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Last active March 27, 2023 22:32
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28th amendment (suggestions)

Government Auxillary Amendment


The dawn of the Information Age has brought many benefits to the American People, but also many grave concerns. Chief amongst the concerns the Information Age is the increasingly government-like activity that massive Corporations like Meta (formerly Facebook), Google, and Amazon have exhibited. This, however, is not a surprise to anyone who has seen the internal communications between these companies and the federal government.

This shows the concern with this corporate power: a corporate/government collusion apparatus. This apparatus is the sum of a system where the government gets the benefit of plausible deniability and the ability to use the proper rights and protections as a private company to shield itself from violations of the limitations placed on it by the Constitution.

In exchange, the corporations get to pick and choose candidates to receive favorable legislation in the form of bailouts, tax loopholes, or lop-sided law enforcement. In so doing this, the participating Corporations become a part of the government bureaucracy, with the ruling elite becoming increasingly indebted to these Corporations for their seats in power through election manipulation and the like.


Any Company, Business, Charitable Organization, or other Organization that has ever partaken in any of the following provisions will forever be considered a government auxiliary ("Auxiliary") and, as such, be considered an arm of the government of the United States of America. This status thereby allows civil, criminal, and constitutional penalties to be levied against the Company or Organization the same way and for the same reasons as those penalties may be levied upon a person elected, appointed, or employed by the US Government or against a branch or agency thereof.

Activities that count a company or organization as an Auxiliary include the following:

  1. Gathering, disseminating, tracking, or corroborating any information at the behest of any government agency or individual without being presented a warrant for such information.

    • The exception to this rule is if the information being gathered is evidence of a known crime which the Company or Organization is looking to bring to court as a plaintiff.
  2. Banning, blocking, denying access, or actively sabotaging a user’s ability to use and/or derive revenue from their service at the behest of any government branch, agency, or individual without having been presented a valid court order for said action.

  3. Accepting any stimulus, bail-out, or any other form of payment or benefit from the US Government that is not directly a payment for goods or services rendered to the government (such as arms manufacturers accepting money for providing weapons to the US Department of Defense).

  4. Lobbying for any law, provision, or agency directive that, by design, grants measurable benefit to one business or organization over another due to type (eg: solar energy vs petroleum) or by size (eg: a bill that would create compliance costs that would disproportionately harm smaller businesses over larger ones).


A company or organization classified as an Auxiliary under this provision will be subject to the following:

  1. All government regulations and provisions, penalties for misconduct and constitutional violations, privacy protections of individuals' personal information, and similar statutes will apply to the company or organization for as long as it remains an Auxiliary. US Persons may bring violations against them by an Auxiliary by the same process by which they may file similar suits against government entities in violation of the same regulations or statutes.

  2. Admonishment by the Supreme Court of the United States of America. If an Auxiliary is admonished by the Supreme Court for gross violations of the Constitution or citizens’ constitutional rights, that company or organization can be forcibly dissolved and its assets sold at public auction.

Sunset Amendment


For far too long, our Congress has passed far too many laws, with far too many of these laws being direct infringements upon the rights of each American citizen. These laws are too numerous and too long. And the volume of American federal law poses many problems.

1. Redundancy and excessive complexity

There are laws against assault, and then laws against “hate crimes”, which include assault. There may be one law for a specific crime, but then the penalties were amended in 3 subsequent laws. Circumstances like this make it near impossible for a regular American to perform the due diligence required to understand the laws that he may be subject to and must obey. If every single American must understand hundreds of years of often contradictory laws that often reference each other, then it is unreasonable to expect Americans to understand that law, let alone abide by it.

2. Undermining our Legal process and undermining the confidence therein

With such an impossibly long list of laws that are considered "in effect," it becomes inevitable that some laws become forgotten and cease to be enforced. These laws cease being culturally, legally, or politically relevant, yet remain legal in all official contexts. This creates multiple corollary issues:

  1. This produces a lack of confidence in the American citizen that the older laws that should be enforced arebeing enforced. It causes a reasonable American to wonder if there is a bias or political malintent associated with the informal decision of which older laws should continue to be enforced.

  2. This also produces proverbial "landmines" where a political or legal actor can maliciously discover a forgotten and long irrelevant law begin to selectively enforce it for one’s own individual or political purposes. A bad actor, in this context, could work to resume the enforcement of a previously unenforced and forgotten law against enemies that could not have been reasonably expected to know that they were violating a law at all.

3. Resistance to correction of errors

"Nothing is more permanent than a temporary government program."

Entire departments, bureaucratic institutions, and other government systems and policies continue to last well beyond the necessity of their initial intent. These systems exist both as a burden on the American taxpayer—requiring him to continue to fund organizations that have long since outlived their utility for him—and as a reminder that rights, once lost, will continue to be infringed even when the folly of the law that infringed on those rights has become evident. One needs to look no further than laws against the private ownership of alcohol distillation equipment, which were created as a part of the federal prohibition on alcohol which has since been overturned for almost 100 years, to see that laws cannot be written to last indefinitely if we are to retain our Republic indefinitely.

It is for the above reasons that we, the American people, present this Amendment to the Constitution to our Congress, to pass it on our behalf, to save this Republic.


No law passed by Congress, as per Article 1 of the Constitution shall remain in effect for a period of 15 years or longer. Each law, when it has reached the 14th year since it has passed, shall be brought before each chamber and be reviewed on the grounds of its necessity, intent, and results.

Between the 14th and 15th year, that law may then be amended, expanded upon, or removed from the body of American law. For a law to remain in effect past its 15th year, Congress must vote on and pass the law anew as per Article 1 Section 1 and Article 1 Section 7.


The body of laws currently in place when this Amendment is passed, will be divided into three groups by the Senate by the first Monday in December after its passage:

  1. The first group of laws shall require review by Congress as per the first paragraph of this Amendment within 6 years of its passage and will cease to be law if not passed anew by the 7th year.

  2. The second group shall require review by Congress within 13 years after the passage of this Amendment and will cease to be Law if not passed anew by the 14th year.

  3. The third group will require review by Congress within 20 years of the passage of this Amendment and will cease to be Law if not passed anew by the 21st year.

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