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Created December 21, 2017 12:51
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  • Save W-Floyd/46ed09b83d61a4043d329a119b761796 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save W-Floyd/46ed09b83d61a4043d329a119b761796 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
replace_baseplate_circle () {
if ! [ -e "${1}" ]; then
return 1
grep -qE '^ <linearGradient id="linearGradient[0-9]*" x1="1" x2="47" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse">$' < "${1}" || return 1
grep -qE '^ <g transform="matrix\(0,-1,1,0,0,48\)' < "${1}" || return 1
local __gradient_number="$(grep -E '^ <linearGradient id="linearGradient[0-9]*" x1="1" x2="47" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse">' < "${1}" | grep -oE 'id="linearGradient[0-9]*"' | sed 's/^id="linearGradient\([0-9]*\)"$/\1/')"
sed \
-e 's/ <linearGradient id="linearGradient\([0-9]*\)" x1="1" x2="47" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse">/ <linearGradient id="linearGradient\1" x2="0" y1="47" y2="1" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse">/' \
-i "${1}"
perl -i -p0e 's/ <g transform="matrix\(0,-1,1,0,0,48\)".*? <\/g>/ <circle cx="24" cy="24" r="23" style="fill:url\(#GRADIENT_TEMPORARY\)"\/>/s' "${1}"
sed -e "s/GRADIENT_TEMPORARY/linearGradient${__gradient_number}/" -i "${1}"
echo "${1}"
replace_baseplate_square () {
if ! [ -e "${1}" ]; then
return 1
grep -qE '^ <linearGradient id="linearGradient[0-9]*" x1="-47" x2="-1" y1="2.8779e-15" y2="6.1232e-17" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse">$' < "${1}" || return 1
grep -qE '^ <rect transform="rotate\(-90\)" x="-47" y="1" width="46" height="46" rx="4" style="fill:url\(#linearGradient[0-9]*\)' < "${1}" || return 1
pcregrep -qM ' <g transform="translate\(0 3.949e-5\)">
<path d="m1 43v0.25c0 2.216 1.784 4 4 4h38c2.216 0 4-1.784 4-4v-0.25c0 2.216-1.784 4-4 4h-38c-2.216 0-4-1.784-4-4zm0 0.5v0.5c0 2.216 1.784 4 4 4h38c2.216 0 4-1.784 4-4v-0.5c0 2.216-1.784 4-4 4h-38c-2.216 0-4-1.784-4-4z" style="opacity:.02"\/>
<path d="m1 43.25v0.25c0 2.216 1.784 4 4 4h38c2.216 0 4-1.784 4-4v-0.25c0 2.216-1.784 4-4 4h-38c-2.216 0-4-1.784-4-4z" style="opacity:.05"\/>
<path d="m1 43v0.25c0 2.216 1.784 4 4 4h38c2.216 0 4-1.784 4-4v-0.25c0 2.216-1.784 4-4 4h-38c-2.216 0-4-1.784-4-4z" style="opacity:.1"\/>
<\/g>' < "${1}" || return 1
pcregrep -qM ' <g transform="translate\(0 3.949e-5\)">
<g transform="translate\(0 -1004.4\)">
<path d="m1 1043.4v4c0 2.216 1.784 4 4 4h38c2.216 0 4-1.784 4-4v-4c0 2.216-1.784 4-4 4h-38c-2.216 0-4-1.784-4-4z" style="opacity:.1"\/>
<\/g>' < "${1}" || return 1
local __gradient_number="$(grep -E '^ <linearGradient id="linearGradient[0-9]*" x1="-47" x2="-1" y1="2.8779e-15" y2="6.1232e-17" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse">' < "${1}" | grep -oE 'id="linearGradient[0-9]*"' | sed 's/^id="linearGradient\([0-9]*\)"$/\1/')"
sed \
-e 's/ y1="2.8779e-15" y2="6.1232e-17" / /' \
-e 's/ <linearGradient id="linearGradient\([0-9]*\)" x1="-47" x2="-1" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse">/ <linearGradient id="linearGradient\1" x2="0" y1="47" y2="1" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse">/' \
-e 's/ <rect transform="rotate(-90)" x="-47" y="1" width="46" height="46" rx="4" style="fill:url(#linearGradient\([0-9]*\))"\/>/ <rect x="1" y="1" width="46" height="46" rx="4" style="fill:url(#linearGradient\1)"\/>/' \
-i "${1}"
perl -i -p0e 's/ <g transform="translate\(0 3.949e-5\)">
<path d="m1 43v0.25c0 2.216 1.784 4 4 4h38c2.216 0 4-1.784 4-4v-0.25c0 2.216-1.784 4-4 4h-38c-2.216 0-4-1.784-4-4zm0 0.5v0.5c0 2.216 1.784 4 4 4h38c2.216 0 4-1.784 4-4v-0.5c0 2.216-1.784 4-4 4h-38c-2.216 0-4-1.784-4-4z" style="opacity:.02"\/>
<path d="m1 43.25v0.25c0 2.216 1.784 4 4 4h38c2.216 0 4-1.784 4-4v-0.25c0 2.216-1.784 4-4 4h-38c-2.216 0-4-1.784-4-4z" style="opacity:.05"\/>
<path d="m1 43v0.25c0 2.216 1.784 4 4 4h38c2.216 0 4-1.784 4-4v-0.25c0 2.216-1.784 4-4 4h-38c-2.216 0-4-1.784-4-4z" style="opacity:.1"\/>
<\/g>/ <path d="m1 43v0.25c0 2.216 1.784 4 4 4h38c2.216 0 4-1.784 4-4v-0.25c0 2.216-1.784 4-4 4h-38c-2.216 0-4-1.784-4-4zm0 0.5v0.5c0 2.216 1.784 4 4 4h38c2.216 0 4-1.784 4-4v-0.5c0 2.216-1.784 4-4 4h-38c-2.216 0-4-1.784-4-4z" style="opacity:.02"\/>
<path d="m1 43.25v0.25c0 2.216 1.784 4 4 4h38c2.216 0 4-1.784 4-4v-0.25c0 2.216-1.784 4-4 4h-38c-2.216 0-4-1.784-4-4z" style="opacity:.05"\/>
<path d="m1 43v0.25c0 2.216 1.784 4 4 4h38c2.216 0 4-1.784 4-4v-0.25c0 2.216-1.784 4-4 4h-38c-2.216 0-4-1.784-4-4z" style="opacity:.1"\/>/s' "${1}"
perl -i -p0e 's/ <g transform="translate\(0 3.949e-5\)">
<g transform="translate\(0 -1004.4\)">
<path d="m1 1043.4v4c0 2.216 1.784 4 4 4h38c2.216 0 4-1.784 4-4v-4c0 2.216-1.784 4-4 4h-38c-2.216 0-4-1.784-4-4z" style="opacity:.1"\/>
<\/g>/ <path d="m1 39v4c0 2.216 1.784 4 4 4h38c2.216 0 4-1.784 4-4v-4c0 2.216-1.784 4-4 4h-38c-2.216 0-4-1.784-4-4z" style="opacity:.1"\/>/s' "${1}"
sed -e "s/GRADIENT_TEMPORARY/linearGradient${__gradient_number}/" -i "${1}"
echo "${1}"
all_circle () {
find icons/circle/48/ -type f | sort | while read -r __file; do
replace_baseplate_circle "${__file}" &
all_square () {
find icons/square/48/ -type f | sort | while read -r __file; do
replace_baseplate_square "${__file}" &
if [ "${#}" = '0' ]; then
until [ "${#}" = '0' ]; do
if [ -e "icons/circle/48/${1}.svg" ]; then
replace_baseplate_circle "icons/circle/48/${1}.svg"
if [ -e "icons/square/48/${1}.svg" ]; then
replace_baseplate_square "icons/square/48/${1}.svg"
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