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Last active October 17, 2023 13:40
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OpenShift - Rough script to find out where (which node) all your pods are running (this can take some time to run if you have access to lots of namespaces).
# Examples:
# - List all pods in an 'Unknown' state:
# oc projects -q | xargs -I {} sh -c "oc get -n {} pod -o wide 2>/dev/null | grep Unknown | awk '{print \"{},\"\$1\",\"\$3\",\"\$7}' | column -t -s , -N Namespace,Pod,Status,Node"
# - Delete all pods in an 'Unknown' state:
# oc projects -q | xargs -I {} sh -c "oc get -n {} pod -o wide 2>/dev/null | grep Unknown | \$(awk '{print \"oc -n {} delete --force --grace-period=0 pod \" \$1}')"
# - List pods on a given node:
# oc projects -q | xargs -I {} sh -c 'echo -e "\n{}:" && oc get -n {} pod -o wide 2>/dev/null | grep Running | grep ociopf-p-195.dmz' | awk '{print $1","$7}' | column -t -s ,
# - List pods more than one node using RegEx:
# oc projects -q | xargs -I {} sh -c 'echo -e "\n{}:" && oc get -n {} pod -o wide 2>/dev/null | grep Running | grep -E ociopf-p-\(195\|196\|182\|197\|198\|185\|186\|181\).dmz' | awk '{print $1","$7}' | column -t -s ,
# - List all with Status:
# oc projects -q | xargs -I {} sh -c 'echo -e "\n{}:" && oc get -n {} pod -o wide 2>/dev/null' | awk '{print $1","$3","$7}' | column -t -s ,
# - List all non-running pods:
# oc projects -q | xargs -I {} sh -c 'echo -e "\n{}:" && oc get -n {} pod -o wide 2>/dev/null | grep -v Running | grep -v Completed' | awk '{print $1","$3","$7}' | column -t -s ,
oc projects -q | xargs -I {} sh -c 'echo -e "\n{}:" && oc get -n {} pod -o wide 2>/dev/null | grep Running' | awk '{print $1","$7}' | column -t -s ,
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Thanks for this. I took a stab at writing it in powershell:

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