position/y: 0.0
* /uav1/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/sensor_position/z: -0.1
* /uav1/mavros/distance_sensor/laser_1_sub/id: 3
* /uav1/mavros/distance_sensor/laser_1_sub/orientation: PITCH_270
* /uav1/mavros/distance_sensor/laser_1_sub/subscriber: True
* /uav1/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/field_of_view: 0.0
* /uav1/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/frame_id: lidarlite_laser
* /uav1/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/id: 1
* /uav1/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/orientation: PITCH_270
* /uav1/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/send_tf: True
* /uav1/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/sensor_position/x: 0.0
* /uav1/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/sensor_position/y: 0.0
* /uav1/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/sensor_position/z: -0.1
* /uav1/mavros/distance_sensor/sonar_1_sub/id: 2
* /uav1/mavros/distance_sensor/sonar_1_sub/orientation: PITCH_270
* /uav1/mavros/distance_sensor/sonar_1_sub/subscriber: True
* /uav1/mavros/fake_gps/eph: 2.0
* /uav1/mavros/fake_gps/epv: 2.0
* /uav1/mavros/fake_gps/fix_type: 3
* /uav1/mavros/fake_gps/geo_origin/alt: 408.0
* /uav1/mavros/fake_gps/geo_origin/lat: 47.3667
* /uav1/mavros/fake_gps/geo_origin/lon: 8.55
* /uav1/mavros/fake_gps/gps_rate: 5.0
* /uav1/mavros/fake_gps/mocap_transform: True
* /uav1/mavros/fake_gps/satellites_visible: 5
* /uav1/mavros/fake_gps/tf/child_frame_id: fix
* /uav1/mavros/fake_gps/tf/frame_id: map
* /uav1/mavros/fake_gps/tf/listen: False
* /uav1/mavros/fake_gps/tf/rate_limit: 10.0
* /uav1/mavros/fake_gps/tf/send: False
* /uav1/mavros/fake_gps/use_mocap: True
* /uav1/mavros/fake_gps/use_vision: False
* /uav1/mavros/fcu_protocol: v2.0
* /uav1/mavros/fcu_url: udp://:14541@loca...
* /uav1/mavros/gcs_url:
* /uav1/mavros/global_position/child_frame_id: base_link
* /uav1/mavros/global_position/frame_id: map
* /uav1/mavros/global_position/gps_uere: 1.0
* /uav1/mavros/global_position/rot_covariance: 99999.0
* /uav1/mavros/global_position/tf/child_frame_id: base_link
* /uav1/mavros/global_position/tf/frame_id: map
* /uav1/mavros/global_position/tf/global_frame_id: earth
* /uav1/mavros/global_position/tf/send: False
* /uav1/mavros/global_position/use_relative_alt: True
* /uav1/mavros/image/frame_id: px4flow
* /uav1/mavros/imu/angular_velocity_stdev: 0.000349065850399
* /uav1/mavros/imu/frame_id: base_link
* /uav1/mavros/imu/linear_acceleration_stdev: 0.0003
* /uav1/mavros/imu/magnetic_stdev: 0.0
* /uav1/mavros/imu/orientation_stdev: 1.0
* /uav1/mavros/local_position/frame_id: map
* /uav1/mavros/local_position/tf/child_frame_id: base_link
* /uav1/mavros/local_position/tf/frame_id: map
* /uav1/mavros/local_position/tf/send: False
* /uav1/mavros/local_position/tf/send_fcu: False
* /uav1/mavros/mission/pull_after_gcs: True
* /uav1/mavros/mocap/use_pose: True
* /uav1/mavros/mocap/use_tf: False
* /uav1/mavros/odometry/frame_tf/body_frame_orientation: frd
* /uav1/mavros/odometry/frame_tf/local_frame: vision_ned
* /uav1/mavros/plugin_blacklist: ['safety_area', '...
* /uav1/mavros/plugin_whitelist: []
* /uav1/mavros/px4flow/frame_id: px4flow
* /uav1/mavros/px4flow/ranger_fov: 0.118682389136
* /uav1/mavros/px4flow/ranger_max_range: 5.0
* /uav1/mavros/px4flow/ranger_min_range: 0.3
* /uav1/mavros/safety_area/p1/x: 1.0
* /uav1/mavros/safety_area/p1/y: 1.0
* /uav1/mavros/safety_area/p1/z: 1.0
* /uav1/mavros/safety_area/p2/x: -1.0
* /uav1/mavros/safety_area/p2/y: -1.0
* /uav1/mavros/safety_area/p2/z: -1.0
* /uav1/mavros/setpoint_accel/send_force: False
* /uav1/mavros/setpoint_attitude/reverse_thrust: False
* /uav1/mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/child_frame_id: target_attitude
* /uav1/mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/frame_id: map
* /uav1/mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/listen: False
* /uav1/mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/rate_limit: 50.0
* /uav1/mavros/setpoint_attitude/use_quaternion: False
* /uav1/mavros/setpoint_position/mav_frame: LOCAL_NED
* /uav1/mavros/setpoint_position/tf/child_frame_id: target_position
* /uav1/mavros/setpoint_position/tf/frame_id: map
* /uav1/mavros/setpoint_position/tf/listen: False
* /uav1/mavros/setpoint_position/tf/rate_limit: 50.0
* /uav1/mavros/setpoint_velocity/mav_frame: LOCAL_NED
* /uav1/mavros/startup_px4_usb_quirk: True
* /uav1/mavros/sys/disable_diag: False
* /uav1/mavros/sys/min_voltage: 10.0
* /uav1/mavros/target_component_id: 1
* /uav1/mavros/target_system_id: 2
* /uav1/mavros/tdr_radio/low_rssi: 40
* /uav1/mavros/time/time_ref_source: fcu
* /uav1/mavros/time/timesync_avg_alpha: 0.6
* /uav1/mavros/time/timesync_mode: MAVLINK
* /uav1/mavros/vibration/frame_id: base_link
* /uav1/mavros/vision_pose/tf/child_frame_id: vision_estimate
* /uav1/mavros/vision_pose/tf/frame_id: map
* /uav1/mavros/vision_pose/tf/listen: False
* /uav1/mavros/vision_pose/tf/rate_limit: 10.0
* /uav1/mavros/vision_speed/listen_twist: True
* /uav1/mavros/vision_speed/twist_cov: True
* /uav1/rotors_description: <?xml version="1....
* /uav2/mavros/cmd/use_comp_id_system_control: False
* /uav2/mavros/conn/heartbeat_rate: 1.0
* /uav2/mavros/conn/system_time_rate: 1.0
* /uav2/mavros/conn/timeout: 10.0
* /uav2/mavros/conn/timesync_rate: 10.0
* /uav2/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/field_of_view: 0.0
* /uav2/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/frame_id: hrlv_ez4_sonar
* /uav2/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/id: 0
* /uav2/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/orientation: PITCH_270
* /uav2/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/send_tf: True
* /uav2/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/sensor_position/x: 0.0
* /uav2/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/sensor_position/y: 0.0
* /uav2/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/sensor_position/z: -0.1
* /uav2/mavros/distance_sensor/laser_1_sub/id: 3
* /uav2/mavros/distance_sensor/laser_1_sub/orientation: PITCH_270
* /uav2/mavros/distance_sensor/laser_1_sub/subscriber: True
* /uav2/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/field_of_view: 0.0
* /uav2/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/frame_id: lidarlite_laser
* /uav2/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/id: 1
* /uav2/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/orientation: PITCH_270
* /uav2/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/send_tf: True
* /uav2/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/sensor_position/x: 0.0
* /uav2/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/sensor_position/y: 0.0
* /uav2/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/sensor_position/z: -0.1
* /uav2/mavros/distance_sensor/sonar_1_sub/id: 2
* /uav2/mavros/distance_sensor/sonar_1_sub/orientation: PITCH_270
* /uav2/mavros/distance_sensor/sonar_1_sub/subscriber: True
* /uav2/mavros/fake_gps/eph: 2.0
* /uav2/mavros/fake_gps/epv: 2.0
* /uav2/mavros/fake_gps/fix_type: 3
* /uav2/mavros/fake_gps/geo_origin/alt: 408.0
* /uav2/mavros/fake_gps/geo_origin/lat: 47.3667
* /uav2/mavros/fake_gps/geo_origin/lon: 8.55
* /uav2/mavros/fake_gps/gps_rate: 5.0
* /uav2/mavros/fake_gps/mocap_transform: True
* /uav2/mavros/fake_gps/satellites_visible: 5
* /uav2/mavros/fake_gps/tf/child_frame_id: fix
* /uav2/mavros/fake_gps/tf/frame_id: map
* /uav2/mavros/fake_gps/tf/listen: False
* /uav2/mavros/fake_gps/tf/rate_limit: 10.0
* /uav2/mavros/fake_gps/tf/send: False
* /uav2/mavros/fake_gps/use_mocap: True
* /uav2/mavros/fake_gps/use_vision: False
* /uav2/mavros/fcu_protocol: v2.0
* /uav2/mavros/fcu_url: udp://:14542@loca...
* /uav2/mavros/gcs_url:
* /uav2/mavros/global_position/child_frame_id: base_link
* /uav2/mavros/global_position/frame_id: map
* /uav2/mavros/global_position/gps_uere: 1.0
* /uav2/mavros/global_position/rot_covariance: 99999.0
* /uav2/mavros/global_position/tf/child_frame_id: base_link
* /uav2/mavros/global_position/tf/frame_id: map
* /uav2/mavros/global_position/tf/global_frame_id: earth
* /uav2/mavros/global_position/tf/send: False
* /uav2/mavros/global_position/use_relative_alt: True
* /uav2/mavros/image/frame_id: px4flow
* /uav2/mavros/imu/angular_velocity_stdev: 0.000349065850399
* /uav2/mavros/imu/frame_id: base_link
* /uav2/mavros/imu/linear_acceleration_stdev: 0.0003
* /uav2/mavros/imu/magnetic_stdev: 0.0
* /uav2/mavros/imu/orientation_stdev: 1.0
* /uav2/mavros/local_position/frame_id: map
* /uav2/mavros/local_position/tf/child_frame_id: base_link
* /uav2/mavros/local_position/tf/frame_id: map
* /uav2/mavros/local_position/tf/send: False
* /uav2/mavros/local_position/tf/send_fcu: False
* /uav2/mavros/mission/pull_after_gcs: True
* /uav2/mavros/mocap/use_pose: True
* /uav2/mavros/mocap/use_tf: False
* /uav2/mavros/odometry/frame_tf/body_frame_orientation: frd
* /uav2/mavros/odometry/frame_tf/local_frame: vision_ned
* /uav2/mavros/plugin_blacklist: ['safety_area', '...
* /uav2/mavros/plugin_whitelist: []
* /uav2/mavros/px4flow/frame_id: px4flow
* /uav2/mavros/px4flow/ranger_fov: 0.118682389136
* /uav2/mavros/px4flow/ranger_max_range: 5.0
* /uav2/mavros/px4flow/ranger_min_range: 0.3
* /uav2/mavros/safety_area/p1/x: 1.0
* /uav2/mavros/safety_area/p1/y: 1.0
* /uav2/mavros/safety_area/p1/z: 1.0
* /uav2/mavros/safety_area/p2/x: -1.0
* /uav2/mavros/safety_area/p2/y: -1.0
* /uav2/mavros/safety_area/p2/z: -1.0
* /uav2/mavros/setpoint_accel/send_force: False
* /uav2/mavros/setpoint_attitude/reverse_thrust: False
* /uav2/mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/child_frame_id: target_attitude
* /uav2/mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/frame_id: map
* /uav2/mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/listen: False
* /uav2/mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/rate_limit: 50.0
* /uav2/mavros/setpoint_attitude/use_quaternion: False
* /uav2/mavros/setpoint_position/mav_frame: LOCAL_NED
* /uav2/mavros/setpoint_position/tf/child_frame_id: target_position
* /uav2/mavros/setpoint_position/tf/frame_id: map
* /uav2/mavros/setpoint_position/tf/listen: False
* /uav2/mavros/setpoint_position/tf/rate_limit: 50.0
* /uav2/mavros/setpoint_velocity/mav_frame: LOCAL_NED
* /uav2/mavros/startup_px4_usb_quirk: True
* /uav2/mavros/sys/disable_diag: False
* /uav2/mavros/sys/min_voltage: 10.0
* /uav2/mavros/target_component_id: 1
* /uav2/mavros/target_system_id: 3
* /uav2/mavros/tdr_radio/low_rssi: 40
* /uav2/mavros/time/time_ref_source: fcu
* /uav2/mavros/time/timesync_avg_alpha: 0.6
* /uav2/mavros/time/timesync_mode: MAVLINK
* /uav2/mavros/vibration/frame_id: base_link
* /uav2/mavros/vision_pose/tf/child_frame_id: vision_estimate
* /uav2/mavros/vision_pose/tf/frame_id: map
* /uav2/mavros/vision_pose/tf/listen: False
* /uav2/mavros/vision_pose/tf/rate_limit: 10.0
* /uav2/mavros/vision_speed/listen_twist: True
* /uav2/mavros/vision_speed/twist_cov: True
* /uav2/rotors_description: <?xml version="1....
* /uav3/mavros/cmd/use_comp_id_system_control: False
* /uav3/mavros/conn/heartbeat_rate: 1.0
* /uav3/mavros/conn/system_time_rate: 1.0
* /uav3/mavros/conn/timeout: 10.0
* /uav3/mavros/conn/timesync_rate: 10.0
* /uav3/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/field_of_view: 0.0
* /uav3/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/frame_id: hrlv_ez4_sonar
* /uav3/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/id: 0
* /uav3/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/orientation: PITCH_270
* /uav3/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/send_tf: True
* /uav3/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/sensor_position/x: 0.0
* /uav3/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/sensor_position/y: 0.0
* /uav3/mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub/sensor_position/z: -0.1
* /uav3/mavros/distance_sensor/laser_1_sub/id: 3
* /uav3/mavros/distance_sensor/laser_1_sub/orientation: PITCH_270
* /uav3/mavros/distance_sensor/laser_1_sub/subscriber: True
* /uav3/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/field_of_view: 0.0
* /uav3/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/frame_id: lidarlite_laser
* /uav3/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/id: 1
* /uav3/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/orientation: PITCH_270
* /uav3/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/send_tf: True
* /uav3/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/sensor_position/x: 0.0
* /uav3/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/sensor_position/y: 0.0
* /uav3/mavros/distance_sensor/lidarlite_pub/sensor_position/z: -0.1
* /uav3/mavros/distance_sensor/sonar_1_sub/id: 2
* /uav3/mavros/distance_sensor/sonar_1_sub/orientation: PITCH_270
* /uav3/mavros/distance_sensor/sonar_1_sub/subscriber: True
* /uav3/mavros/fake_gps/eph: 2.0
* /uav3/mavros/fake_gps/epv: 2.0
* /uav3/mavros/fake_gps/fix_type: 3
* /uav3/mavros/fake_gps/geo_origin/alt: 408.0
* /uav3/mavros/fake_gps/geo_origin/lat: 47.3667
* /uav3/mavros/fake_gps/geo_origin/lon: 8.55
* /uav3/mavros/fake_gps/gps_rate: 5.0
* /uav3/mavros/fake_gps/mocap_transform: True
* /uav3/mavros/fake_gps/satellites_visible: 5
* /uav3/mavros/fake_gps/tf/child_frame_id: fix
* /uav3/mavros/fake_gps/tf/frame_id: map
* /uav3/mavros/fake_gps/tf/listen: False
* /uav3/mavros/fake_gps/tf/rate_limit: 10.0
* /uav3/mavros/fake_gps/tf/send: False
* /uav3/mavros/fake_gps/use_mocap: True
* /uav3/mavros/fake_gps/use_vision: False
* /uav3/mavros/fcu_protocol: v2.0
* /uav3/mavros/fcu_url: udp://:14543@loca...
* /uav3/mavros/gcs_url:
* /uav3/mavros/global_position/child_frame_id: base_link
* /uav3/mavros/global_position/frame_id: map
* /uav3/mavros/global_position/gps_uere: 1.0
* /uav3/mavros/global_position/rot_covariance: 99999.0
* /uav3/mavros/global_position/tf/child_frame_id: base_link
* /uav3/mavros/global_position/tf/frame_id: map
* /uav3/mavros/global_position/tf/global_frame_id: earth
* /uav3/mavros/global_position/tf/send: False
* /uav3/mavros/global_position/use_relative_alt: True
* /uav3/mavros/image/frame_id: px4flow
* /uav3/mavros/imu/angular_velocity_stdev: 0.000349065850399
* /uav3/mavros/imu/frame_id: base_link
* /uav3/mavros/imu/linear_acceleration_stdev: 0.0003
* /uav3/mavros/imu/magnetic_stdev: 0.0
* /uav3/mavros/imu/orientation_stdev: 1.0
* /uav3/mavros/local_position/frame_id: map
* /uav3/mavros/local_position/tf/child_frame_id: base_link
* /uav3/mavros/local_position/tf/frame_id: map
* /uav3/mavros/local_position/tf/send: False
* /uav3/mavros/local_position/tf/send_fcu: False
* /uav3/mavros/mission/pull_after_gcs: True
* /uav3/mavros/mocap/use_pose: True
* /uav3/mavros/mocap/use_tf: False
* /uav3/mavros/odometry/frame_tf/body_frame_orientation: frd
* /uav3/mavros/odometry/frame_tf/local_frame: vision_ned
* /uav3/mavros/plugin_blacklist: ['safety_area', '...
* /uav3/mavros/plugin_whitelist: []
* /uav3/mavros/px4flow/frame_id: px4flow
* /uav3/mavros/px4flow/ranger_fov: 0.118682389136
* /uav3/mavros/px4flow/ranger_max_range: 5.0
* /uav3/mavros/px4flow/ranger_min_range: 0.3
* /uav3/mavros/safety_area/p1/x: 1.0
* /uav3/mavros/safety_area/p1/y: 1.0
* /uav3/mavros/safety_area/p1/z: 1.0
* /uav3/mavros/safety_area/p2/x: -1.0
* /uav3/mavros/safety_area/p2/y: -1.0
* /uav3/mavros/safety_area/p2/z: -1.0
* /uav3/mavros/setpoint_accel/send_force: False
* /uav3/mavros/setpoint_attitude/reverse_thrust: False
* /uav3/mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/child_frame_id: target_attitude
* /uav3/mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/frame_id: map
* /uav3/mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/listen: False
* /uav3/mavros/setpoint_attitude/tf/rate_limit: 50.0
* /uav3/mavros/setpoint_attitude/use_quaternion: False
* /uav3/mavros/setpoint_position/mav_fr MAV_SYS_ID: curr: 1 -> new: 2
SYS_AUTOSTART: curr: 0 -> new: 10016
BAT_N_CELLS: curr: 0 -> new: 3
CAL_ACC0_ID: curr: 0 -> new: 1376264
CAL_ACC1_ID: curr: 0 -> new: 1310728
CAL_ACC_PRIME: curr: 0 -> new: 1376264
CAL_GYRO0_ID: curr: 0 -> new: 2293768
CAL_GYRO_PRIME: curr: 0 -> new: 2293768
CAL_MAG0_ID: curr: 0 -> new: 196616
CAL_MAG_PRIME: curr: 0 -> new: 196616
COM_DISARM_LAND: curr: -1.0000 -> new: 0.1000
COM_OBL_ACT: curr: 0 -> new: 2
COM_OF_LOSS_T: curr: 0.0000 -> new: 5.0000
COM_RC_IN_MODE: curr: 0 -> new: 1
EKF2_ANGERR_INIT: curr: 0.1000 -> new: 0.0100
EKF2_GBIAS_INIT: curr: 0.1000 -> new: 0.0100
MC_PITCH_P: curr: 6.5000 -> new: 6.0000
MC_PITCHRATE_P: curr: 0.1500 -> new: 0.2000
MC_ROLL_P: curr: 6.5000 -> new: 6.0000
MC_ROLLRATE_P: curr: 0.1500 -> new: 0.2000
MPC_HOLD_MAX_Z: curr: 0.6000 -> new: 2.0000
MPC_Z_VEL_I: curr: 0.0200 -> new: 0.1500
MPC_Z_VEL_P: curr: 0.2000 -> new: 0.6000
MPC_XY_P: curr: 0.9500 -> new: 0.8000
MPC_XY_VEL_P: curr: 0.0900 -> new: 0.2000
MPC_XY_VEL_D: curr: 0.0100 -> new: 0.0160
MPC_JERK_MIN: curr: 8.0000 -> new: 10.0000
MPC_ACC_HOR_MAX: curr: 10.0000 -> new: 3.0000
NAV_ACC_RAD: curr: 10.0000 -> new: 2.0000
NAV_DLL_ACT: curr: 0 -> new: 2
RTL_DESCEND_ALT: curr: 30.0000 -> new: 5.0000
RTL_LAND_DELAY: curr: -1.0000 -> new: 5.0000
RTL_RETURN_ALT: curr: 60.0000 -> new: 30.0000
SDLOG_MODE: curr: 0 -> new: 1
SDLOG_PROFILE: curr: 3 -> new: 131
SDLOG_DIRS_MAX: curr: 0 -> new: 7
SENS_BOARD_X_OFF: curr: 0.0000 -> new: 0.0000
SENS_DPRES_OFF: curr: 0.0000 -> new: 0.0010
* RTL_DESCEND_ALT: curr: 5.0000 -> new: 10.0000
* RTL_LAND_DELAY: curr: 5.0000 -> new: 0.0000
PWM_MAX: curr: 2000 -> new: 1950
PWM_MIN: curr: 1000 -> new: 1075
[ERROR] [1556392629.602416773]: Plugin adsb load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin adsb. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392629.603630136]: Plugin cam_imu_sync load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin cam_imu_sync. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392629.607510475]: Plugin debug_value load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin debug_value. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392629.607636541]: Plugin fake_gps load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin fake_gps. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392629.622747219]: Plugin gps_rtk load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin gps_rtk. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392629.640787480]: Plugin log_transfer load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin log_transfer. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392629.642892976]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin mocap_pose_estimate. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392629.642998441]: Plugin obstacle_distance load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin obstacle_distance. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392629.643093228]: Plugin odom load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin odom. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392629.645239986]: Plugin px4flow load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin px4flow. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[FATAL] [1556392629.665399067]: No thrust scaling factor found, DO NOT FLY
[FATAL] [1556392629.665637007]: No system mass found, DO NOT FLY
[FATAL] [1556392629.665859078]: No yaw rate scaling factor found, DO NOT FLY
[ERROR] [1556392629.686242783]: Plugin trajectory load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin trajectory. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392629.686968584]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin vision_pose_estimate. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392629.687115698]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin vision_speed_estimate. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ INFO] [1556392629.586644133]: FCU URL: udp://:14541@localhost:14581
[ INFO] [1556392629.589063676]: udp0: Bind address:
[ INFO] [1556392629.589168278]: udp0: Remote address:
[ INFO] [1556392629.589417683]: GCS bridge disabled
[ INFO] [1556392629.598407980]: Plugin 3dr_radio loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.599748569]: Plugin 3dr_radio initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.599833788]: Plugin actuator_control loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.602189364]: Plugin actuator_control initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.602508359]: Plugin altitude loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.603467653]: Plugin altitude initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.603740690]: Plugin command loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.607353692]: Plugin command initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.607537445]: Plugin distance_sensor blacklisted
[ INFO] [1556392629.607735293]: Plugin ftp loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.613420104]: Plugin ftp initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.613520412]: Plugin global_position loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.622591482]: Plugin global_position initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.622824488]: Plugin hil loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.630458840]: Plugin hil initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.630598365]: Plugin home_position loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.632911179]: Plugin home_position initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.632998997]: Plugin imu loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.637545648]: Plugin imu initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.637650186]: Plugin local_position loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.640620341]: Plugin local_position initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.640876334]: Plugin manual_control loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.642748604]: Plugin manual_control initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.643219286]: Plugin param loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.645086930]: Plugin param initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.645263449]: Plugin rangefinder blacklisted
[ INFO] [1556392629.645371369]: Plugin rc_io loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.647638415]: Plugin rc_io initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.647661529]: Plugin safety_area blacklisted
[ INFO] [1556392629.647737082]: Plugin setpoint_accel loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.649504753]: Plugin setpoint_accel initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.649650430]: Plugin setpoint_attitude loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.656355265]: Plugin setpoint_attitude initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.656489616]: Plugin setpoint_position loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.664844848]: Plugin setpoint_position initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.664968701]: Plugin setpoint_raw loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.672392554]: Plugin setpoint_raw initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.672522286]: Plugin setpoint_velocity loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.676008716]: Plugin setpoint_velocity initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.676245513]: Plugin sys_status loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.681991919]: Plugin sys_status initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.682130745]: Plugin sys_time loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.685249029]: TM: Timesync mode: MAVLINK
[ INFO] [1556392629.686038696]: Plugin sys_time initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.686344956]: Plugin vfr_hud loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.686793129]: Plugin vfr_hud initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.686815011]: Plugin vibration blacklisted
[ INFO] [1556392629.687219423]: Plugin waypoint loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.690398663]: Plugin waypoint initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.690503226]: Plugin wind_estimation loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.690999350]: Plugin wind_estimation initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.691034834]: Autostarting mavlink via USB on PX4
[ INFO] [1556392629.691143284]: Built-in SIMD instructions: SSE, SSE2
[ INFO] [1556392629.691160604]: Built-in MAVLink package version: 2019.4.4
[ INFO] [1556392629.691179385]: Known MAVLink dialects: common ardupilotmega ASLUAV aut MAV_SYS_ID: curr: 1 -> new: 3
SYS_AUTOSTART: curr: 0 -> new: 10016
BAT_N_CELLS: curr: 0 -> new: 3
CAL_ACC0_ID: curr: 0 -> new: 1376264
CAL_ACC1_ID: curr: 0 -> new: 1310728
CAL_ACC_PRIME: curr: 0 -> new: 1376264
CAL_GYRO0_ID: curr: 0 -> new: 2293768
CAL_GYRO_PRIME: curr: 0 -> new: 2293768
CAL_MAG0_ID: curr: 0 -> new: 196616
CAL_MAG_PRIME: curr: 0 -> new: 196616
COM_DISARM_LAND: curr: -1.0000 -> new: 0.1000
COM_OBL_ACT: curr: 0 -> new: 2
COM_OF_LOSS_T: curr: 0.0000 -> new: 5.0000
COM_RC_IN_MODE: curr: 0 -> new: 1
EKF2_ANGERR_INIT: curr: 0.1000 -> new: 0.0100
EKF2_GBIAS_INIT: curr: 0.1000 -> new: 0.0100
MC_PITCH_P: curr: 6.5000 -> new: 6.0000
MC_PITCHRATE_P: curr: 0.1500 -> new: 0.2000
MC_ROLL_P: curr: 6.5000 -> new: 6.0000
MC_ROLLRATE_P: curr: 0.1500 -> new: 0.2000
MPC_HOLD_MAX_Z: curr: 0.6000 -> new: 2.0000
MPC_Z_VEL_I: curr: 0.0200 -> new: 0.1500
MPC_Z_VEL_P: curr: 0.2000 -> new: 0.6000
MPC_XY_P: curr: 0.9500 -> new: 0.8000
MPC_XY_VEL_P: curr: 0.0900 -> new: 0.2000
MPC_XY_VEL_D: curr: 0.0100 -> new: 0.0160
MPC_JERK_MIN: curr: 8.0000 -> new: 10.0000
MPC_ACC_HOR_MAX: curr: 10.0000 -> new: 3.0000
NAV_ACC_RAD: curr: 10.0000 -> new: 2.0000
NAV_DLL_ACT: curr: 0 -> new: 2
RTL_DESCEND_ALT: curr: 30.0000 -> new: 5.0000
RTL_LAND_DELAY: curr: -1.0000 -> new: 5.0000
RTL_RETURN_ALT: curr: 60.0000 -> new: 30.0000
SDLOG_MODE: curr: 0 -> new: 1
SDLOG_PROFILE: curr: 3 -> new: 131
SDLOG_DIRS_MAX: curr: 0 -> new: 7
SENS_BOARD_X_OFF: curr: 0.0000 -> new: 0.0000
[ERROR] [1556392629.842960005]: Plugin adsb load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin adsb. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
SENS_DPRES_OFF: curr: 0.0000 -> new: 0.0010
[ERROR] [1556392629.844419242]: Plugin cam_imu_sync load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin cam_imu_sync. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392629.849873405]: Plugin debug_value load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin debug_value. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392629.850046483]: Plugin fake_gps load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin fake_gps. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
* RTL_DESCEND_ALT: curr: 5.0000 -> new: 10.0000
* RTL_LAND_DELAY: curr: 5.0000 -> new: 0.0000
PWM_MAX: curr: 2000 -> new: 1950
PWM_MIN: curr: 1000 -> new: 1075
[ERROR] [1556392629.884738749]: Plugin gps_rtk load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin gps_rtk. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392629.915588791]: Plugin log_transfer load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin log_transfer. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392629.918140819]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin mocap_pose_estimate. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392629.918324719]: Plugin obstacle_distance load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin obstacle_distance. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392629.918463643]: Plugin odom load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin odom. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392629.921976493]: Plugin px4flow load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin px4flow. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
MAV_SYS_ID: curr: 1 -> new: 4
SYS_AUTOSTART: curr: 0 -> new: 10016
BAT_N_CELLS: curr: 0 -> new: 3
CAL_ACC0_ID: curr: 0 -> new: 1376264
CAL_ACC1_ID: curr: 0 -> new: 1310728
CAL_ACC_PRIME: curr: 0 -> new: 1376264
CAL_GYRO0_ID: curr: 0 -> new: 2293768
CAL_GYRO_PRIME: curr: 0 -> new: 2293768
CAL_MAG0_ID: curr: 0 -> new: 196616
CAL_MAG_PRIME: curr: 0 -> new: 196616
COM_DISARM_LAND: curr: -1.0000 -> new: 0.1000
[FATAL] [1556392629.953231338]: No thrust scaling factor found, DO NOT FLY
[FATAL] [1556392629.953623986]: No system mass found, DO NOT FLY
COM_OBL_ACT: curr: 0 -> new: 2
[FATAL] [1556392629.954093639]: No yaw rate scaling factor found, DO NOT FLY
COM_OF_LOSS_T: curr: 0.0000 -> new: 5.0000
COM_RC_IN_MODE: curr: 0 -> new: 1
EKF2_ANGERR_INIT: curr: 0.1000 -> new: 0.0100
EKF2_GBIAS_INIT: curr: 0.1000 -> new: 0.0100
MC_PITCH_P: curr: 6.5000 -> new: 6.0000
MC_PITCHRATE_P: curr: 0.1500 -> new: 0.2000
MC_ROLL_P: curr: 6.5000 -> new: 6.0000
MC_ROLLRATE_P: curr: 0.1500 -> new: 0.2000
MPC_HOLD_MAX_Z: curr: 0.6000 -> new: 2.0000
MPC_Z_VEL_I: curr: 0.0200 -> new: 0.1500
MPC_Z_VEL_P: curr: 0.2000 -> new: 0.6000
MPC_XY_P: curr: 0.9500 -> new: 0.8000
MPC_XY_VEL_P: curr: 0.0900 -> new: 0.2000
[ERROR] [1556392629.992261491]: Plugin trajectory load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin trajectory. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392629.993530107]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin vision_pose_estimate. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392629.993693244]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin vision_speed_estimate. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
MPC_XY_VEL_D: curr: 0.0100 -> new: 0.0160
MPC_JERK_MIN: curr: 8.0000 -> new: 10.0000
[ INFO] [1556392629.822441328]: FCU URL: udp://:14542@localhost:14582
[ INFO] [1556392629.825085265]: udp0: Bind address:
[ INFO] [1556392629.825192415]: udp0: Remote address:
[ INFO] [1556392629.825450875]: GCS bridge disabled
[ INFO] [1556392629.837296937]: Plugin 3dr_radio loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.839738855]: Plugin 3dr_radio initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.839857210]: Plugin actuator_control loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.842708715]: Plugin actuator_control initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.843074896]: Plugin altitude loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.844227673]: Plugin altitude initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.844545467]: Plugin command loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.849625689]: Plugin command initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.849906267]: Plugin distance_sensor blacklisted
[ INFO] [1556392629.850188337]: Plugin ftp loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.864034606]: Plugin ftp initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.864180096]: Plugin global_position loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.884496558]: Plugin global_position initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.884859676]: Plugin hil loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.896311048]: Plugin hil initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.896521044]: Plugin home_position loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.900584119]: Plugin home_position initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.900732602]: Plugin imu loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.911546180]: Plugin imu initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.911675817]: Plugin local_position loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.915367173]: Plugin local_position initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.915699781]: Plugin manual_control loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.917903825]: Plugin manual_control initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.918642810]: Plugin param loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.921747726]: Plugin param initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.922008318]: Plugin rangefinder blacklisted
[ INFO] [1556392629.922132660]: Plugin rc_io loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.925275493]: Plugin rc_io initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.925311285]: Plugin safety_area blacklisted
[ INFO] [1556392629.925438202]: Plugin setpoint_accel loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.928580003]: Plugin setpoint_accel initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.928874829]: Plugin setpoint_attitude loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.938742947]: Plugin setpoint_attitude initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.938907759]: Plugin setpoint_position loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.951818604]: Plugin setpoint_position initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.952145075]: Plugin setpoint_raw loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.970444577]: Plugin setpoint_raw initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.970620209]: Plugin setpoint_velocity loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.976067858]: Plugin setpoint_velocity initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.976361611]: Plugin sys_status loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.985260307]: Plugin sys_status initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.985486052]: Plugin sys_time loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.990613235]: TM: Timesync mode: MAVLINK
[ INFO] [1556392629.991995271]: Plugin sys_time initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.992399304]: Plugin vfr_hud loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.993292923]: Plugin vfr_hud initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.993326479]: Plugin vibration blacklisted
[ INFO] [1556392629.993842630]: Plugin waypoint loaded
[ INFO] [1556392629.999285239]: Plugin waypoint initialized
[ INFO] [1556392629.999463946]: Plugin wind_estimation loaded
[ INFO] [1556392630.000317878]: Plugin wind_estimation initialized
[ INFO] [1556392630.000374207]: Autostarting mavlink via USB on PX4
[ INFO] [1556392630.000533254]: Built-in SIMD instructions: SSE, SSE2
[ INFO] [1556392630.000552664]: Built-in MAVLink package version: 2019.4.4
[ INFO] [1556392630.000576078]: Known MAVLink dialects: common ardupilotmega ASLUAV aut MPC_ACC_HOR_MAX: curr: 10.0000 -> new: 3.0000
NAV_ACC_RAD: curr: 10.0000 -> new: 2.0000
NAV_DLL_ACT: curr: 0 -> new: 2
RTL_DESCEND_ALT: curr: 30.0000 -> new: 5.0000
RTL_LAND_DELAY: curr: -1.0000 -> new: 5.0000
RTL_RETURN_ALT: curr: 60.0000 -> new: 30.0000
SDLOG_MODE: curr: 0 -> new: 1
SDLOG_PROFILE: curr: 3 -> new: 131
SDLOG_DIRS_MAX: curr: 0 -> new: 7
SENS_BOARD_X_OFF: curr: 0.0000 -> new: 0.0000
SENS_DPRES_OFF: curr: 0.0000 -> new: 0.0010
* RTL_DESCEND_ALT: curr: 5.0000 -> new: 10.0000
* RTL_LAND_DELAY: curr: 5.0000 -> new: 0.0000
PWM_MAX: curr: 2000 -> new: 1950
PWM_MIN: curr: 1000 -> new: 1075
[ERROR] [1556392630.062058800]: Plugin adsb load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin adsb. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392630.063422040]: Plugin cam_imu_sync load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin cam_imu_sync. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392630.072322480]: Plugin debug_value load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin debug_value. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392630.072521206]: Plugin fake_gps load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin fake_gps. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392630.092136502]: Plugin gps_rtk load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin gps_rtk. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392630.118424679]: Plugin log_transfer load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin log_transfer. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392630.121175348]: Plugin mocap_pose_estimate load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin mocap_pose_estimate. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392630.121294819]: Plugin obstacle_distance load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin obstacle_distance. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392630.121398122]: Plugin odom load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin odom. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392630.123678925]: Plugin px4flow load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin px4flow. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[FATAL] [1556392630.145677289]: No thrust scaling factor found, DO NOT FLY
[FATAL] [1556392630.145922009]: No system mass found, DO NOT FLY
[FATAL] [1556392630.146156409]: No yaw rate scaling factor found, DO NOT FLY
[ERROR] [1556392630.173399231]: Plugin trajectory load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin trajectory. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392630.174140693]: Plugin vision_pose_estimate load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin vision_pose_estimate. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ERROR] [1556392630.174285219]: Plugin vision_speed_estimate load exception: Could not find library corresponding to plugin vision_speed_estimate. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.
[ INFO] [1556392630.041636776]: FCU URL: udp://:14543@localhost:14583
[ INFO] [1556392630.044330187]: udp0: Bind address:
[ INFO] [1556392630.044439492]: udp0: Remote address:
[ INFO] [1556392630.044701332]: GCS bridge disabled
[ INFO] [1556392630.057172881]: Plugin 3dr_radio loaded
[ INFO] [1556392630.058836842]: Plugin 3dr_radio initialized
[ INFO] [1556392630.058942034]: Plugin actuator_control loaded
[ INFO] [1556392630.061788466]: Plugin actuator_control initialized
[ INFO] [1556392630.062178017]: Plugin altitude loaded
[ INFO] [1556392630.063245898]: Plugin altitude initialized
[ INFO] [1556392630.063545109]: Plugin command loaded
[ INFO] [1556392630.072104733]: Plugin command initialized
[ INFO] [1556392630.072375458]: Plugin distance_sensor blacklisted
[ INFO] [1556392630.072661984]: Plugin ftp loaded
[ INFO] [1556392630.080018703]: Plugin ftp initialized
[ INFO] [1556392630.080188434]: Plugin global_position loaded
[ INFO] [1556392630.091962627]: Plugin global_position initialized
[ INFO] [1556392630.092237531]: Plugin hil loaded
[ INFO] [1556392630.103604049]: Plugin hil initialized
[ INFO] [1556392630.103751626]: Plugin home_position loaded
[ INFO] [1556392630.106826845]: Plugin home_position initialized
[ INFO] [1556392630.106936202]: Plugin imu loaded
[ INFO] [1556392630.113394042]: Plugin imu initialized
[ INFO] [1556392630.113508326]: Plugin local_position loaded
[ INFO] [1556392630.118194885]: Plugin local_position initialized
[ INFO] [1556392630.118538562]: Plugin manual_control loaded
[ INFO] [1556392630.121004746]: Plugin manual_control initialized
[ INFO] [1556392630.121527076]: Plugin param loaded
[ INFO] [1556392630.123514803]: Plugin param initialized
[ INFO] [1556392630.123704072]: Plugin rangefinder blacklisted
[ INFO] [1556392630.123807942]: Plugin rc_io loaded
[ INFO] [1556392630.126718166]: Plugin rc_io initialized
[ INFO] [1556392630.126747527]: Plugin safety_area blacklisted
[ INFO] [1556392630.126864513]: Plugin setpoint_accel loaded
[ INFO] [1556392630.128847250]: Plugin setpoint_accel initialized
[ INFO] [1556392630.129082906]: Plugin setpoint_attitude loaded
[ INFO] [1556392630.136041368]: Plugin setpoint_attitude initialized
[ INFO] [1556392630.136166171]: Plugin setpoint_position loaded
[ INFO] [1556392630.145077341]: Plugin setpoint_position initialized
[ INFO] [1556392630.145209278]: Plugin setpoint_raw loaded
[ INFO] [1556392630.153745709]: Plugin setpoint_raw initialized
[ INFO] [1556392630.153881676]: Plugin setpoint_velocity loaded
[ INFO] [1556392630.158801987]: Plugin setpoint_velocity initialized
[ INFO] [1556392630.159213315]: Plugin sys_status loaded
[ INFO] [1556392630.167672985]: Plugin sys_status initialized
[ INFO] [1556392630.167810131]: Plugin sys_time loaded
[ INFO] [1556392630.172316940]: TM: Timesync mode: MAVLINK
[ INFO] [1556392630.173199290]: Plugin sys_time initialized
[ INFO] [1556392630.173496441]: Plugin vfr_hud loaded
[ INFO] [1556392630.173988402]: Plugin vfr_hud initialized
[ INFO] [1556392630.174005220]: Plugin vibration blacklisted
[ INFO] [1556392630.174389092]: Plugin waypoint loaded
[ INFO] [1556392630.177750286]: Plugin waypoint initialized
[ INFO] [1556392630.177909986]: Plugin wind_estimation loaded
[ INFO] [1556392630.178544271]: Plugin wind_estimation initialized
[ INFO] [1556392630.178597249]: Autostarting mavlink via USB on PX4
[ INFO] [1556392630.178755179]: Built-in SIMD instructions: SSE, SSE2
[ INFO] [1556392630.178776919]: Built-in MAVLink package version: 2019.4.4
[ INFO] [1556392630.178801198]: Known MAVLink dialects: common ardupilotmega ASLUAV aut[INFO] [1556392630.534516, 0.000000]: Loading model XML from ros parameter rotors_description
[INFO] [1556392630.547706, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
[INFO] [1556392630.550343, 0.000000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
[INFO] [1556392630.817609, 0.364000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity
[INFO] [1556392630.616037, 0.000000]: Loading model XML from ros parameter rotors_description
[INFO] [1556392630.632410, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
[INFO] [1556392630.634887, 0.000000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
[INFO] [1556392631.082656, 0.568000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity
[INFO] [1556392630.882894, 0.000000]: Loading model XML from ros parameter rotors_description
[INFO] [1556392630.892740, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
[INFO] [1556392630.894688, 0.000000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
[INFO] [1556392631.350695, 0.772000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity
oquad icarous matrixpilot paparazzi slugs standard uAvionix ualberta
[ INFO] [1556392630.178837982]: MAVROS started. MY ID 1.240, TARGET ID 4.1
oquad icarous matrixpilot paparazzi slugs standard uAvionix ualberta
[ INFO] [1556392629.691212703]: MAVROS started. MY ID 1.240, TARGET ID 2.1
oquad icarous matrixpilot paparazzi slugs standard uAvionix ualberta
[ INFO] [1556392630.000613538]: MAVROS started. MY ID 1.240, TARGET ID 3.1
[ INFO] [1556392629.872583047]: Finished loading Gazebo ROS API Plugin.
[ INFO] [1556392629.874175586]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] has not been advertised, waiting...
[ INFO] [1556392630.364318323, 0.024000000]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] is now available.
[ INFO] [1556392630.381800971, 0.040000000]: Physics dynamic reconfigure ready.
[uav3/sitl_3-10] escalating to SIGTERM
[gazebo_gui-3] escalating to SIGTERM
[uav2/sitl_2-7] escalating to SIGTERM
[uav1/sitl_1-4] escalating to SIGTERM
* /uav3/mavros/setpoint_position/tf/child_frame_id: target_position
* /uav3/mavros/setpoint_position/tf/frame_id: map
* /uav3/mavros/setpoint_position/tf/listen: False
* /uav3/mavros/setpoint_position/tf/rate_limit: 50.0
* /uav3/mavros/setpoint_velocity/mav_frame: LOCAL_NED
* /uav3/mavros/startup_px4_usb_quirk: True
* /uav3/mavros/sys/disable_diag: False
* /uav3/mavros/sys/min_voltage: 10.0
* /uav3/mavros/target_component_id: 1
* /uav3/mavros/target_system_id: 4
* /uav3/mavros/tdr_radio/low_rssi: 40
* /uav3/mavros/time/time_ref_source: fcu
* /uav3/mavros/time/timesync_avg_alpha: 0.6
* /uav3/mavros/time/timesync_mode: MAVLINK
* /uav3/mavros/vibration/frame_id: base_link
* /uav3/mavros/vision_pose/tf/child_frame_id: vision_estimate
* /uav3/mavros/vision_pose/tf/frame_id: map
* /uav3/mavros/vision_pose/tf/listen: False
* /uav3/mavros/vision_pose/tf/rate_limit: 10.0
* /uav3/mavros/vision_speed/listen_twist: True
* /uav3/mavros/vision_speed/twist_cov: True
* /uav3/rotors_description: <?xml version="1....
* /use_sim_time: True
iris_1_spawn (gazebo_ros/spawn_model)
mavros (mavros/mavros_node)
sitl_1 (px4/px4)
iris_2_spawn (gazebo_ros/spawn_model)
mavros (mavros/mavros_node)
sitl_2 (px4/px4)
gazebo (gazebo_ros/gzserver)
gazebo_gui (gazebo_ros/gzclient)
iris_3_spawn (gazebo_ros/spawn_model)
mavros (mavros/mavros_node)
sitl_3 (px4/px4)
auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [21524]
]2;/home/vadim/src/MultiFirmware/launch/multi_uav_mavros_sitl.launch http://localhost:11311
setting /run_id to 0c7b8e10-6921-11e9-8a5c-8c164557e6f5
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [21535]
started core service [/rosout]
process[gazebo-2]: started with pid [21543]
process[gazebo_gui-3]: started with pid [21548]
process[uav1/sitl_1-4]: started with pid [21557]
process[uav1/iris_1_spawn-5]: started with pid [21573]
process[uav1/mavros-6]: started with pid [21582]
process[uav2/sitl_2-7]: started with pid [21779]
process[uav2/iris_2_spawn-8]: started with pid [21797]
process[uav2/mavros-9]: started with pid [21807]
process[uav3/sitl_3-10]: started with pid [21981]
process[uav3/iris_3_spawn-11]: started with pid [22013]
process[uav3/mavros-12]: started with pid [22024]
[uav1/iris_1_spawn-5] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/vadim/.ros/log/0c7b8e10-6921-11e9-8a5c-8c164557e6f5/uav1-iris_1_spawn-5*.log
[uav2/iris_2_spawn-8] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/vadim/.ros/log/0c7b8e10-6921-11e9-8a5c-8c164557e6f5/uav2-iris_2_spawn-8*.log
[uav3/iris_3_spawn-11] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/vadim/.ros/log/0c7b8e10-6921-11e9-8a5c-8c164557e6f5/uav3-iris_3_spawn-11*.log
[uav3/mavros-12] killing on exit
[uav3/sitl_3-10] killing on exit
[uav2/mavros-9] killing on exit
[uav2/sitl_2-7] killing on exit
[uav1/mavros-6] killing on exit
[gazebo_gui-3] killing on exit
[gazebo-2] killing on exit
[uav1/sitl_1-4] killing on exit
[rosout-1] killing on exit
[master] killing on exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
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