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Check Apache Httpd MPM Config Limits

The script compares the size of running Apache httpd processes, the configured prefork/worker MPM limits, and the server's available memory. The script exits with a warning or error message if the configured limits exceed the server's available memory. does not use any 3rd-party perl modules, unless the --save/days/maxavg command-line options are used, in which case you will need to have the DBD::SQLite module installed. It should work on any UNIX server that provides /proc/meminfo, /proc/*/exe, /proc/*/stat, and /proc/*/statm files. You will probably have to run the script as root for it to read the /proc/*/exe symbolic links.

Process Description

When executed, the script will follow this general process.

  • Read the /proc/meminfo file for server memory values (total memory, free memory, etc.).
  • Read the /proc/*/exe symbolic links to find the matching httpd binaries. By default, the script will use the first httpd binary found in the @httpd\_paths array. You can specify an alternate binary path using the --exe command-line option.
  • Read the /proc/*/stat files for pid, process name, ppid, and rss values.
  • Read the /proc/*/statm files for the shared memory size.
  • Execute the httpd binary with -V to get the config file path and MPM info.
  • Read the httpd configuration file to get MPM (prefork or worker) settings.
  • Calculate the average and total HTTP process sizes, taking into account the shared memory used.
  • Calculates possible changes to MPM settings based on available memory and process sizes.
  • Display all the values found and settings calculated if the --verbose command-line option is used.
  • Exit with OK (0), WARNING (1), or ERROR (2) based on the projected memory used by all httpd processes running.
    • OK: The maximum number of httpd processes fit within the available RAM.
    • WARNING: The maximum number of httpd processes exceed the available RAM, but still fits within the free swap.
    • ERROR: The maximum number of httpd processes exceed the available RAM and swap space.

Command-Line Options

A few command-line options can modify the behavior of the script.

  • --help : Display a summary of command-line options.
  • --debug : Show debugging messages as the script is executing.
  • --verbose : Display a detailed report of all values found and calculated.
  • --exe=/path : The complete path to an httpd binary file. By default the script will look in the following locations, and use the first executable found: /usr/sbin/httpd, /usr/local/sbin/httpd, /usr/sbin/apache2, /usr/local/sbin/apache2.
  • --swappct=# : The percent of free swap that is allowed to be used before exiting with a WARNING condition. The default is 0% -- if the projected size of all httpd processes allowed exceeds the available RAM, the script will exit with a WARNING message.

The DBD::SQLite perl module must be installed if any of the following command-line options are used. By default, the script will analyze and report on the current httpd process sizes. Since httpd processes may grow over time, these options allow you to save historical information to a database file, and use it to predict memory use based on the largest process sizes over a number of days.

  • --save : Save the current process average sizes to an SQLite database file (/var/tmp/check_httpd_limits.sqlite).
  • --days=# : Remove all database entries that are older than # days. The default is 30 days when the --save or --maxavg options are specified. Using --days=0 will remove all entries from the database.
  • --maxavg : Use the largest HttpdRealAvg size from the database, or calculated from the current httpd processes.

All three command-line options must be used to report on historical data. By itself, the --save option only saves current process sizes, the --days=# option will only remove old database entries, and the --maxavg will only use the largest historical average size (from the database or current processes).


Here are a few examples of's usage and screen output.

$ sudo ./ --help
Syntax: ./ [--help] [--debug] [--verbose] [--exe=/path/to/httpd] [--swappct=#] [--save] [--days=#] [--maxavg]

--help         : This syntax summary.
--debug        : Show debugging messages as the script is executing.
--verbose      : Display a detailed report of all values found and calculated.
--exe=/path    : Path to httpd binary file (if non-standard).
--swappct=#    : % of free swap allowed to be used before a WARNING condition (default 0).
--save         : Save process average sizes to database (/var/tmp/check_httpd_limits.sqlite).
--days=#       : Remove database entries older than # days (default 30).
--maxavg       : Use largest HttpdRealAvg size from current procs or database.

Note: The save/days/maxavg options require the DBD::SQLite perl module.

An example of a prefork MPM with a MaxClients / ServerLimit that exceeds the available RAM, but still fits within the free swap space. The first execution generates a WARNING message, and the second uses the --swappct command-line option to allow up to 20% use of the free swap space before exiting with a WARNING.

$ sudo ./
WARNING: AllProcsTotal (4754 MB) exceeds available RAM (MemTotal 3939 MB), but still fits within free swap (uses 815 of 5984 MB).

$ sudo ./ --swappct=20
OK: AllProcsTotal (4753 MB) exceeds available RAM (MemTotal 3939 MB), but still fits within 20% of free swap (uses 814 of 5984 MB).

An example of a prefork MPM with a MaxClients / ServerLimit that exceeds the available RAM and swap space. The --save/days/maxavg command-line options are used to predict memory use based on the maximum process size averages, instead of just the current process list.

$ sudo ./ --save --days=30 --maxavg
ERROR: AllProcsTotal (44854 MB) [Avgs from 2012-11-13 15:07:31] exceeds available RAM (MemTotal 3939 MB) and free swap (5984 MB) by 34931 MB. can also be executed with --verbose to get detailed information on the httpd processes, configuration values, and the server's memory. The MaxClients / ServerLimit in this example is low enough to fit within available RAM.

$ sudo ./ --verbose

Check Apache Httpd MPM Config Limits (Version 2.2.1)
by Jean-Sebastien Morisset -

Httpd Binary

 - CONFIG                : /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
 - EXE                   : /usr/sbin/httpd
 - MPM                   : prefork
 - ROOT                  : /etc/httpd
 - VERSION               : 2.2

Httpd Processes

 - PID 4245 (httpd)      : 31.60 MB / 8.02 MB shared [excluded from averages]
 - PID 7442 (httpd)      : 25.01 MB / 1.37 MB shared
 - PID 7443 (httpd)      : 24.43 MB / 0.82 MB shared
 - PID 7444 (httpd)      : 24.43 MB / 0.82 MB shared
 - PID 7445 (httpd)      : 24.43 MB / 0.82 MB shared
 - PID 7446 (httpd)      : 24.43 MB / 0.82 MB shared

 - HttpdRealAvg          :  23.61 MB [excludes shared]
 - HttpdSharedAvg        :   0.86 MB
 - HttpdRealTot          : 141.66 MB [excludes shared]

Httpd Config

 - MaxClients            : 40
 - MaxRequestsPerChild   : 3000
 - MaxSpareServers       : 10
 - MinSpareServers       : 5
 - ServerLimit           : 40
 - StartServers          : 5

Server Memory

 - Cached                : 1768.24 MB
 - MemFree               :  659.98 MB
 - MemTotal              : 3938.62 MB
 - SwapFree              : 5983.86 MB
 - SwapTotal             : 5983.99 MB

Calculations Summary

 - NonHttpdProcs         : 1367.88 MB (MemTotal - Cached - MemFree - HttpdRealTot - HttpdSharedAvg)
 - FreeWithoutHttpd      : 2570.74 MB (MemFree + Cached + HttpdRealTot + HttpdSharedAvg)
 - MaxHttpdProcs         :  945.26 MB (HttpdRealAvg * MaxClients + HttpdSharedAvg)
 - AllProcsTotal         : 2313.14 MB (NonHttpdProcs + MaxHttpdProcs)

Config for 100% of MemTotal

   <IfModule prefork.c>
        MaxClients               109    # (40 -> 109) (MemFree + Cached + HttpdRealTot + HttpdSharedAvg) / HttpdRealAvg
        MaxRequestsPerChild     3000    # (no change) Default is 10000
        MaxSpareServers           10    # (no change) Default is 10
        MinSpareServers            5    # (no change) Default is 5
        ServerLimit              109    # (40 -> 109) MaxClients
        StartServers               5    # (no change) Default is 5


OK: AllProcsTotal (2313.14 MB) fits within available RAM (MemTotal 3938.62 MB).
# Copyright 2012 - Jean-Sebastien Morisset -
# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details at
# Perl script to compare the size of running Apache httpd processes, the
# configured prefork/worker limits, and the available server memory. Exits with
# a warning or error message if the configured limits exceed the server's
# memory.
# Syntax: --help
# The script performs the following tasks:
# - Reads the /proc/meminfo file for server memory values.
# - Reads the /proc/*/exe symbolic links to find the matching httpd binaries.
# - Reads the /proc/*/stat files for pid, process name, ppid, and rss.
# - Reads the /proc/*/statm files for the shared memory size.
# - Executes HTTP binary with "-V" to get the config file path and MPM info.
# - Reads the HTTP config file to get MPM (prefork or worker) settings.
# - Calculates the average and total HTTP process sizes, taking into account
# the shared memory used.
# - Calculates possible changes to MPM settings based on available memory and
# process sizes.
# - Displays all the values found and settings calculated if the --verbose
# parameter is used.
# - Exits with OK (0), WARNING (1), or ERROR (2) based on projected memory use
# with all (allowed) HTTP processes running.
# OK: Maximum number of HTTP processes fit within available RAM.
# WARNING: Maximum number of HTTP processes exceeds available RAM, but still
# fits within the free swap.
# ERROR: Maximum number of HTTP processes exceeds available RAM and swap.
# Changes:
# v2.4:
# - Added config for Apache Httpd v2.5 and 2.6 (identical to 2.4).
# - Added config for 'eventopt' MPM (identical to 'event' MPM).
# v2.5:
# - Added 'config' command-line argument.
# - Re-arranged search path for httpd binary.
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use Getopt::Long;
no warnings 'once'; # no warning for $DBI::err
my $VERSION = '2.5';
my $pagesize = POSIX::sysconf(POSIX::_SC_PAGESIZE);
my @stathrefs;
my $err = 0;
my %mem = (
'MemTotal' => '',
'MemFree' => '',
'Cached' => '',
'SwapTotal' => '',
'SwapFree' => '',
my %httpd = (
'EXE' => '',
'ROOT' => '',
'CONFIG' => '',
'MPM' => '',
'VERSION' => '',
my $cf_IfModule = '';
my $cf_MaxName = ''; # defined based on httpd version (MaxClients or MaxRequestWorkers)
my $cf_LimitName = ''; # defined once MPM is determined (MaxClients/MaxRequestWorkers or ServerLimit)
my $cf_ver = '';
my $cf_min = '2.2';
my $cf_mpm = '';
my %cf_read = ();
my %cf_changed = ();
my %cf_defaults = (
'2.2' => {
'prefork' => {
'StartServers' => 5,
'MinSpareServers' => 5,
'MaxSpareServers' => 10,
'ServerLimit' => 256,
'MaxClients' => 256,
'MaxRequestsPerChild' => 10000,
'worker' => {
'StartServers' => 3,
'MinSpareThreads' => 75,
'MaxSpareThreads' => 250,
'ThreadsPerChild' => 25,
'ServerLimit' => 16,
'MaxClients' => 400,
'MaxRequestsPerChild' => 10000,
'2.4' => {
'prefork' => {
'StartServers' => 5,
'MinSpareServers' => 5,
'MaxSpareServers' => 10,
'ServerLimit' => 256,
'MaxRequestWorkers' => 256, # aka MaxClients
'MaxConnectionsPerChild' => 0, # aka MaxRequestsPerChild
'worker' => {
'StartServers' => 3,
'MinSpareThreads' => 75,
'MaxSpareThreads' => 250,
'ThreadsPerChild' => 25,
'ServerLimit' => 16,
'MaxRequestWorkers' => 400, # aka MaxClients
'MaxConnectionsPerChild' => 0, # aka MaxRequestsPerChild
$cf_defaults{'2.5'} = $cf_defaults{'2.4'};
$cf_defaults{'2.6'} = $cf_defaults{'2.5'};
# The event MPM config is identical to the worker MPM config
# Uses a hashref instead of copying the hash elements
for my $ver ( keys %cf_defaults ) {
$cf_defaults{$ver}{'event'} = $cf_defaults{$ver}{'worker'};
$cf_defaults{$ver}{'eventopt'} = $cf_defaults{$ver}{'event'};
# easiest way to copy the three-dimensional hash without using a module
for my $ver ( keys %cf_defaults ) {
for my $mpm ( keys %{$cf_defaults{$ver}} ) {
for my $el ( keys %{$cf_defaults{$ver}{$mpm}} ) {
$cf_read{$ver}{$mpm}{$el} = $cf_defaults{$ver}{$mpm}{$el};
$cf_changed{$ver}{$mpm}{$el} = $cf_defaults{$ver}{$mpm}{$el};
my %cf_comments = (
'2.2' => {
'prefork' => {
'ServerLimit' => 'MaxClients',
'MaxClients' => '(MemFree + Cached + HttpdRealTot + HttpdSharedAvg) / HttpdRealAvg',
'worker' => {
'ServerLimit' => '(MemFree + Cached + HttpdRealTot + HttpdSharedAvg) / HttpdRealAvg',
'MaxClients' => 'ServerLimit * ThreadsPerChild',
'2.4' => {
'prefork' => {
'ServerLimit' => 'MaxRequestWorkers',
'MaxRequestWorkers' => '(MemFree + Cached + HttpdRealTot + HttpdSharedAvg) / HttpdRealAvg',
'worker' => {
'ServerLimit' => '(MemFree + Cached + HttpdRealTot + HttpdSharedAvg) / HttpdRealAvg',
'MaxRequestWorkers' => 'ServerLimit * ThreadsPerChild',
$cf_comments{'2.5'} = $cf_comments{'2.4'};
$cf_comments{'2.6'} = $cf_comments{'2.5'};
# the event MPM config is identical to the worker MPM config
# uses a hashref instead of copying the hash elements
for my $ver ( keys %cf_comments ) {
$cf_comments{$ver}{'event'} = $cf_comments{$ver}{'worker'};
$cf_comments{$ver}{'eventopt'} = $cf_comments{$ver}{'event'};
my %calcs = (
'HttpdRealAvg' => 0,
'HttpdSharedAvg' => 0,
'HttpdRealTot' => 0,
'HttpdRunning' => 0,
'OtherProcsMem' => '',
'FreeMemNoHttpd' => '',
'MaxLimitHttpdMem' => '',
'AllProcsTotalMem' => '',
# comment string when MaxLimitHttpdMem is calculated from DB values
my $mcs_from_db = '';
# common location for httpd binaries if not sepcified on command-line
my @httpd_paths = (
my $dbname = '/var/tmp/check_httpd_limits.sqlite';
my $dbuser = '';
my $dbpass = '';
my $dbtable = 'HttpdProcInfo';
my $dsn = "DBI:SQLite:dbname=$dbname";
my $dbh;
my %dbrow = (
'DateTimeAdded' => 0,
'HttpdRealAvg' => 0,
'HttpdSharedAvg' => 0,
'HttpdRealTot' => 0,
'HttpdRunning' => 0,
my %opt = ();
$opt{'swappct'} = 0 unless ( $opt{'swappct'} );
$opt{'max'} = $opt{'max'} ? lc($opt{'max'}) : "";
&ShowUsage() if ( $opt{'help'} );
if ( $opt{'verbose'} ) {
print "\nCheck Apache Httpd MPM Config Limits (Version $VERSION)\n";
print "by Jean-Sebastien Morisset -\n\n";
if ( $opt{'save'} || $opt{'days'} || $opt{'max'} ) {
$opt{'days'} = 30 unless ( defined $opt{'days'} );
print "Saving Httpd Averages to $dsn\n\n"
if ( $opt{'save'} && $opt{'verbose'} );
require DBD::SQLite;
print "DEBUG: Connecting to database $dsn.\n" if ( $opt{'debug'} );
$dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass);
die "ERROR: $DBI::errstr\n" if ($DBI::err);
$dbh->do("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;");
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $dbtable (
HttpdRunning INTEGER NOT NULL);");
# Use an array instead of a hash to keep the column order. If you're
# using MySQL, you may want to add an 'AFTER ColumnName' to the
# definiton string. 'AFTER' is not supported by SQLite, so always add
# new columns to the end of the array.
my @dbcol = (
{ 'name' => 'DateTimeAdded', 'definition' => 'DATE', },
{ 'name' => 'HttpdRealAvg', 'definition' => 'INTEGER', },
{ 'name' => 'HttpdSharedAvg', 'definition' => 'INTEGER', },
{ 'name' => 'HttpdRealTot', 'definition' => 'INTEGER', },
{ 'name' => 'HttpdRunning', 'definition' => 'INTEGER', },
my @dbidx = (
{ 'name' => 'HttpdRealAvgIdx', 'table' => 'HttpdRealAvg', },
{ 'name' => 'HttpdRunningIdx', 'table' => 'HttpdRunning', },
# Use hashes to quickly define (and lookup) which tables/indexes already exist.
my %dbcol_exists = ();
my %dbidx_exists = ();
for ( @{ $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "PRAGMA TABLE_INFO($dbtable)") } ) { $dbcol_exists{$_->[1]} = 1; };
for ( @{ $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "PRAGMA INDEX_LIST($dbtable)") } ) { $dbidx_exists{$_->[1]} = 1; };
# Create any missing columns.
for my $col ( @dbcol ) {
unless ( $dbcol_exists{$col->{'name'}} ) {
print "DEBUG: Adding missing column $col->{'name'} as $col->{'definition'}.\n" if ( $opt{'debug'} );
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $dbtable ADD COLUMN $col->{'name'} $col->{'definition'};");
$dbh->do("UPDATE $dbtable SET $col->{'name'} = 0 WHERE $col->{'name'} = NULL;");
# Create any missing indexes.
for my $idx ( @dbidx ) {
unless ( $dbidx_exists{$idx->{'name'}} ) {
print "DEBUG: Adding missing index $idx->{'name'} for $idx->{'table'}.\n" if ( $opt{'debug'} );
$dbh->do("CREATE INDEX $idx->{'name'} ON $dbtable ($idx->{'table'});");
print "DEBUG: Removing DB rows older than $opt{'days'} days.\n" if ( $opt{'debug'} );
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM $dbtable WHERE DateTimeAdded < DATETIME('NOW', '-$opt{'days'} DAYS');");
if ( $opt{'max'} eq 'realavg' ) {
print "DEBUG: Selecting largest HttpdRealAvg value in past $opt{'days'} days.\n" if ( $opt{'debug'} );
( $dbrow{'DateTimeAdded'}, $dbrow{'HttpdRealAvg'}, $dbrow{'HttpdSharedAvg'}, $dbrow{'HttpdRealTot'}, $dbrow{'HttpdRunning'} ) =
$dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT DateTimeAdded, HttpdRealAvg, HttpdSharedAvg, HttpdRealTot, HttpdRunning
FROM $dbtable ORDER BY HttpdRealAvg DESC, DateTimeAdded DESC LIMIT 1;");
} elsif ( $opt{'max'} eq 'running' ) {
print "DEBUG: Selecting largest HttpdRunning value in past $opt{'days'} days.\n" if ( $opt{'debug'} );
( $dbrow{'DateTimeAdded'}, $dbrow{'HttpdRealAvg'}, $dbrow{'HttpdSharedAvg'}, $dbrow{'HttpdRealTot'}, $dbrow{'HttpdRunning'} ) =
$dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT DateTimeAdded, HttpdRealAvg, HttpdSharedAvg, HttpdRealTot, HttpdRunning
FROM $dbtable ORDER BY HttpdRunning DESC, HttpdRealAvg DESC, DateTimeAdded DESC LIMIT 1;");
if ( $opt{'max'} && %dbrow ) {
# make sure HttpdRunning (a column added later) has a value
$dbrow{'HttpdRunning'} = 0 unless( $dbrow{'HttpdRunning'} );
if ( $opt{'debug'} ) {
print "DEBUG: DateTimeAdded=$dbrow{'DateTimeAdded'}\n";
print "DEBUG: HttpdRealAvg=$dbrow{'HttpdRealAvg'}\n";
print "DEBUG: HttpdSharedAvg=$dbrow{'HttpdSharedAvg'}\n";
print "DEBUG: HttpdRealTot=$dbrow{'HttpdRealTot'}\n";
print "DEBUG: HttpdRunning=$dbrow{'HttpdRunning'}\n";
# ---------------------------
# ---------------------------
print "DEBUG: Open /proc/meminfo\n" if ( $opt{'debug'} );
open ( my $mem_fh, "<", "/proc/meminfo" ) or die "ERROR: /proc/meminfo - $!\n";
while (<$mem_fh>) {
if ( /^[[:space:]]*([a-zA-Z]+):[[:space:]]+([0-9]+)/) {
if ( defined $mem{$1} ) {
$mem{$1} = sprintf ( "%0.2f", $2 / 1024 );
print "DEBUG: Found $1 = $mem{$1}.\n" if ( $opt{'debug'} );
close ( $mem_fh );
# -----------------------
# -----------------------
if ( defined $opt{'exe'} ) {
$httpd{'EXE'} = $opt{'exe'};
print "DEBUG: Command-Line Exe \"$httpd{'EXE'}\".\n"
if ( $opt{'debug'} );
} else {
for ( @httpd_paths ) {
if ( $_ && -x $_ ) {
$httpd{'EXE'} = $_;
print "DEBUG: Found Httpd Exe \"$httpd{'EXE'}\".\n"
if ( $opt{'debug'} );
die "ERROR: No executable Apache HTTP binary found!\n"
unless ( defined $httpd{'EXE'} && -x $httpd{'EXE'} );
# -----------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------
print "DEBUG: Opendir /proc\n" if ( $opt{'debug'} );
opendir ( my $proc_fh, "/proc" ) or die "ERROR: /proc - $!\n";
while ( my $pid = readdir( $proc_fh ) ) {
my $exe = readlink( "/proc/$pid/exe" );
next unless ( defined $exe );
print "DEBUG: Readlink /proc/$pid/exe ($exe)" if ( $opt{'debug'} );
if ( $exe eq $httpd{'EXE'} ) {
print " - matched ($httpd{'EXE'})\n" if ( $opt{'debug'} );
print "DEBUG: Open /proc/$pid/stat\n" if ( $opt{'debug'} );
open ( my $stat_fh, "<", "/proc/$pid/stat" ) or die "ERROR: /proc/$pid/stat - $!\n";
my @pid_stat = split (/ /, readline( $stat_fh )); close ( $stat_fh );
print "DEBUG: Open /proc/$pid/statm\n" if ( $opt{'debug'} );
open ( my $statm_fh, "<", "/proc/$pid/statm" ) or die "ERROR: /proc/$pid/statm - $!\n";
my @pid_statm = split (/ /, readline( $statm_fh )); close ( $statm_fh );
my %all_stats = (
'pid' => $pid_stat[0],
'name' => $pid_stat[1],
'ppid' => $pid_stat[3],
'rss' => $pid_stat[23] * $pagesize / 1024 / 1024,
'share' => $pid_statm[2] * $pagesize / 1024 / 1024,
if ( $opt{'debug'} ) {
print "DEBUG:";
for (sort keys %all_stats) { print " $_:$all_stats{$_}"; }
print "\n";
push ( @stathrefs, \%all_stats );
} else { print "\n" if ( $opt{'debug'} ); }
close ( $proc_fh );
die "ERROR: No $httpd{'EXE'} processes found in /proc/*/exe! Are you root?\n"
unless ( @stathrefs );
# -------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------
print "DEBUG: Open $httpd{'EXE'} -V\n" if ( $opt{'debug'} );
open ( my $set_fh, "-|", "$httpd{'EXE'} -V" ) or die "ERROR: $httpd{'EXE'} - $!\n";
while ( <$set_fh> ) {
$httpd{'ROOT'} = $1 if (/^.*HTTPD_ROOT="(.*)"$/);
$httpd{'CONFIG'} = $1 if (/^.*SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="(.*)"$/);
$httpd{'VERSION'} = $1 if (/^Server version:[[:space:]]+Apache\/([0-9]\.[0-9]).*$/);
$httpd{'MPM'} = lc($1) if (/^Server MPM:[[:space:]]+(.*)$/);
$httpd{'MPM'} = lc($1) if (/APACHE_MPM_DIR="server\/mpm\/([^"]*)"$/);
close ( $set_fh );
if ( $opt{'debug'} ) {
print "DEBUG: HTTPD ROOT = $httpd{'ROOT'}\n";
print "DEBUG: HTTPD CONFIG = $httpd{'CONFIG'}\n";
print "DEBUG: HTTPD VERSION = $httpd{'VERSION'}\n";
print "DEBUG: HTTPD MPM = $httpd{'MPM'}\n";
if ( $opt{'config'} ) {
$httpd{'CONFIG'} = $opt{'config'};
print "DEBUG: Command-Line Config \"$httpd{'CONFIG'}\".\n"
if ( $opt{'debug'} );
# check for relative path
if ( $httpd{'CONFIG'} !~ /^\// ) {
$httpd{'CONFIG'} = "$httpd{'ROOT'}/$httpd{'CONFIG'}";
print "DEBUG: Relative Path Adjusted = $httpd{'CONFIG'}\n"
if ( $opt{'debug'} );
die "ERROR: Cannot determine httpd version number.\n"
unless ( $httpd{'VERSION'} && $httpd{'VERSION'} > 0 );
die "ERROR: Cannot determine httpd server MPM type.\n"
unless ( $httpd{'MPM'} );
# determine the config version number to use
if ( $cf_defaults{$httpd{'VERSION'}} ) {
$cf_ver = $httpd{'VERSION'};
} elsif ( $httpd{'VERSION'} < $cf_min ) {
$cf_ver = $cf_min;
print "INFO: Httpd version $httpd{'VERSION'} not configured - using $cf_ver values instead.\n";
} else {
die "ERROR: Httpd version $httpd{'VERSION'} configuration values not defined.\n";
if ( $cf_defaults{$cf_ver}{$httpd{'MPM'}} ) { $cf_mpm = $httpd{'MPM'}; }
else { die "ERROR: Httpd server MPM \"$httpd{'MPM'}\" is unknown.\n"; }
# --------------------------
# --------------------------
print "DEBUG: Open $httpd{'CONFIG'}\n" if ( $opt{'debug'} );
open ( my $conf_fh, "<", $httpd{'CONFIG'} ) or die "ERROR: $httpd{'CONFIG'} - $!\n";
my $conf = do { local $/; <$conf_fh> };
close ( $conf_fh );
# Read the MPM config values
if ( $conf =~ /^[[:space:]]*<IfModule ($cf_mpm\.c|mpm_$cf_mpm\_module)>([^<]*)/im ) {
$cf_IfModule = $1; my $cf_Content = $2;
print "DEBUG: IfModule $cf_IfModule\n$cf_Content\n" if ( $opt{'debug'} );
for ( split (/\n/, $cf_Content) ) {
if ( /^[[:space:]]*([a-zA-Z]+)[[:space:]]+([0-9]+)/) {
print "DEBUG: $1 = $2\n" if ( $opt{'debug'} );
$cf_read{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{$1} = $2;
$cf_changed{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{$1} = $2;
if ( $cf_ver <= $cf_min ) {
$cf_MaxName = 'MaxClients';
} else {
$cf_MaxName = 'MaxRequestWorkers';
my %dep = (
'MaxClients' => 'MaxRequestWorkers',
'MaxRequestsPerChild' => 'MaxConnectionsPerChild',
for ( sort keys %dep ) {
if ( defined $cf_read{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{$_} ) {
print "INFO: $_($cf_read{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{$_}) is deprecated - renaming to $dep{$_}.\n";
$cf_read{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{$dep{$_}} = $cf_read{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{$_};
$cf_changed{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{$dep{$_}} = $cf_changed{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{$_};
delete $cf_read{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{$_};
delete $cf_changed{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{$_};
# If using prefork MPM, base the caculation on MaxClients/MaxRequestWorkers instead of ServerLimit
# When using prefork, MaxClients/MaxRequestWorkers determines how many processes can be started
$cf_LimitName = $cf_mpm eq 'prefork' ? $cf_MaxName : 'ServerLimit';
# Exit with an error if any value is not > 0
for my $set ( sort keys %{$cf_changed{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}} ) {
die "ERROR: $set value is 0 in $httpd{'CONFIG'}!\n"
unless ( $cf_changed{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{$set} > 0 ||
$set =~ /^(MaxRequestsPerChild|MaxConnectionsPerChild)$/ );
# -----------------------
# -----------------------
my @procs;
for my $stref ( @stathrefs ) {
my $real = ${$stref}{'rss'} - ${$stref}{'share'};
my $share = ${$stref}{'share'};
my $proc_msg = sprintf ( " - %-22s: %7.2f MB / %6.2f MB shared",
"PID ${$stref}{'pid'} ${$stref}{'name'}", ${$stref}{'rss'}, $share );
if ( ${$stref}{'ppid'} > 1 ) {
$calcs{'HttpdRealAvg'} = $real if ( $calcs{'HttpdRealAvg'} == 0 );
$calcs{'HttpdSharedAvg'} = $share if ( $calcs{'HttpdSharedAvg'} == 0 );
$calcs{'HttpdRealAvg'} = ( $calcs{'HttpdRealAvg'} + $real ) / 2;
$calcs{'HttpdSharedAvg'} = ( $calcs{'HttpdSharedAvg'} + $share ) / 2;
} else {
$proc_msg .= " [excluded from averages]";
$calcs{'HttpdRealTot'} += $real;
print "DEBUG: $proc_msg\n" if ( $opt{'debug'} );
print "DEBUG: Avg $calcs{'HttpdRealAvg'}, Shr $calcs{'HttpdSharedAvg'}, Tot $calcs{'HttpdRealTot'}\n" if ( $opt{'debug'} );
push ( @procs, $proc_msg);
# round off the calcs
$calcs{'HttpdRealAvg'} = sprintf ( "%0.2f", $calcs{'HttpdRealAvg'} );
$calcs{'HttpdSharedAvg'} = sprintf ( "%0.2f", $calcs{'HttpdSharedAvg'} );
$calcs{'HttpdRealTot'} = sprintf ( "%0.2f", $calcs{'HttpdRealTot'} );
$calcs{'HttpdRunning'} = $#procs + 1;
# save the new averages to the database
if ( $opt{'save'} ) {
if ( $opt{'debug'} ) {
print "DEBUG: Adding to database: HttpdRealAvg($calcs{'HttpdRealAvg'}), ";
print "HttpdSharedAvg($calcs{'HttpdSharedAvg'}), HttpdRealTot($calcs{'HttpdRealTot'}), ";
print "HttpdRunning($calcs{'HttpdRunning'}).\n"
my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "INSERT INTO $dbtable VALUES ( DATETIME('NOW'), ?, ?, ?, ? )" );
$sth->execute( $calcs{'HttpdRealAvg'}, $calcs{'HttpdSharedAvg'}, $calcs{'HttpdRealTot'}, $calcs{'HttpdRunning'} );
if ( $opt{'save'} || $opt{'days'} || $opt{'max'} ) {
print "DEBUG: Disconnecting from database." if ( $opt{'debug'} );
# use max averages from database if --max used (and the database average is larger than current)
if ( $opt{'max'} eq 'realavg' && $dbrow{'HttpdRealAvg'} && $dbrow{'HttpdSharedAvg'} && $dbrow{'HttpdRealAvg'} > $calcs{'HttpdRealAvg'} ) {
$mcs_from_db = " [Avg from $dbrow{'DateTimeAdded'}]";
$calcs{'MaxLimitHttpdMem'} = $dbrow{'HttpdRealAvg'} * $cf_changed{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{$cf_LimitName} + $dbrow{'HttpdSharedAvg'};
print "DEBUG: DB HttpdRealAvg: $dbrow{'HttpdRealAvg'} > Current HttpdRealAvg: $calcs{'HttpdRealAvg'}.\n" if ( $opt{'debug'} );
} else {
$calcs{'MaxLimitHttpdMem'} = $calcs{'HttpdRealAvg'} * $cf_changed{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{$cf_LimitName} + $calcs{'HttpdSharedAvg'};
$calcs{'OtherProcsMem'} = $mem{'MemTotal'} - $mem{'Cached'} - $mem{'MemFree'} - $calcs{'HttpdRealTot'} - $calcs{'HttpdSharedAvg'};
$calcs{'FreeMemNoHttpd'} = $mem{'MemFree'} + $mem{'Cached'} + $calcs{'HttpdRealTot'} + $calcs{'HttpdSharedAvg'};
$calcs{'AllProcsTotalMem'} = $calcs{'OtherProcsMem'} + $calcs{'MaxLimitHttpdMem'};
# ---------------------------------
# ---------------------------------
$cf_changed{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{'ServerLimit'} = sprintf ( "%0.2f",
( $mem{'MemFree'} + $mem{'Cached'} + $calcs{'HttpdRealTot'} + $calcs{'HttpdSharedAvg'} ) / $calcs{'HttpdRealAvg'} );
if ( $cf_mpm eq 'prefork' ) {
$cf_changed{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{$cf_MaxName} = $cf_changed{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{'ServerLimit'};
} else {
$cf_changed{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{$cf_MaxName} = sprintf ( "%0.2f",
$cf_changed{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{'ServerLimit'} * $cf_changed{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{'ThreadsPerChild'} );
# ----------------------
# ----------------------
if ( $opt{'verbose'} ) {
print "Httpd Binary\n\n";
for ( sort keys %httpd ) { printf ( " - %-22s: %s\n", $_, $httpd{$_} ); }
print "\nHttpd Processes\n\n";
for ( @procs ) { print $_, "\n"; }
print "\n";
printf ( " - %-22s: %7.2f MB [excludes shared]\n", "HttpdRealAvg", $calcs{'HttpdRealAvg'} );
printf ( " - %-22s: %7.2f MB\n", "HttpdSharedAvg", $calcs{'HttpdSharedAvg'} );
printf ( " - %-22s: %7.2f MB [excludes shared]\n", "HttpdRealTot", $calcs{'HttpdRealTot'} );
printf ( " - %-22s: %7.0f\n", "HttpdRunning", $calcs{'HttpdRunning'} );
if ( $opt{'max'} && %dbrow ) {
print "\nDatabase Values\n\n";
printf ( " - DB %-19s: %s\n", "DateTimeAdded", $dbrow{'DateTimeAdded'} );
printf ( " - DB %-19s: %7.2f MB [excludes shared]\n", "HttpdRealAvg", $dbrow{'HttpdRealAvg'} );
printf ( " - DB %-19s: %7.2f MB\n", "HttpdSharedAvg", $dbrow{'HttpdSharedAvg'} );
printf ( " - DB %-19s: %7.2f MB [excludes shared]\n", "HttpdRealTot", $dbrow{'HttpdRealTot'} );
printf ( " - DB %-19s: %7.0f\n", "HttpdRunning", $dbrow{'HttpdRunning'} );
print "\nHttpd Config\n\n";
# sort in reverse to make sure ServerLimit is before MaxClients
for my $set ( reverse sort keys %{$cf_read{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}} ) {
printf ( " - %-22s: %d\n", $set, $cf_read{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{$set} );
print "\nServer Memory\n\n";
for ( sort keys %mem ) { printf ( " - %-22s: %8.2f MB\n", $_, $mem{$_} ); }
print "\nCalculations Summary\n\n";
printf ( " - %-22s: %8.2f MB (MemTotal - Cached - MemFree - HttpdRealTot - HttpdSharedAvg)\n", "OtherProcsMem", $calcs{'OtherProcsMem'} );
printf ( " - %-22s: %8.2f MB (MemFree + Cached + HttpdRealTot + HttpdSharedAvg)\n", "FreeMemNoHttpd", $calcs{'FreeMemNoHttpd'} );
printf ( " - %-22s: %8.2f MB (HttpdRealAvg * $cf_LimitName + HttpdSharedAvg)%s\n", "MaxLimitHttpdMem", $calcs{'MaxLimitHttpdMem'}, $mcs_from_db );
printf ( " - %-22s: %8.2f MB (OtherProcsMem + MaxLimitHttpdMem)\n", "AllProcsTotalMem", $calcs{'AllProcsTotalMem'} );
print "\nMaximum Values for MemTotal ($mem{'MemTotal'} MB)\n\n";
print " <IfModule $cf_IfModule>\n";
# sort in reverse to make sure ServerLimit is before MaxClients
for my $set ( reverse sort keys %{$cf_changed{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}} ) {
printf ( "\t%-22s %5.0f\t# ", $set, $cf_changed{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{$set} );
if ( $cf_read{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{$set} != $cf_changed{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{$set} ) {
printf ( "(%0.0f -> %0.0f)", $cf_read{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{$set}, $cf_changed{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{$set} );
} else { print "(no change)"; }
if ( $cf_comments{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{$set} ) {
print " $cf_comments{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{$set}"
} elsif ( $cf_defaults{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{$set} ne '' ) {
print " Default is $cf_defaults{$cf_ver}{$cf_mpm}{$set}"
print "\n";
print " </IfModule>\n";
print "\nResult\n\n";
# ------------------------
# ------------------------
my $result_prefix = sprintf ( "AllProcsTotalMem (%0.2f MB)$mcs_from_db", $calcs{'AllProcsTotalMem'} );
my $result_availram = "MemTotal ($mem{'MemTotal'} MB)";
if ( $calcs{'AllProcsTotalMem'} <= $mem{'MemTotal'} ) {
print "OK: $result_prefix fits within $result_availram.\n";
$err = 0;
} elsif ( $calcs{'AllProcsTotalMem'} <= ( $mem{'MemTotal'} + ( $mem{'SwapFree'} * $opt{'swappct'} / 100 ) ) ) {
print "OK: $result_prefix exceeds $result_availram, but fits within $opt{'swappct'}% of free swap ";
printf ( "(uses %0.2f MB of %0.0f MB).\n", $calcs{'AllProcsTotalMem'} - $mem{'MemTotal'}, $mem{'SwapFree'} );
$err = 1;
} elsif ( $calcs{'AllProcsTotalMem'} <= ( $mem{'MemTotal'} + $mem{'SwapFree'} ) ) {
print "WARNING: $result_prefix exceeds $result_availram, but still fits within free swap ";
printf ( "(uses %0.2f MB of %0.0f MB).\n", $calcs{'AllProcsTotalMem'} - $mem{'MemTotal'}, $mem{'SwapFree'} );
$err = 1;
} else {
print "ERROR: $result_prefix exceeds $result_availram and free swap ($mem{'SwapFree'} MB) ";
printf ( "by %0.2f MB.\n", $calcs{'AllProcsTotalMem'} - ( $mem{'MemTotal'} + $mem{'SwapFree'} ) );
$err = 2;
print "\n" if ( $opt{'verbose'} );
if ( $opt{'debug'} ) {
print "DEBUG: OtherProcsMem($calcs{'OtherProcsMem'}) + MaxLimitHttpdMem($calcs{'MaxLimitHttpdMem'})";
print " = AllProcsTotalMem($calcs{'AllProcsTotalMem'}) vs MemTotal($mem{'MemTotal'}) + SwapFree($mem{'SwapFree'})\n";
exit $err;
# ---------------
# ---------------
sub ShowUsage {
print "\nPurpose:\n\n";
print "This script will attempt to predict the memory used by Apache Httpd processes\n";
print "when the maximum configured limits are reached. The prediction is based on the\n";
print "(calculated) HttpdRealAvg value -- an average of the memory used by each\n";
print "running Httpd process. To see the HttpdRealAvg value, and all other calculated\n";
print "variables, use the \"verbose\" command-line argument. There are no additional\n";
print "modules required, unless you use the save/days/max command-line argument(s).\n";
print "\nSyntax:\n\n";
print "$0 [--help] [--debug] [--verbose] \\\n";
print " [--exe=/path/to/httpd] [--swappct=#] --save] [--days=#] \\\n";
print " [--max=realavg|running]\n\n";
printf ("%-15s: %s\n", "--help", "This syntax summary.");
printf ("%-15s: %s\n", "--debug", "Show debugging messages as the script is executing.");
printf ("%-15s: %s\n", "--verbose", "Display a detailed report of all values found and calculated.");
printf ("%-15s: %s\n", "--exe=/path", "Path to httpd binary file (if non-standard).");
printf ("%-15s: %s\n", "--config=/path", "Path to httpd configuration file (if non-standard).");
printf ("%-15s: %s\n", "--swappct=#", "% of FREE swap use allowed before WARNING condition (default 0).");
printf ("%-15s: %s\n", "--save", "Save average sizes to database ($dbname).");
printf ("%-15s: %s\n", "--days=#", "Remove database entries older than # days (default 30).");
printf ("%-15s: %s\n", "--max=realavg", "Use largest HttpdRealAvg size from current procs or database.");
printf ("%-15s: %s\n", "--max=running", "Use HttpdRealAvg size from the largest MaxRunning recorded.");
print "\nThe save/days/max command-line arguments require the DBD::SQLite perl module.\n";
print "Use --max=running if the size and number of httpd processes increases and\n";
print "decreases rapidly or unpredictably. The --max=realavg setting should be more\n";
print "accurate for servers that have stable httpd sizes, and progressive increase /\n";
print "decrease in the number of httpd processes.\n";
print "\nExample:\n\n";
print "/usr/local/bin/ --save --days=14 --max=realavg --swappct=25\n\n";
exit $err;
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