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Created May 28, 2016 17:19
the FizzBuzz program further by designinga class CFizzbuzz with two private data members that store a name up to 14 characters long and an integer item number. Define a getFizzbuzz() function member of the CFizzbuzz class that will set values for the data members by reading input from the keyboard and a putFizzbuzz() function member that outputs…
Enter file contents herethe FizzBuzz program further by designinga class CFizzbuzz with two private data members that store a name up to 14 characters long and an integer item number. Define a getFizzbuzz() function member of the CFizzbuzz class that will set values for the data members by reading input from the keyboard and a putFizzbuzz() function member that outputs the values of the data members. Implement the getRecord() function so that a calling program can detect when a zero item number is entered. Test your CFizzbuzz class with a main() function that reads and outputs CFizzbuzz objects until a zero item number is entered.