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Created February 5, 2024 15:33
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Folder Path Verification C++ Sample: A concise C++ example demonstrating how to verify an application's execution path against a specified directory.
# White Knight Labs - Offensive Development Course
# Guardrails - Folder Check
#include <windows.h> // Include Windows-specific headers for system calls
#include <iostream> // Include for input and output stream operations
#include <string> // Include for using string class
#include <algorithm> // Include for standard algorithms, e.g., std::transform
#include <cctype> // Include for character handling functions, e.g., std::tolower
// Function to check if the path of the current executable is under a specified path
bool isUnderSpecifiedPath(const std::string& path) {
// Convert path to lowercase for case-insensitive comparison
std::string lowerPath = path;
// Use transform to apply std::tolower to each character in the path
std::transform(lowerPath.begin(), lowerPath.end(), lowerPath.begin(),
[](unsigned char c) -> unsigned char { return std::tolower(c); });
// Specify the directory to check against, ensuring it's in lowercase for accurate comparison
std::string specifiedPath = "c:\\windows\\system32";
// Use rfind to check if the specifiedPath is the beginning of lowerPath
return lowerPath.rfind(specifiedPath, 0) == 0;
int main() {
// Buffer to hold the path of the current executable
char pathBuffer[MAX_PATH];
// GetModuleFileName retrieves the path of the executable file of the current process
if (GetModuleFileName(NULL, pathBuffer, MAX_PATH) == 0) {
// If retrieving the path fails, print an error message and return an error code
std::cerr << "Failed to get module file name." << std::endl;
return 1;
// Convert the path buffer to a std::string for easier handling
std::string currentPath = pathBuffer;
// Check if the current executable path is under the specified path
if (isUnderSpecifiedPath(currentPath)) {
// If true, print confirmation message
std::cout << "Running under set path" << std::endl;
// This is where you can place the code that should only execute under the specified path
} else {
// If false, print a message indicating the executable is not under the specified path
std::cerr << "Not running under set path" << std::endl;
return 0; // Program executed successfully
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