#!/usr/bin/env python3 |
from cProfile import label |
from datetime import timedelta |
import sys |
import pandas |
import glob |
from perfetto.batch_trace_processor.api import BatchTraceProcessor |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
import numpy as np |
# trendline https://www.statology.org/matplotlib-trendline/ |
def drawTrendLine(dataFrame, xKey, yKey, color, label): |
ts = pandas.to_numeric(dataFrame[xKey]) |
mem = pandas.to_numeric(dataFrame[yKey]) |
coefficients = np.polyfit(ts, mem, 1) |
b = coefficients[0] |
print(f'{label} has coefficient {b:.20f}') |
p = np.poly1d(coefficients) |
plt.plot(ts, p(ts), color=color, label=label) |
plt.legend() |
tracesFolder = sys.argv[1] |
packageName = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 3 else 'com.mapbox.navigation.examples' |
files = glob.glob(f'{tracesFolder}/*.perfetto-trace') |
if (len(files) == 0): |
print(f"no trace files found in {tracesFolder}") |
exit() |
print("loading:" + ' '.join(files)) |
with BatchTraceProcessor(files) as btp: |
rssMemorySets = btp.query(f"select c.ts / 1000000 as timestamp, c.value / 1000 as rss from counter as c left join process_counter_track as t on c.track_id = t.id left join process as p using (upid) where t.name like 'mem.rss' and p.name like '{packageName}' order by c.ts") |
rssMemory = pandas.concat(rssMemorySets) |
rssMemory.sort_values(by=['timestamp'], inplace=True) |
print(rssMemory.head()) |
rssMemory.plot(x='timestamp', y='rss') |
drawTrendLine(rssMemory, xKey='timestamp', yKey='rss', color="red", label="rss trendline") |
startOfTheTrace = rssMemory['timestamp'].iloc[0] |
endOfTheTrace = rssMemory['timestamp'].iloc[-1] |
traceDurationMilliseconds = (endOfTheTrace - startOfTheTrace) |
delta = timedelta(milliseconds=traceDurationMilliseconds) |
print("trace duration " + str(delta)) |
# heapSizeMemorySets = btp.query("select c.ts / 1000000 as timestamp, c.value / 1000 as heap from counter as c left join process_counter_track as t on c.track_id = t.id left join process as p using (upid) where t.name like 'Heap size (KB)' and p.name like 'com.mapbox.navigation.examples' order by c.ts") |
# heapSize = pandas.concat(heapSizeMemorySets) |
# heapSize.sort_values(by=['timestamp'], inplace=True) |
# print(heapSize.head()) |
# heapSize.plot(x='timestamp', y='heap') |
# drawTrendLine(heapSize, xKey='timestamp', yKey='heap', color="yellow", label="heap trendline") |
plt.show() |