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Last active December 15, 2020 07:26
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  • Save WTFox/729250b5f6c85a40bd99861f742a6f25 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save WTFox/729250b5f6c85a40bd99861f742a6f25 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
AHK script to run DBD in 16:9 on a widescreen monitor
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
; dbd-launcher.ahk
; This script makes running DeadByDaylight on a widescreen monitor little less dumb.
; It does the following:
; - Sets resolution to DBDResolutionX x DBDResolutionY
; - Launches DeadByDaylight
; - Checks every two seconds to see if the game has exited
; - Once DBD exits, this script sets the resolution back to ResolutionX x ResolutionY
; Author: /u/wtfox
STEAM_ID := 381210
; Set these values to the resolution you normally have
ResolutionX := 3440
ResolutionY := 1440
; This will be the resolution in which DBD runs
DBDResolutionX := 2560
DBDResolutionY := 1440
ChangeResolution(DBDResolutionX, DBDResolutionY)
Run, steam://rungameid/%STEAM_ID%
WinWaitActive, DeadByDaylight
Sleep 1000
If !ProcessExist("DeadByDaylight-Win64-Shipping.exe")
ChangeResolution(ResolutionX, ResolutionY)
; --- Helper Functions ---
ChangeResolution(Screen_Width, Screen_Height, Color_Depth:=32)
VarSetCapacity(Device_Mode, 156, 0)
NumPut(156, Device_Mode, 36)
DllCall("EnumDisplaySettingsA", UInt, 0, UInt, -1, UInt, &Device_Mode)
NumPut(0x5c0000, Device_Mode, 40)
NumPut(Color_Depth, Device_Mode, 104)
NumPut(Screen_Width, Device_Mode, 108)
NumPut(Screen_Height, Device_Mode, 112)
Return DllCall("ChangeDisplaySettingsA", UInt, &Device_Mode, UInt, 0)
Process, Exist, %Name%
return Errorlevel
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