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Last active July 23, 2020 00:18
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Save VycktorStark/5814972dc02fc8946061b246a3594c62 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This project aims to execute functions in the terminal using the bot, it was developed in python with one using the telepot framework.
__author__ = "Vycktor Stark"
This is a simple project to execute a command on your terminal
using a telegram bot that will work with the telepot framework
To start the code, after the download, just enter your bot's token
and your account ID and then execute the following: `python3`
import telepot, re, time, subprocess
bot, sudo_id = telepot.Bot('Token'), 12998399 #Set your bot's token, and your account id
def runinterminal(self):
This function executes commands on the terminal in the background
and returns what it collects from the terminal that will be executed in a subprocess.
resp = None
resp = subprocess.check_output(self, shell=True).decode('utf8')
if (len(resp) == 0) or (resp == "\n"):
resp = "OK"
except Exception as error:
resp = error
return resp
def handle(msg):
This function will receive events, but will only handle events with one item: "text"
and also if your ID has been validated as true when compared to the chat ID
If the variables are true and the command sent starts with "$sh",
it will be executed in the terminal and returned in chat, The result.
your: $sh ls
Note: I'm using "$sh" as a command prefix, but you can change it as you like
if (("text" in msg) and (str(msg['chat']['id']) == str(sudo_id))):
cmd, v0 = msg['text'].lower().split(), ""
if (cmd[0] == '$sh'):
bot.sendMessage(msg['chat']['id'],runinterminal(msg["text"].replace(cmd[0], "")))
if __name__ == '__main__':
while True:
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