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Last active November 8, 2023 18:26
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#! /usr/bin/python
# Requries at least Python 3.6
# Reads from stdin or file ( -i / --input-file), writes to stdout or file ( -o / --output-file)
# Supports XORing with provided key (-x / --xor)
# Supports output formats of C, C#, Java, VB, and B64 string ( -f / --format)
# Change shellcode output variable name with -n / --name
# Examples:
# Read shellcode from stdin, XOR with key 'secret!', format in C byte array, and write to file "sc.txt":
# python -i - -x 'secret!' -f c -o sc.txt < shellcode.bin
# Read shellcode from file, format in Base64 string, change shellcode variable name to "not_shellcode":
# python -i shellcode.bin -f b64 -n not_shellcode
import argparse
from collections import namedtuple
import codecs
import sys
def xor_sc(sc, key):
"""XOR shellcode with provided key of arbitrary length.
Takes shellcode characters as bytes, returns XORed bytes.
xored_sc = []
i = 0
for sc_byte in sc:
if i < len(key):
xored_byte = sc_byte ^ key[i]
i += 1
xored_byte = sc_byte ^ key[0]
i = 1
return bytes(xored_sc)
def format_sc(sc, output_format):
"""Format the shellcode for pasting in C/C++, C#, Java, or Visual Basic projects.
Takes shellcode as bytes, returns formatted bytes.
if output_format == 'b64':
sc = split_sc(sc)
return sc
sc = ["{0:#0{1}x}".format(int(x),4) for x in sc]
CodeFormat = namedtuple('CodeFormat', 'open close heading items_per_line func')
if output_format == 'c':
cf = CodeFormat(open='{\n', close='\n};', heading=f'unsigned char shellcode[{len(sc)}] = ', items_per_line=12, func=None)
elif output_format == 'c#':
cf = CodeFormat(open='{\n', close='\n};', heading='byte[] shellcode = ', items_per_line=12, func=None)
elif output_format == 'java':
cf = CodeFormat(open='{\n', close='\n};', heading='byte shellcode[] = ', items_per_line=5, func=['(byte)' + x for x in sc])
elif output_format == 'vb':
cf = CodeFormat(open='{\n', close='\n}', heading='Dim shellcode As Byte() = ', items_per_line=12,
func=[x.replace('0x', '&H').upper() for x in sc])
if cf.func:
sc = cf.func
iterations = (len(sc) // cf.items_per_line) if len(sc) % cf.items_per_line == 0 else (len(sc) // cf.items_per_line + 1)
iteration = 0
index = [0, cf.items_per_line]
lines = []
while iteration < iterations:
line = ', '.join(sc[index[0]:index[1]])
index[0] = index[1]
index[1] = index[1] + cf.items_per_line
iteration += 1
sc = ',\n'.join(lines)
sc = cf.heading + + sc + cf.close
return sc.encode()
def split_sc(sc, row_length=80):
"""Format shellcode for pasting into projects as series of concatenated Base64 strings.
Takes shellcode as bytes, returns formatted base64 encoded bytes.
sc = codecs.encode(sc, 'base64').decode().replace('\n', '')
base64_sc = ''
index = [0, row_length - 1]
for i in range((len(sc) // row_length) + 1):
base64_sc += f'shellcode {"=" if index[0] == 0 else "+="} "{sc[index[0]:index[1]]}";\n'
index[0] = index[1]
index[1] = index[1] + row_length
return base64_sc.encode()
def main():
"""XOR and format shellcode."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-i', '--input-file', type=argparse.FileType('rb'),
help='File containing shellcode or read from <stdin>')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-file', type=argparse.FileType('wb'), default=sys.stdout,
help='Output file to write. Defaults to <stdout>.')
parser.add_argument('-x', '--xor', type=str, help='XOR shellcode with key.')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--format', type=str.lower, choices=['c', 'c#', 'vb', 'java', 'b64'],
help='Format the shellcode for including in C/C++ or C# projects.')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', type=str, help='Name for the shellcode variable. Default "shellcode".')
args = parser.parse_args()
infile = args.input_file
outfile = args.output_file
key = args.xor
output_format = args.format
var_name =
if not infile:
print('[-] Provide shellcode via -i/--input-file or stdin')
# Read shellcode from file or stdin into bytes
sc = if infile.fileno() == 0 else
if key:
sc = xor_sc(sc, key.encode())
if output_format:
sc = format_sc(sc, output_format)
if output_format and var_name:
sc = sc.replace(b'shellcode', var_name.encode())
# Select write method for writing to stdout or file
sys.stdout.buffer.write(sc) if outfile.fileno() == 1 else outfile.write(sc)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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