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Created April 13, 2024 17:31
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/* I tried replicating cohost style as much as possible */
/* latin-ext */
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/* latin */
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font-family: 'Atkinson Hyperlegible';
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padding-left: 1.625em;
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font-weight: 400;
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margin-bottom: 0.5em;
p {
margin-top: 1.25em;
margin-bottom: 1.25em;
body>p:first-of-type {
margin-top: 0;
/* my styles */
@font-face {
font-family: 'binary-lh';
/*src:url("./binary-lh.woff2") format("woff2");*/
src: url('data:@file/octet-stream;base64,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') format("woff2");
@counter-style binary {
system: numeric;
symbols: "0" "1";
suffix: " ";
@counter-style binary_pad1 {
system: extends binary;
pad: 1 "0"
@counter-style binary_pad2 {
system: extends binary;
pad: 2 "0"
@counter-style binary_pad3 {
system: extends binary;
pad: 3 "0"
@counter-style binary_pad4 {
system: extends binary;
pad: 4 "0"
ol.binary_pad>li::marker {
font-family: binary-lh
ol.binary {
list-style: binary
/* compatibility for browsers without :has */
ol.binary_pad {
list-style: binary
* Apply different binary_pad{N} depending on the number of list elements.
* In general, apply binary_pad{N} if there are at least 2^(N-1) children
* Or, in other words, apply `binary_pad{round_down(log2(children))+1}`.
* This makes it so all list numbers have the same width.
* Assumption: list numbers start with 1 and increment by 1 every list item.
* (I have no idea how to get "maximum counter value")
* Ideally I could just `pad: max "0"` and it'd just pad to the maximum width, but here we are.
* Implementation based on this SO answer: <>.
* A post with a similar idea: <>.
ol.binary_pad:has(> li:nth-child(1)) {
list-style: binary_pad1
/* 1 element or more */
ol.binary_pad:has(> li:nth-child(2)) {
list-style: binary_pad2
/* 2 element or more */
ol.binary_pad:has(> li:nth-child(4)) {
list-style: binary_pad3
/* 4 element or more */
ol.binary_pad:has(> li:nth-child(8)) {
list-style: binary_pad4
/* 8 element or more */
* (no one needs more than 15 elements in a list)
* ((if you do, it's trivial to add binary_pad6 and a rule to apply it if there are at least 32
* children, just copy paste, increment pad by 1, increment nth-child by a factor of 2))
<p>I made a lil thingy,,,</p>
<p>Behold, a list with binary counting:</p>
<ol class="binary">
<li>First list entry</li>
<li>Second list entry</li>
<li>Third list entry</li>
<li>Fourth list entry</li>
<li>Fifth list entry</li>
<li>Sixth list entry</li>
<li>Seventh list entry</li>
<p>Or, if you prefer zero-padded indices:</p>
<ol class="binary_pad">
<li>First list entry</li>
<li>Second list entry</li>
<li>Third list entry</li>
<li>Fourth list entry</li>
<li>Fifth list entry</li>
<li>Sixth list entry</li>
<li>Seventh list entry</li>
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