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Last active July 17, 2024 06:59
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Template makefile for hax and F* verification
# This is a generically useful Makefile for F* that is self-contained
# It is tempting to factor this out into multiple Makefiles but that
# makes it less portable, so resist temptation, or move to a more
# sophisticated build system.
# We expect:
# 1. `fstar.exe` to be in PATH (alternatively, you can also set
# $FSTAR_HOME to be set to your F* repo/install directory)
# 2. `cargo`, `rustup`, `hax` and `jq` to be installed and in PATH.
# 3. the extracted Cargo crate to have "hax-lib" as a dependency:
# `hax-lib = { version = "0.1.0-pre.1", git = ""}`
# Optionally, you can set `HACL_HOME`.
# ROOTS contains all the top-level F* files you wish to verify
# The default target `verify` verified ROOTS and its dependencies
# To lax-check instead, set `OTHERFLAGS="--lax"` on the command-line
# To make F* emacs mode use the settings in this file, you need to
# add the following lines to your .emacs
# (setq-default fstar-executable "<YOUR_FSTAR_HOME>/bin/fstar.exe")
# (setq-default fstar-smt-executable "<YOUR_Z3_HOME>/bin/z3")
# (defun my-fstar-compute-prover-args-using-make ()
# "Construct arguments to pass to F* by calling make."
# (with-demoted-errors "Error when constructing arg string: %S"
# (let* ((fname (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))
# (target (concat fname "-in"))
# (argstr (car (process-lines "make" "--quiet" target))))
# (split-string argstr))))
# (setq fstar-subp-prover-args #'my-fstar-compute-prover-args-using-make)
HACL_HOME ?= $(HOME)/.hax/hacl_home
FSTAR_BIN ?= $(shell command -v fstar.exe 1>&2 2> /dev/null && echo "fstar.exe" || echo "$(FSTAR_HOME)/bin/fstar.exe")
CACHE_DIR ?= .cache
HINT_DIR ?= .hints
EXECUTABLES = cargo cargo-hax jq
K := $(foreach exec,$(EXECUTABLES),\
$(if $(shell which $(exec)),some string,$(error "No $(exec) in PATH")))
.PHONY: all verify clean
rm -f .depend && $(MAKE) .depend
$(MAKE) verify
# If $HACL_HOME doesn't exist, clone it
mkdir -p "${HACL_HOME}"
git clone --depth 1 "${HACL_HOME}"
# If no any F* file is detected, we run hax
ifeq "$(wildcard *.fst *fsti)" ""
$(shell cargo hax into fstar)
# By default, we process all the files in the current directory
ROOTS = $(wildcard *.fst *fsti)
# The following is a bash script that discovers F* libraries
# Prints a path if and only if it exists. Takes one argument: the
# path.
function print_if_exists() {
if [ -d "$$1" ]; then
echo "$$1"
# Asks Cargo all the dependencies for the current crate or workspace,
# and extract all "root" directories for each. Takes zero argument.
function dependencies() {
cargo metadata --format-version 1 |
jq -r '.packages | .[] | .manifest_path | split("/") | .[:-1] | join("/")'
# Find hax libraries *around* a given path. Takes one argument: the
# path.
function find_hax_libraries_at_path() {
# if there is a `proofs/fstar/extraction` subfolder, then that's a
# F* library
print_if_exists "$$path/proofs/fstar/extraction"
# Maybe the `proof-libs` folder of hax is around?
MAYBE_PROOF_LIBS=$$(realpath -q "$$path/../proof-libs/fstar")
if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then
print_if_exists "$$MAYBE_PROOF_LIBS/core"
print_if_exists "$$MAYBE_PROOF_LIBS/rust_primitives"
{ while IFS= read path; do
find_hax_libraries_at_path "$$path"
done < <(dependencies)
} | sort -u
FSTAR_INCLUDE_DIRS = $(HACL_HOME)/lib $(shell bash -c "$$FINDLIBS")
--warn_error '-331 -321 -274' \
--cache_checked_modules --cache_dir $(CACHE_DIR) \
--already_cached "+Prims+FStar+LowStar+C+Spec.Loops+TestLib" \
$(addprefix --include ,$(FSTAR_INCLUDE_DIRS))
$(info $(ROOTS))
$(FSTAR) --dep full $(ROOTS) --extract '* -Prims -LowStar -FStar' > $@
include .depend
mkdir -p $@
mkdir -p $@
$(CACHE_DIR)/%.checked: | enforce_proof_libs .depend $(HINT_DIR) $(CACHE_DIR) $(HACL_HOME)
$(FSTAR) $(OTHERFLAGS) $< $(ENABLE_HINTS) --hint_file $(HINT_DIR)/$(notdir $*).hints
verify: enforce_proof_libs $(addsuffix .checked, $(addprefix $(CACHE_DIR)/,$(ROOTS))) $(HACL_HOME)
# Targets for interactive mode
$(info $(FSTAR_FLAGS) \
$(ENABLE_HINTS) --hint_file $(HINT_DIR)/$(basename $@).fst.hints)
$(info $(FSTAR_FLAGS) \
$(ENABLE_HINTS) --hint_file $(HINT_DIR)/$(basename $@).fsti.hints)
hax.fst.config.json: enforce_proof_libs
@echo "$(FSTAR_INCLUDE_DIRS)" | jq --arg fstar "$(FSTAR_BIN)" -R 'split(" ") | {fstar_exe: $$fstar, includes: .}' > $@
vscode: hax.fst.config.json
@if echo "$(FSTAR_INCLUDE_DIRS)" | grep 'proof-libs/fstar' > /dev/null; then :; else \
printf '\n\033[1m\033[31mError: could not detect `proof-libs`!\033[0m\n > Do you have `hax-lib` in your `Cargo.toml` as a **git** dependency?\n \033[34m> Tip: you may want to run `cargo add --git hax-lib`\033[0m\n\n' ; \
false ; \
# Clean targets
rm -rf $(CACHE_DIR)/*
rm *.fst
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