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Last active January 27, 2023 06:11
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My FFmpeg Command Collection
# Source:
# Merge two audio track into one
ffmpeg -i -c:v copy -c:a aac -b:a 160k -ac 2 -filter_complex amerge=inputs=2 output.mp4
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# Get last x second
ffmpeg -sseof -10 -i input.mp4 output.mp4
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# Reduce file size
ffmpeg -i input.avi -c:v libx264 -crf 18 -preset veryslow -c:a copy out.mp4
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# Extract audio to a separate file
ffmpeg -i input-video.avi -vn -acodec copy output-audio.aac
ffmpeg -i sample.avi -q:a 0 -map a sample.mp3 # re-encoding with mp3
# Change audio sample rate and normalize its volume
ffmpeg -i video-in -ar 48000 -filter:a loudnorm -vcodec copy video-out
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