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  • Save W3ndige/295bdb701b7ee943e94999f36880c408 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save W3ndige/295bdb701b7ee943e94999f36880c408 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Tweaked script:

import re
import sys
import pefile
import struct
import binascii

data = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb').read()

pe = pefile.PE(data=data)
base = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase
memdata = pe.get_memory_mapped_image()

t = re.findall('''8d05......0089442404c7442408......00e8....e.ff8b44240c.{10,100}89.42404c7442408......00e8''', str(binascii.hexlify(data))) 

all = []

for val in t:
    off1 = struct.unpack_from('<I', binascii.unhexlify(val)[2:])[0] - base
    l = struct.unpack_from('<I', binascii.unhexlify(val)[14:])[0]
    off2 = struct.unpack_from('<I', binascii.unhexlify(val)[-17:])[0] - base

    d1 = bytearray(memdata[off1:off1+l])
    d2 = bytearray(memdata[off2:off2+l])
    out = []

    for i in range(len(d1)):
        out.append(((d1[i] + (2 * i)) ^ d2[i]) % 256)

    out_string = ''.join(chr(x) for x in out)
    print(hex(base + off1), ' ', out_string)


0x61e0c3   kernel32.dll
0x61cee7   CreateMutexW
0x626843   Decrypt-Your-Files.txt
0x62f98f   abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
0x617df6   EKANS
0x62a0a5   could not access service: %v
0x62a7b1   could not send control=%d: %v
0x62eb09   timeout waiting for service to go to state=%d
0x62cf64   could not retrieve service status: %v
0x6254e3   Acronis VSS Provider
0x6285dc   Enterprise Client Service
0x61ec87   Sophos Agent
0x6288fc   Sophos AutoUpdate Service
0x624f07   Sophos Clean Service
0x62ad3e   Sophos Device Control Service
0x629e23   Sophos File Scanner Service
0x62625d   Sophos Health Service
0x626050   Sophos Message Router
0x628045   Sophos Safestore Service
0x62ba1f   Sophos System Protection Service
0x62955d   Sophos Web Control Service
0x626ad7   SQLsafe Backup Service
0x626c8f   SQLsafe Filter Service
0x627ead   Symantec System Recovery
0x62bf00   Veeam Backup Catalog Data Service
0x61e0db   AcronisAgent
0x619ece   AcrSch2Svc
0x6197db   Antivirus
0x617cdc   ARSM
0x6291cf   BackupExecAgentAccelerator
0x626bdf   BackupExecAgentBrowser
0x62a1bd   BackupExecDeviceMediaService
0x629e3e   BackupExecManagementService
0x625303   BackupExecRPCService
0x62607a   BackupExecVSSProvider
0x617d6a   bedbg
0x6187d5   DCAgent
0x61c16e   EsgShKernel
0x61ccd7   FA_Scheduler
0x618de8   IISAdmin
0x618da0   IMAP4Svc
0x619190   macmnsvc
0x617fbd   masvc
0x61b944   MBAMService
0x62aded   McAfeeFrameworkMcAfeeFramework
0x618ef0   McShield
0x61832a   mfemms
0x6183c6   mfevtp
0x61c961   MsDtsServer
0x61e777   MSExchangeES
0x61ef93   MSExchangeIS
0x61d91f   MSExchangeSA
0x61ac66   MSOLAP$TPS
0x61d70f   MSSQL$ECWDB2
0x619d06   MSSQL$TPS
0x61e1d7   MSSQL$TPSAMA
0x625ae7   MSSQL$VEEAMSQL2008R2
0x628e8f   MSSQLFDLauncher$SHAREPOINT
0x627fcd   MSSQLFDLauncher$SQL_2008
0x629251   MSSQLFDLauncher$SYSTEM_BGC
0x626b03   MSSQLFDLauncher$TPSAMA
0x61b76b   MSSQLSERVER
0x626b45   MSSQLServerADHelper100
0x6266f9   MSSQLServerOLAPService
0x618703   MySQL57
0x618d70   ntrtscan
0x61e85b   PDVFSService
0x6188ae   POP3Svc
0x61dcf7   ReportServer
0x6261a0   ReportServer$SQL_2008
0x6276c2   ReportServer$SYSTEM_BGC
0x617ee6   RESvc
0x618348   sacsvr
0x617fdb   SamSs
0x61aa36   SAVService
0x61833c   SDRSVC
0x6199d3   ShMonitor
0x618a05   Smcinst
0x619fc8   SmcService
0x618a52   SMTPSvc
0x617ad4   SNAC
0x61b1d5   SntpService
0x619313   sophossps
0x6263d7   SQLAgent$PRACTTICEBGC
0x625cb4   SQLAgent$PRACTTICEMGT
0x61de53   SQLAgent$TPS
0x62760a   SQLAgent$VEEAMSQL2008R2
0x6260e3   SQLAgent$VEEAMSQL2012
0x61a824   SQLBrowser
0x619abd   SQLWriter
0x618788   SstpSvc
0x61a4a0   swi_filter
0x61bf1c   swi_service
0x618312   TmCCSF
0x618e18   tmlisten
0x6185cf   TrueKey
0x624f7f   TrueKeyServiceHelper
0x61979c   UI0Detect
0x626c0b   VeeamDeploymentService
0x628578   VeeamEnterpriseManagerSvc
0x61b5a8   VeeamNFSSvc
0x61e33f   VeeamRESTSvc
0x617f63   W3Svc
0x618e40   wbengine
0x617f31   WRSVC
0x62614c   VeeamHvIntegrationSvc
0x61b0a8   swi_update
0x61c75c   SQL Backups
0x61ac2a   MSSQL$PROD
0x619028   EhttpSrv
0x6179a4   ekrn
0x618742   ESHASRV
0x61d763   MSSQL$SOPHOS
0x619060   klnagent
0x6191a8   kavfsslp
0x6188b5   KAVFSGT
0x617f0e   KAVFS
0x6187a4   mfefire
0x6182d0   aswBcc
0x62f036   Avast Business Console Client Antivirus Service
0x617f27   mfewc
0x618ed8   WdNisSvc
0x619c1c   WinDefend
0x625f15   MSSQLFDLauncher$ITRIS
0x61c158   MSSQL$ITRIS
0x6256d7   MSSQLLaunchpad$ITRIS
0x61799c   BITS
0x6254bb   BrokerInfrastructure
0x617b48   epag
0x625137   EPIntegrationService
0x619cbe   epredline
0x617fae   TmPfw
0x625bf7   SentinelHelperService
0x625407   SentinelStaticEngine
0x6191c8   DB2DAS00
0x6180a3   DB2-0
0x619098   DB2INST2
0x61be56   RumorServer
0x618d28   myAgtSvc
0x62cf89   McAfee SiteAdvisor Enterprise Service
0x618750   Alerter
0x617d83   ERSvc
0x618e68   Eventlog
0x61de23   ImapiService
0x6182e2   NetDDE
0x61881b   NtLmSsp
0x61854a   NtmsSvc
0x61812c   odserv
0x6184be   TlntSvr
0x6187ab   VMTools
0x618330   VMware
0x619928   WebClient
0x618830   WinVNC4
0x618b80   Cissesrv
0x618f68   CpqRcmc3
0x6186d2   gupdate
0x618f20   gupdatem
0x625493   NimbusWatcherService
0x61baf1   SDD_Service
0x618814   sysdown
0x618354   System
0x629f1d   GoogleChromeElevationService
0x61a248   bcrservice
0x618b40   ccEvtMgr
0x619020   ccSetMgr
0x6186cb   CSAdmin
0x6182d6   CSAuth
0x618d60   CSDbSync
0x617ed7   CSLog
0x61804e   CSMon
0x618c30   CSRadius
0x618cf8   CSTacacs
0x618af0   Symantec
0x626b5b   vmware-converter-agent
0x627666   vmware-converter-server
0x6271a3   vmware-converter-worker
0x618af8   avbackup
0x61a2a2   MSSQL$NET2
0x61828e   NetSvc
0x61bca9   TPVCGateway
0x628e29   VMwareCAFCommAmqpListener
0x62a249   VMwareCAFManagementAgentHost
0x618a0c   RSCDsvc
0x618853   LRSDRVX
0x6195f5   msvsmon90
0x618f78   IDriverT
0x617a04   MSMQ
0x6178cf   MMS
0x61ae32   SQLBrowser
0x61790e   AVP
0x628898   VeeamEnterpriseManagerSvc
0x61875e   MySQL80
0x61c607   CAARCAppSvc
0x61b044   ASLogWatch
0x626b71   FireEye Endpoint Agent
0x617edc   nxlog
0x6177f7   SAP
0x617e78   MSSQL
0x617e46   MySQL
0x617e7d   mssql
0x6182c4   Sophos
0x617efa   Veeam
0x618773   Cylance
0x61783f   %v

0x6178e1   %v

0x6178c9   %v

0x617902   %v

0x61780f   %v

0x6178fc   %v

0x6284c9   worker %s started job %s

0x628802   error encrypting %v : %v

0x617638   \
0x61765c   \
0x626bb3   There can be only one

0x63113a   -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----

0x618f10   bad pem

0x6178db   %v

0x62b9df   WbemScripting.SWbemNamedValueSet
0x617905   Add
0x626cfd   __ProviderArchitecture
0x629133   CallMethod architecture%v

0x6296c9   WbemScripting.SWbemLocator
0x61b008   root\cimv2
0x62a5ad   CallMethod ConnectServer %v

0x619a12   ExecQuery
0x62b027   SELECT * FROM Win32_ShadowCopy
0x617f77   Count
0x625f7e   GetProperty Count %v

0x6193ac   ItemIndex
0x617705   ID
0x618a28   Delete_
0x631871   --------------------------------------------

| What happened to your files? 


We breached your corporate network and encrypted the data on your computers. The encrypted data includes documents, databases, photos and more -

all were encrypted using a military grade encryption algorithms (AES-256 and RSA-2048). You cannot access those files right now. But dont worry!

You can still get those files back and be up and running again in no time. 


| How to contact us to get your files back?


The only way to restore your files is by purchasing a decryption tool loaded with a private key we created specifically for your network. 

Once run on an effected computer, the tool will decrypt all encrypted files - and you can resume day-to-day operations, preferably with

better cyber security in mind. If you are interested in purchasing the decryption tool contact us at %s


| How can you be certain we have the decryption tool?


In your mail to us attach up to 3 non critical files (up to 3MB, no databases or spreadsheets).

We will send them back to you decrypted. 


0x61831e   public
0x61c8e8   systemdrive
0x619c6d   \Desktop\
0x61765b   \
0x6189c6   Global\
0x617f68   netsh
0x61b894   advfirewall
0x61777f   set
0x61b7d9   allprofiles
0x62926b   blockinbound,blockoutbound
0x618099   netsh
0x61b519   advfirewall
0x61792f   set
0x61ba41   allprofiles
0x617f4f   state
0x617721   on
0x617ec3   netsh
0x61c276   advfirewall
0x617782   set
0x61c9fb   allprofiles
0x617f7c   state
0x6177bb   off
0x62e721   select DomainRole FROM Win32_ComputerSystem
0x61b524   ccflic0.exe
0x61b20c   ccflic4.exe
0x61a78e   nimbus.exe
0x62764f   certificateprovider.exe
0x629b9b   proficypublisherservice.exe
0x61a356   erlsrv.exe
0x61decb   vmtoolsd.exe
0x62777a   managementagenthost.exe
0x618dd0   epmd.exe
0x61bb75   hasplmv.exe
0x61b34b   spooler.exe
0x618a2f   hdb.exe
0x617eeb   n.exe
0x628834   proficy administrator.exe
0x61999d   ntevl.exe
0x619b9e   prrds.exe
0x61df4f   prrouter.exe
0x62541b   prcalculationmgr.exe
0x61cb3f   prreader.exe
0x61ed3b   prwriter.exe
0x618471   cdm.exe
0x625fe7   musnotificationux.exe
0x61e153   client64.exe
0x61ad60   keysvc.exe
0x6268f3   config_api_service.exe
0x627735   fnplicensingservice.exe
0x62569b   workflowresttest.exe
0x61e97b   vmacthlp.exe
0x61e033   sqlservr.exe
0x61b27a   msmdsrv.exe
0x62a06d   reportingservicesservice.exe
0x61c33c   dsmcsvc.exe
0x61c486   winvnc4.exe
0x619f46   client.exe
0x61cd97   collwrap.exe
0x627c0f   bluestripecollector.exe
0x61a7ca   dsmcad.exe
0x618876   smc.exe
0x61a07c   dbsrv9.exe
0x61bfe2   rtvscan.exe
0x61b8cb   csadmin.exe
0x61ec9f   csdbsync.exe
0x619b56   csmon.exe
0x61afb8   csauth.exe
0x61987d   cslog.exe
0x61d9df   csradius.exe
0x61d53b   cstacacs.exe
0x626b9d   vmware-converter-a.exe
0x6257c7   vmware-converter.exe
0x61b6bb   avagent.exe
0x62a8f0   paxton.net2.clientservice.exe
0x62c627   paxton.net2.commsserverservice.exe
0x6198e9   avscc.exe
0x61bb07   prunsrv.exe
0x626c63   googlecrashhandler.exe
0x627f85   googlecrashhandler64.exe
0x61a978   nd2svc.exe
0x61c423   tnslsnr.exe
0x61db53   omtsreco.exe
0x619e7e   oracle.exe
0x61b1ca   rscdsvc.exe
0x618f18   rscd.exe
0x61b26f   firefox.exe
0x61a9dc   chrome.exe
0x6195ad   pcsws.exe
0x6198f2   pcscm.exe
0x61e663   cwbunnav.exe
0x61aaf4   rdrcef.exe
0x619ab4   ndrvx.exe
0x619931   ndrvs.exe
0x62551f   dr_serviceengine.exe
0x626b2f   teamviewer_service.exe
0x61d3bb   sqlagent.exe
0x61a770   dwrcst.exe
0x619b83   zoolz.exe
0x61b45e   agntsvc.exe
0x61c37e   dbeng50.exe
0x61a0a4   dbsnmp.exe
0x61a5fe   encsvc.exe
0x6196d6   excel.exe
0x61e5f7   infopath.exe
0x61cbe7   msaccess.exe
0x61cf8f   msftesql.exe
0x619979   mspub.exe
0x6258df   mydesktopservice.exe
0x619ea6   mysqld.exe
0x619a09   ocomm.exe
0x619cf4   ocssd.exe
0x61c418   onenote.exe
0x61ca11   outlook.exe
0x61e357   powerpnt.exe
0x619715   steam.exe
0x61ef03   synctime.exe
0x61a6e4   thebat.exe
0x61ee37   thebat64.exe
0x619cfd   visio.exe
0x61c822   winword.exe
0x61c0ea   wordpad.exe
0x61dc13   tmlisten.exe
0x61dca3   pccntmon.exe
0x61d313   ntrtscan.exe
0x61e543   mbamtray.exe
0x61a6a8   avgsvc.exe
0x61986b   avgui.exe
0x619ef6   v3lite.exe
0x61a5b8   v3main.exe
0x618df0   v3sp.exe
0x61b1a9   avastui.exe
0x61cc23   avastsvc.exe
0x61b8b5   avguard.exe
0x61eba3   avshadow.exe
0x619a00   avgnt.exe
0x6262f0   avira.servicehost.exe
0x61b566   bdagent.exe
0x618ef8   bdss.exe
0x6277d6   bullguardbhvscanner.exe
0x624fa7   bullguardscanner.exe
0x61e0cf   cmdagent.exe
0x61bb80   cistray.exe
0x6187ce   cis.exe
0x61d98b   dwengine.exe
0x627216   a2guard.exe.a2start.exe
0x618b28   egui.exe
0x619040   ekrn.exe
0x626248   fortisslvpndaemon.exe
0x61c767   fortiwf.exe
0x61c8bc   fcappdb.exe
0x61b259   fcdblog.exe
0x618964   avp.exe
0x619a6c   avpui.exe
0x61d5cb   mcsacore.exe
0x61b217   mcapexe.exe
0x61d62b   mcshield.exe
0x61d2bf   mcsvhost.exe
0x61ccb3   psuamain.exe
0x61daff   psanhost.exe
0x61884c   ssp.exe
0x61cf23   ccsvchst.exe
0x61add8   smcgui.exe
0x625aab   coreserviceshell.exe
0x625ffc   coreframeworkhost.exe
0x61e093   uiseagnt.exe
0x61b831   paamsrv.exe
0x61b78c   psh_svc.exe
0x61b8c0   aupdrun.exe
0x61943c   acaas.exe
0x61e94b   acaegmgr.exe
0x619acf   acaif.exe
0x619766   acais.exe
0x619c7f   ahnsd.exe
0x61c50a   ahnsdsv.exe
0x61a310   autoup.exe
0x61ea23   v3clnsrv.exe
0x61b66e   v3medic.exe
0x6196f1   v3svc.exe
0x61c137   aflogvw.exe
0x61ac5c   ahnrpt.exe
0x61de6b   atwsctsk.exe
0x61a892   v3exec.exe
0x61bf74   v3imscn.exe
0x61d65b   monsvcnt.exe
0x61e1cb   monsysnt.exe
0x61a522   aexsvc.exe
0x61eed3   atrshost.exe
0x61dc43   aclntusr.exe
0x61d7c3   pxemtftp.exe
0x61b923   aclient.exe
0x61a194   starta.exe
0x61967c   stopa.exe
0x61954a   anvir.exe
0x61d613   csrss_tc.exe
0x61d37f   ashavast.exe
0x61a3b0   ashbug.exe
0x61d28f   ashchest.exe
0x61a856   ashcmd.exe
0x61be61   ashdisp.exe
0x61da1b   ashenhcd.exe
0x61c70f   ashlogv.exe
0x61d83b   ashmaisv.exe
0x61e813   ashpopwz.exe
0x61ce9f   ashquick.exe
0x61b1e0   ashserv.exe
0x61eb2b   ashsimp2.exe
0x61d6f7   ashsimpl.exe
0x61d8b3   ashskpcc.exe
0x61e2eb   ashskpck.exe
0x61ad10   ashupd.exe
0x61ddb7   ashwebsv.exe
0x61c1d1   aswdisp.exe
0x61c087   aswserv.exe
0x61e2bb   aswupdsv.exe
0x61cec3   aswwebsv.exe
0x61e183   avengine.exe
0x61b805   afwserv.exe
0x61df2b   unsecapp.exe
0x61ed83   avgamsvr.exe
0x61983e   avgas.exe
0x61b8e1   avgcc32.exe
0x6199c1   avgcc.exe
0x61be2a   avgctrl.exe
0x61bc9e   avgdiag.exe
0x61aa0e   avgemc.exe
0x61bc93   avgfws8.exe
0x61dfaf   avgfwsrv.exe
0x61c184   avginet.exe
0x61c788   avgmsvr.exe
0x61e453   avgrssvc.exe
0x61cfb3   avgscanx.exe
0x61cdc7   avgserv9.exe
0x61c98d   avgserv.exe
0x61aa5e   avgupd.exe
0x61dc67   avgupdln.exe
0x61da57   avgupsvc.exe
0x6192b9   avgvv.exe
0x619dc3   avgwb.dat
0x618e98   avgw.exe
0x61e003   avgwizfw.exe
0x619271   guard.exe
0x61d97f   avgcsrvx.exe
0x61e3ab   avgidsui.exe
0x6195e3   avgam.exe
0x61a702   avgnsx.exe
0x61bc72   avgfws9.exe
0x61a81a   avgrsx.exe
0x61c024   avgtray.exe
0x61d55f   avgwdsvc.exe
0x61bfcc   sidebar.exe
0x61edb3   avgchsvx.exe
0x61c914   avgcmgr.exe
0x61ba57   avgemcx.exe
0x61a5c2   avgfws.exe
0x61e19b   avgmfapx.exe
0x61e55b   avgcsrva.exe
0x61ba4c   avgemca.exe
0x61a982   avgnsa.exe
0x61a932   avgrsa.exe
0x61d59b   avgregcl.exe
0x61d10f   avgsystx.exe
0x619b29   vprot.exe
0x61d6bb   avcenter.exe
0x61cd73   avconfig.exe
0x61b030   avesvc.exe
0x61ba78   avmailc.exe
0x61c817   avmcdlg.exe
0x61ece7   avnotify.exe
0x61abee   avscan.exe
0x61d2ef   guardgui.exe
0x61bdc7   avadmin.exe
0x61b427   avfwsvc.exe
0x61e40b   avwebgrd.exe
0x61a0cc   fwinst.exe
0x61bd38   bavtray.exe
0x61e34b   bhipssvc.exe
0x618b60   bmrt.exe
0x61bc88   gziface.exe
0x61ab08   gzserv.exe
0x618463   bdc.exe
0x61a7c0   bdlite.exe
0x61a572   bdmcon.exe
0x61d20b   bdsubmit.exe
0x61b760   livesrv.exe
0x61abd0   vsserv.exe
0x61e49b   xcommsvr.exe
0x618933   bka.exe
0x6250fb   bkavsystemserver.exe
0x61a9b4   blupro.exe
0x61a19e   blackd.exe
0x61d82f   blackice.exe
0x61c7a9   proutil.exe
0x61a996   rapapp.exe
0x61b9e9   basfipm.exe
0x6196a0   isafe.exe
0x61a9a0   cavrid.exe
0x61a806   vetmsg.exe
0x618e08   amswmagt
0x6184cc   caf.exe
0x618917   capmuam
0x618424   agt.exe
0x61ebbb   ccsmagtd.exe
0x61c9a3   cfsmsmd.exe
0x619b71   alert.exe
0x61d733   igateway.exe
0x61b340   inotask.exe
0x619090   caav.exe
0x619050   cafw.exe
0x61b47f   capfaem.exe
0x61c071   capfsem.exe
0x627ec5   cappactiveprotection.exe
0x6255bf   casecuritycenter.exe
0x61a20c   caunst.exe
0x61a964   cavrep.exe
0x619ffa   cctray.exe
0x61e45f   ccupdate.exe
0x61e30f   isafinst.exe
0x62a185   itmrt_supportdiagnostics.exe
0x61d793   itmrtsvc.exe
0x61b97b   ppclean.exe
0x61e07b   umxagent.exe
0x61ae6e   umxcfg.exe
0x61e5df   umxfwhlp.exe
0x61acb6   umxpol.exe
0x61bd4e   unvet32.exe
0x61e79b   capfasem.exe
0x61e7d7   ccprovsp.exe
0x618e78   casc.exe
0x61e9f3   inonmsrv.exe
0x61a888   inoweb.exe
0x61cc17   krbcc32s.exe
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0x618607   cpf.exe
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0x619cac   amsvc.exe
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0x61ddab   drwebupw.exe
0x61dfdf   drwebwcl.exe
0x61eb37   drwebwin.exe
0x61c14d   drwinst.exe
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0x61dddb   spidernt.exe
0x61d8d7   spiderui.exe
0x61ce0f   drwagntd.exe
0x61dac3   drwebcom.exe
0x61da03   eeyeevnt.exe
0x61c49c   a2guard.exe
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0x62711d   ppmcativedetection.exe
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0x61a112   inorpc.exe
0x619c37   inort.exe
0x618240   ca.exe
0x61bc67   caissdt.exe
0x61c00e   etagent.exe
0x61ce03   evtarmgr.exe
0x61a0c2   evtmgr.exe
0x61d937   etcorrel.exe
0x625a97   evtprocessecfile.exe
0x62808d   nslocollectorservice.exe
0x618b30   fmon.exe
0x61befb   fortifw.exe
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0x61995e   fspex.exe
0x618c98   fsaa.exe
0x618e10   bwgo0000
0x619a48   fch32.exe
0x6197d2   fih32.exe
0x61978a   fsaua.exe
0x61a482   fsav32.exe
0x61a4e6   fscuif.exe
0x61adc4   fsdfwd.exe
0x61a25c   fsgk32.exe
0x61dd7b   fsgk32st.exe
0x61e477   fsguidll.exe
0x61e4bf   fsguiexe.exe
0x61ef4b   fshdll32.exe
0x619862   fsm32.exe
0x61a5e0   fsma32.exe
0x61aa4a   fsmb32.exe
0x61ab26   fsorsp.exe
0x618d40   fspc.exe
0x618c40   fsqh.exe
0x61abbc   fssm32.exe
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0x61c40d   fsavgui.exe
0x61a7d4   gdscan.exe
0x61dadb   avkproxy.exe
0x61b7ef   avktray.exe
0x61c977   avkwctl.exe
0x61b734   gdfwsvc.exe
0x625263   endpointsecurity.exe
0x626767   gfireporterservice.exe
0x61dcbb   rcsvcmon.exe
0x61cf9b   loggetor.exe
0x61db8f   pthosttr.exe
0x61dd03   hpqwmiex.exe
0x626305   privacyiconclient.exe
0x61d727   rapuisvc.exe
0x61a518   vpatch.exe
0x61beda   tclproc.exe
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0x61cf3b   kvdetech.exe
0x61c21e   kvmonxp.kxp
0x61e297   kvolself.exe
0x61c94b   kvsrvxp.exe
0x618e58   kvxp.kxp
0x6193fd   avpcc.exe
0x61bfb6   avpexec.exe
0x618e70   avpm.exe
0x61acde   avpncc.exe
0x618de0   avps.exe
0x61ac7a   avpupd.exe
0x61868c   kav.exe
0x61e1e3   kavisarv.exe
0x61925f   kavmm.exe
0x6199b8   kavss.exe
0x61a568   kavsvc.exe
0x6186d9   kis.exe
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0x61c6a1   kwsprod.exe
0x61c3aa   up2date.exe
0x61cd43   klserver.exe
0x61ba2b   kavfsgt.exe
0x61e16b   kavfsrcn.exe
0x619619   kavfs.exe
0x61b6f2   kavfswp.exe
0x61dc07   kavshell.exe
0x61e0b7   avpdtagt.exe
0x619f28   netcfg.exe
0x61e6cf   kavfsscs.exe
0x61bddd   kavtray.exe
0x61a31a   persfw.exe
0x61d7b7   avserver.exe
0x61ce33   winroute.exe
0x61b0e4   wrctrl.exe
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0x61d80b   kmailmon.exe
0x61b939   kxeserv.exe
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0x61a32e   kansvr.exe
0x61d71b   kavstart.exe
0x61c8f3   kpfwsvc.exe
0x61a5ae   kwatch.exe
0x6199e5   kav32.exe
0x61af2c   kissvc.exe
0x61a270   kpfw32.exe
0x61a69e   system.exe
0x61df7f   wssfcmai.exe
0x6197a5   nlsvc.exe
0x61a680   mfeann.exe
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0x61ad1a   srvmon.exe
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0x619d9f   masvc.exe
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0x61d073   mcdetect.exe
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0x61c536   msksrvr.exe
0x61e327   mskagent.exe
0x61c310   stinger.exe
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0x61cdd3   mcvsshld.exe
0x619b20   tbmon.exe
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0x6199dc   edisk.exe
0x61a8b0   scan32.exe
0x6258f3   frameworkservice.exe
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0x61a6da   mctray.exe
0x61e52b   mcupdate.exe
0x61a11c   shstat.exe
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0x61928c   mcwce.exe
0x61a39c   vsmain.exe
0x61c0be   oasclnt.exe
0x61a86a   vsstat.exe
0x61d0a3   mcvsftsn.exe
0x61d7f3   avconsol.exe
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0x61a914   mfewch.exe
0x628015   giantantispywaremain.exe
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0x6197e4   nod32.exe
0x61ea77   nod32krn.exe
0x61e48f   nod32kui.exe
0x61964f   cclaw.exe
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0x61d4c3   pavsrv51.exe
0x61d5fb   pavsrv52.exe
0x61b38d   prevsrv.exe
0x619646   tpsrv.exe
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0x61da7b   rnreport.exe
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0x61ac98   rfwsrv.exe
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0x62538f   ssecuritymanager.exe
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0x619835   almon.exe
0x6191c0   lmon.exe
0x61d25f   sweepsrv.sys
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0x619d18   alsvc.exe
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0x61deb3   sav32cli.exe
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0x625c75   managementagentnt.exe
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0x6189b8   cka.exe
0x61c4de   comhost.exe
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0x61e9e7   csinsmnt.exe
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0x61935b   fwcfg.exe
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0x61b2d2   idsinst.exe
0x61df8b   ispwdsvc.exe
0x619349   issvc.exe
0x61982c   isuac.exe
0x6199f7   luall.exe
0x61e0f3   lucoms~1.exe
0x61a130   lucoms.exe
0x61b0d0   mcui32.exe
0x61e3cf   navapsvc.exe
0x61e537   navapw32.exe
0x61dc4f   navectrl.exe
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0x61a950   navesp.exe
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0x61a90a   navw32.exe
0x61a126   navwnt.exe
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0x6195c8   nmain.exe
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0x61ec1b   nprotect.exe
0x61e75f   npscheck.exe
0x61ab44   npssvc.exe
0x61e147   nscsrvce.exe
0x619f5a   nsctop.exe
0x61a6d0   nsmdtr.exe
0x61e03f   olfsnt40.exe
0x61acca   opscan.exe
0x61c2ce   poproxy.exe
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0x61a752   qdcsfs.exe
0x61be8d   qserver.exe
0x6191b0   rnav.exe
0x61c3b5   savroam.exe
0x61c4bd   savscan.exe
0x619577   savui.exe
0x61ac70   sbserv.exe
0x617c14   scan
0x61dcd3   explicit.exe
0x619fd2   semsvc.exe
0x61ae0a   sesclu.exe
0x61c4f4   sevinst.exe
0x61dd93   smsectrl.exe
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0x61c003   smsesjm.exe
0x61a504   smsesp.exe
0x61b679   smsesrv.exe
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0x61a72a   smseui.exe
0x6187f8   sms.exe
0x61a7b6   sndmon.exe
0x61c2ad   sndsrvc.exe
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0x61db47   symlcsvc.exe
0x61d5bf   symsport.exe
0x61c208   symtray.exe
0x61b03a   symwsc.exe
0x61edbf   sysdoc32.exe
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0x61d7e7   urllstck.exe
0x61de3b   usrprmpt.exe
0x61968e   vpc32.exe
0x61bd0c   vpdn_lu.exe
0x61c7f6   vprosvc.exe
0x61e84f   wfxctl32.exe
0x61d097   wfxmod32.exe
0x61e36f   wfxsnt40.exe
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0x619b17   tfgui.exe
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0x61de0b   tiaspn~1.exe
0x61e39f   traflnsp.exe
0x61d56b   asupport.exe
0x61e21f   isntsmtp.exe
0x61bad0   nsmdemf.exe
0x61c82d   nsmdmon.exe
0x61dd0f   nsmdreal.exe
0x61c998   nsmdsch.exe
0x61ae64   ofcdog.exe
0x6196cd   pccnt.exe
0x61ee13   pccntupd.exe
0x61d8cb   pcctlcom.exe
0x61defb   pcscnsrv.exe
0x61a9fa   schupd.exe
0x61c18f   tmntsrv.exe
0x619d4e   tmpfw.exe
0x61b810   tmproxy.exe
0x618ff0   tmas.exe
0x61a6ee   aphost.exe
0x618749   mrf.exe
0x619b3b   dwwin.exe
0x61927a   patch.exe
0x61e807   pccguide.exe
0x61ea8f   pcclient.exe
0x61a018   pccpfw.exe
0x61a3a6   pcscan.exe
0x61e9cf   pntiomon.exe
0x61e717   pop3pack.exe
0x61dea7   pop3trap.exe
0x61b356   spntsvc.exe
0x61981a   stopp.exe
0x61efc3   usbguard.exe
0x61be40   sbamsvc.exe
0x61c7e0   vrvmail.exe
0x61a158   vrvmon.exe
0x61a77a   vrvnet.exe
0x618806   vrv.exe
0x618fe0   wrsa.exe
0x62936f   websensecontrolservice.exe
0x61e3b7   mpcmdrun.exe
0x61c58e   msascui.exe
0x61b92e   msmpeng.exe
0x61cd7f   mspmspsv.exe
0x61dd6f   kb891711.exe
0x61a66c   zavaux.exe
0x61c71a   zavcore.exe
0x61a004   zillya.exe
0x61e837   zlclient.exe
0x619823   vsmon.exe
0x61a93c   iswmgr.exe
0x619a7e   zapro.exe
0x61ede3   mantispm.exe
0x618f28   xagt.exe
0x6293f1   faild to get process list

0x617917   %v

0x629731   cant kill process %v : %v

0x617fb8   \temp
0x617de2   .docx
0x6182ac   .accdb
0x618306   .accde
0x6182ee   .accdr
0x6180ea   .accdt
0x617b64   .asp
0x617ed2   .aspx
0x617d74   .back
0x618902   .backup
0x6196c4   .backupdb
0x617b2c   .bak
0x617cf8   .mdb
0x617b90   .mdc
0x617cd8   .mdf
0x617b98   .war
0x617b24   .xls
0x617e9b   .xlsx
0x617f22   .xlsm
0x617cf4   .xlr
0x617ab0   .zip
0x617b74   .rar
0x619325   .sqlitedb
0x617bb8   .sql
0x6177eb   .py
0x617f86   .ppam
0x617b7c   .pps
0x617d65   .ppsm
0x617f81   .ppsx
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0x630aa8   .+\\Microsoft\\(User Account Pictures|Windows\\(Explorer|Caches)|Device Stage\\Device|Windows)\\
0x6177e2   %v
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