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Created December 15, 2022 17:11
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Haskell solution progression for AOC 2022 day 15 part 2
module Main where
import Utils
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Range as Range
import Debug.Trace
type Point = (Int,Int)
type LineSegment = (Point,Point)
type Grid = M.Map Point Char
data Sensor = Sensor Point Point Int deriving (Show,Eq)
type RangeMap = M.Map Int [Range Int]
instance Ord Sensor where
compare (Sensor s1 _ _) (Sensor s2 _ _) = compare s1 s2
point :: Parser Point
point = do
string "x="
x <- integer
string ", y="
y <- integer
return (x,y)
sensor :: Parser Sensor
sensor = do
string "Sensor at "
sensorpos <- point
string ": closest beacon is at "
beaconpos <- point
return $ Sensor sensorpos beaconpos (taxicabDistance sensorpos beaconpos)
taxicabDistance :: Point -> Point -> Int
taxicabDistance (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = abs (x1-x2) + abs (y1-y2)
distanceToBeacon :: Sensor -> Int
distanceToBeacon (Sensor s b d) = d
placesInRange :: Int -> Sensor -> [Point]
placesInRange targetRow (Sensor s@(sx,sy) b d) = pointsOnTargetRow
where dtb = d
dtr = abs $ targetRow - sy
dx = (dtb - dtr) -- number of points left and right of sx on the target row
pointsOnTargetRow = [(x,targetRow) | x <- [(sx-dx)..(sx+dx)]] -- using that [5..3] == []
-- M.insertWith (flip const) will insert the new value only if the key is not taken yet.
fillTargetRow :: Int -> Grid -> Sensor -> Grid
fillTargetRow target grid sensor = foldl' (\g c -> M.insertWith (flip const) c '#' g) grid placesOnTargetRow
where placesOnTargetRow = placesInRange target sensor
-- Not super fast but it works. Unlike part2 I didn't bother rewriting this.
part1 = do
Right sensors <- parseFileLines sensor "day15_input.txt"
let initialGrid = foldl' (\g (Sensor s b _) -> M.insert b 'B' $ M.insert s 'S' g) M.empty sensors
let target = 2000000
let targetRowFilled = foldl' (fillTargetRow target) initialGrid sensors
print . M.size $ M.filterWithKey (\(x,y) a -> y == target && a == '#') targetRowFilled
rangesOnRows :: Sensor -> [(Int,Range Int)]
rangesOnRows (Sensor s@(sx,sy) b d) = traceShow dtb $ map (\row -> (row, (sx-(dx row)) +=+ (sx+(dx row)))) rowsInRange
where dtb = d
dtr targetRow = abs $ targetRow - sy
dx targetRow = (dtb - (dtr targetRow)) -- number of points left and right of sx on the target row
rowsInRange = [(max 0 (sy - dtb))..(min 4000000 (sy + dtb))]
addRanges :: RangeMap -> [(Int,Range Int)] -> RangeMap
addRanges rangemap ranges = foldl' (\rm (row,range) -> M.insertWith (\a b -> joinRanges (a++b)) row [range] rm) rangemap ranges
-- works, but is slow, takes about 184 seconds, 62 seconds when compiled, 51 seconds door minder rijen te bekijken
part2 = do
Right sensors <- parseFileLines sensor "day15_input.txt"
let target = 4000000
let targetRowFilled = foldl' (\m s -> addRanges m $ rangesOnRows s) M.empty sensors
let result = head . M.assocs $ M.filter (\a -> length a == 2) targetRowFilled
print $ ((fst result) + ((* 4000000) . head . fromRanges $ difference [0 +=+ target] $ snd result))
-- Idea taken from the reddit: there is exactly 1 point where it could be. That means that the
-- surrounding points must be inside range of at least one of the sensors and therefore the distress
-- beacon must be on the perimeter of one of the squares (actually on the perimeter of several squares) but
-- not inside any squares. So, generate all the points one outside sensor range for all sensors, concat those
-- then for all the generated points check whether they're inside range of one of the sensors. All but one
-- will be inside the range, the last one is the sensor location.
perimeterPoints :: Chan Point -> [Sensor] -> Int -> Sensor -> IO () --[Point]
perimeterPoints chan allSensors target (Sensor s@(sx,sy) b d) = writeList2Chan chan $ filter (\c -> not $ any (isInRange c) allSensors) $ concat [points, topRightEdge, bottomLeftEdge, topLeftEdge, bottomRightEdge]
where dtb = d + 1
topRightEdge = filter (\(x,y) -> x >= 0 && x <= target && y >= 0 && y <= target) $ takeWhile (/= pointRight) $ iterate (\(x,y) -> (x+1,y+1)) pointAbove
bottomLeftEdge = filter (\(x,y) -> x >= 0 && x <= target && y >= 0 && y <= target) $ takeWhile (/= pointBelow) $ iterate (\(x,y) -> (x+1,y+1)) pointLeft
topLeftEdge = filter (\(x,y) -> x >= 0 && x <= target && y >= 0 && y <= target) $ takeWhile (/= pointLeft) $ iterate (\(x,y) -> (x-1,y+1)) pointAbove
bottomRightEdge = filter (\(x,y) -> x >= 0 && x <= target && y >= 0 && y <= target) $ takeWhile (/= pointBelow) $ iterate (\(x,y) -> (x-1,y+1)) pointRight
pointBelow = (sx,sy+dtb)
pointAbove = (sx,sy-dtb)
pointLeft = (sx-dtb,sy)
pointRight = (sx+dtb,sy)
points = filter (\(x,y) -> x >= 0 && x <= target && y >= 0 && y <= target) $ [pointBelow, pointAbove, pointLeft, pointRight]
isInRange :: Point -> Sensor -> Bool
isInRange c (Sensor s b d) = taxicabDistance c s <= d
-- runs in ~733 ms now when compiled with -O2 -threaded
part2fast = do
Right sensors <- parseFileLines sensor "day15_input.txt"
let target = 4000000
-- dirty trick to paralellize: the first valid point we find will be pulled from the channel and printed,
-- then when the main thread exits any remaining worker threads will be killed automatically
chan <- newChan
forM_ sensors $ \s -> forkIO $ perimeterPoints chan sensors target s
result <- readChan chan
print $ ((snd result) + ((* 4000000) $ fst result))
-- after some consideration on the codeklets slack, we discovered that the distress beacon MUST
-- lie on the intersection of two "edge+1" lines, so we can just compare all pairs of two sensors,
-- see if any of their edges intersect and then pull all those intersections points through the isInRange check
-- That should only generate about 30^2 points to check?
allPairs :: Ord a => [a] -> [(a,a)]
allPairs xs = [(a,b) | a <- xs, b <- xs, a < b]
canonicalLineForm :: (Point,Point) -> (Int,Int,Int)
canonicalLineForm ((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) = (a,b,c)
where a = y2 - y1
b = x1 - x2
c = a*x1 + b*y1
pointOnLine :: LineSegment -> Point -> Bool
pointOnLine ((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) (x,y) = xgood && ygood
where xgood = min x1 x2 <= x && x <= max x1 x2
ygood = min y1 y2 <= y && y <= max y1 y2
-- taken from
lineIntersection :: (LineSegment,LineSegment) -> Maybe Point
lineIntersection (l1,l2) = if det == 0 || not isOnFirstLine || not isOnSecondLine then Nothing else Just (x,y)
where det = a1 * b2 - a2 * b1
(a1,b1,c1) = canonicalLineForm l1
(a2,b2,c2) = canonicalLineForm l2
x = (b2 * c1 - b1 * c2) `div` det
y = (a1 * c2 - a2 * c1) `div` det
isOnFirstLine = pointOnLine l1 (x,y)
isOnSecondLine = pointOnLine l2 (x,y)
intersectingPoints :: (Sensor,Sensor) -> [Point]
intersectingPoints (Sensor (s1x,s1y) _ d1, Sensor (s2x,s2y) _ d2) = catMaybes $ map lineIntersection [
where d1' = d1 + 1
d2' = d2 + 1
s1top = (s1x,s1y-d1')
s1bottom = (s1x,s1y+d1')
s1left = (s1x-d1',s1y)
s1right = (s1x+d1',s1y)
s2top = (s2x,s2y-d2')
s2bottom = (s2x,s2y+d2')
s2left = (s2x-d2',s2y)
s2right = (s2x+d2',s2y)
tl1 = (s1left,s1top)
tr1 = (s1top,s1right)
bl1 = (s1left,s1bottom)
br1 = (s1bottom,s1right)
tl2 = (s2left,s2top)
tr2 = (s2top,s2right)
bl2 = (s2left,s2bottom)
br2 = (s2bottom,s2right)
-- When compiled with -O2 this finishes in 11 ms, aka the startup time of the runtime, since
-- "hello world" also takes 11 ms to run in compiled form
part2faster = do
Right sensors <- parseFileLines sensor "day15_input.txt"
let sensorPairs = allPairs sensors
let intersections = concatMap intersectingPoints sensorPairs
let target = 4000000
let inrangeIntersections = filter (\(x,y) -> x >= 0 && x <= target && y >= 0 && y <= target) intersections
let result = head $ filter (\c -> not $ any (isInRange c) sensors) inrangeIntersections
print $ ((snd result) + ((* 4000000) $ fst result))
-- main = part2faster
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