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Created May 10, 2019 15:00
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import setools
from collections import defaultdict
def build_ddict(p):
res = {}
for t in p.types():
res[str(t)] = [str(t)] + [str(a) for a in t.attributes()]
exp = dict((str(a), frozenset(str(b) for b in a.expand()))
for a in p.typeattributes())
for a in exp:
res[a] = [a] + [b for b in exp if exp[b] >= exp[a]]
return res
def hash_rules(rules):
res = defaultdict(list)
for r in rules:
src = str(r.source)
tgt = str(
cls = str(r.tclass)
res[(src, tgt, cls)].append(r)
return res
def covby_cond(r1, r2):
# r2 covers r1 iff r2 is unconditional or they are both conditional
# on the same condition
return not hasattr(r2, 'conditional') or \
(hasattr(r1, 'conditional') and \
r2.conditional == r1.conditional and \
r2.conditional_block == r1.conditional_block)
def covby_allow(r1, r2):
return (r2.perms & r1.perms) == r1.perms and covby_cond(r1, r2)
def covby_ft(r1, r2):
return r1.filename == r2.filename and covby_cond(r1, r2)
def covby_tt(r1, r2):
return covby_cond(r1, r2)
def analyze_rules(ddict, rules, covby_func):
rule_dict = hash_rules(rules)
total_covered = 0
total_processed = 0
for r1 in rules:
covered = False
cls = str(r1.tclass)
for src in ddict[str(r1.source)]:
for tgt in ddict[str(]:
for r2 in rule_dict[(src, tgt, cls)]:
if r1 != r2 and covby_func(r1, r2):
covered = True
if covered:
total_covered += 1
print('so far {0} of {1} rules are redundant'.format(total_covered, total_processed))
total_processed += 1
print('{0}/{1} redundant rules in total'.format(total_covered, total_processed))
print('Loading policy...')
p = setools.SELinuxPolicy()
print('Indexing attributes...')
ddict = build_ddict(p)
print('Sorting rules...')
rules_allow = []
rules_tt = []
rules_ft = []
for r in p.terules():
if hasattr(r, 'filename'):
elif hasattr(r, 'perms'):
if r.ruletype == setools.TERuletype.allow:
if r.ruletype == setools.TERuletype.type_transition:
print('Analyzing allow rules...')
analyze_rules(ddict, rules_allow, covby_allow)
#print('Analyzing filename transition rules...')
#analyze_rules(ddict, rules_ft, covby_ft)
#print('Analyzing type transition rules...')
#analyze_rules(ddict, rules_ft, covby_tt)
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