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Last active July 3, 2019 22:01
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  • Save WPprodigy/805b6cd76ffd95a9072786afdb79c707 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Conditionally remove a SRM redirect.
* Remove the SRM redirect for 'doc_id' query strings after a certain ID is reached.
add_filter( 'srm_registered_redirects', function( $redirects, $requested_path ) {
// The last post ID that we want to be automatically redirected.
$redirect_breakpoint_id = 565000;
// The SRM post ID for the redirect we will conditionally remove.
$safe_redirect_post_id = 18;
// Check if the requested path has the doc_id query string, and if so, compare to the breakpoint ID.
$remove_srm_redirect = false;
if ( preg_match( '/\/.+doc_id=(\d+).{0,}/', $requested_path, $matches ) ) {
if ( isset( $matches[1] ) && (int) $matches[1] > $redirect_breakpoint_id ) {
$remove_srm_redirect = true;
// Remove the redirect if we're above the breakpoint ID.
if ( $remove_srm_redirect ) {
foreach ( $redirects as $redirect_key => $redirect ) {
if ( $redirect['ID'] === $safe_redirect_post_id ) {
unset( $redirects[ $redirect_key ] );
return $redirects;
}, 10, 2 );
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