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Last active April 25, 2018 16:36
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A list of Major/Notable changes in Node.js versions to help users migrate.

Version 5.0.0

  • buffer: (Breaking) Removed both 'raw' and 'raws' encoding types from Buffer, these have been deprecated for a long time (Sakthipriyan Vairamani) #2859.
  • console: (Breaking) Values reported by console.time() now have 3 decimals of accuracy added (Michaël Zasso) #3166.
  • fs:
    • fs.readFile*(), fs.writeFile*(), and fs.appendFile*() now also accept a file descriptor as their first argument (Johannes Wüller) #3163.
    • (Breaking) In fs.readFile(), if an encoding is specified and the internal toString() fails the error is no longer thrown but is passed to the callback (Evan Lucas) #3485.
    • (Breaking) In (using the, length, position, encoding, callback) form), if the internal toString() fails the error is no longer thrown but is passed to the callback (Evan Lucas) #3503.
  • http:
    • Fixed a bug where pipelined http requests would stall (Fedor Indutny) #3342.
    • (Breaking) When parsing HTTP, don't add duplicates of the following headers: Retry-After, ETag, Last-Modified, Server, Age, Expires. This is in addition to the following headers which already block duplicates: Content-Type, Content-Length, User-Agent, Referer, Host, Authorization, Proxy-Authorization, If-Modified-Since, If-Unmodified-Since, From, Location, Max-Forwards (James M Snell) #3090.
    • (Breaking) The callback argument to OutgoingMessage#setTimeout() must be a function or a TypeError is thrown (James M Snell) #3090.
    • (Breaking) HTTP methods and header names must now conform to the RFC 2616 "token" rule, a list of allowed characters that excludes control characters and a number of separator characters. Specifically, methods and header names must now match /^[a-zA-Z0-9_!#$%&'*+.^`|~-]+$/ or a TypeError will be thrown (James M Snell) #2526.
  • node:
    • (Breaking) Deprecated the _linklist module (Rich Trott) #3078.
    • (Breaking) Removed require.paths and require.registerExtension(), both had been previously set to throw Error when accessed (Sakthipriyan Vairamani) #2922.
  • npm: Upgraded to version 3.3.6 from 2.14.7, see for more details. This is a major version bump for npm and it has seen a significant amount of change. Please see the original npm v3.0.0 release notes for a list of major changes (Rebecca Turner) #3310.
  • src: (Breaking) Bumped NODE_MODULE_VERSION to 47 from 46, this is necessary due to the V8 upgrade. Native add-ons will need to be recompiled (Rod Vagg) #3400.
  • timers: Attempt to reuse the timer handle for setTimeout().unref(). This fixes a long-standing known issue where unrefed timers would perviously hold beforeExit open (Fedor Indutny) #3407.
  • tls:
    • Added ALPN Support (Shigeki Ohtsu) #2564.
    • TLS options can now be passed in an object to createSecurePair() (Коренберг Марк) #2441.
    • (Breaking) The default minimum DH key size for tls.connect() is now 1024 bits and a warning is shown when DH key size is less than 2048 bits. This a security consideration to prevent "logjam" attacks. A new minDHSize TLS option can be used to override the default. (Shigeki Ohtsu) #1831.
  • util:
    • (Breaking) util.p() was deprecated for years, and has now been removed (Wyatt Preul) #3432.
    • (Breaking) util.inherits() can now work with ES6 classes. This is considered a breaking change because of potential subtle side-effects caused by a change from directly reassigning the prototype of the constructor using ctor.prototype = Object.create(superCtor.prototype, { constructor: { ... } }) to using Object.setPrototypeOf(ctor.prototype, superCtor.prototype) (Michaël Zasso) #3455.
  • v8: (Breaking) Upgraded to from (Ali Ijaz Sheikh) #3351.
  • zlib: Decompression now throws on truncated input (e.g. unexpected end of file) (Yuval Brik) #2595.

Known issues

  • Surrogate pair in REPL can freeze terminal. #690
  • Calling dns.setServers() while a DNS query is in progress can cause the process to crash on a failed assertion. #894
  • url.resolve may transfer the auth portion of the url when resolving between two full hosts, see #1435.
  • Unicode characters in filesystem paths are not handled consistently across platforms or Node.js APIs. See #2088, #3401 and #3519.

Version 6.0.0

The following significant changes have been made since the previous Node.js v5.0.0 release.

  • Buffer
    • New Buffer constructors have been added #4682 and #5833.
    • Existing Buffer() and SlowBuffer() constructors have been deprecated in docs #4682 and #5833.
    • Previously deprecated Buffer APIs are removed #5048, #4594.
    • Improved error handling #4514.
    • The Buffer.prototype.lastIndexOf() method has been added #4846.
  • Cluster
    • Worker emitted as first argument in 'message' event #5361.
    • The worker.exitedAfterDisconnect property replaces worker.suicide #3743.
  • Console
    • Calling console.timeEnd() with an unknown label now emits a process warning rather than throwing #5901.
  • Crypto
    • Improved error handling #3100, #5611.
    • Simplified Certificate class bindings #5382.
    • Improved control over FIPS mode #5181.
    • pbkdf2 digest overloading is deprecated #4047.
  • Dependencies
    • Reintroduce shared c-ares build support #5775.
    • V8 updated to #6372.
  • DNS
    • Add dns.resolvePtr() API to query plain DNS PTR records #4921.
  • Domains
    • Clear stack when no error handler #4659.
  • Events
    • The EventEmitter.prototype._events object no longer inherits from Object.prototype #6092.
    • The EventEmitter.prototype.prependListener() and EventEmitter.prototype.prependOnceListener() methods have been added #6032.
  • File System
    • The fs.realpath() and fs.realpathSync() methods have been updated to use a more efficient libuv-based implementation. This change includes the removal of the cache argument and the method can throw new errors #3594.
    • FS apis can now accept and return paths as Buffers #5616.
    • Error handling and type checking improvements #5616, #5590, #4518, #3917.
    •'s string interface is deprecated #4525.
  • HTTP
    • 'clientError' can now be used to return custom errors from an HTTP server #4557.
  • Modules
    • Current directory is now prioritized for local lookups #5689.
    • Symbolic links are preserved when requiring modules #5950.
  • Net
    • DNS hints no longer implicitly set #6021.
    • Improved error handling and type checking #5981, #5733, #2904.
  • npm
    • Running npm requires the node binary to be in the path #6098.
  • OS X
    • MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET has been bumped up to 10.7 #6402.
  • Path
    • Improved type checking #5348.
  • Process
    • Introduce process warnings API #4782.
    • Throw exception when non-function passed to nextTick #3860.
  • Querystring
    • The object returned by querystring.parse() no longer inherits from Object.prototype #6055.
  • Readline
    • Key info is emitted unconditionally #6024.
    • History can now be explicitly disabled #6352.
  • REPL
    • Assignment to _ will emit a warning #5535.
    • Expressions will no longer be completed when eval fails #6328.
  • Timers
    • Fail early when callback is not a function #4362.
  • Streams
    • null is now an invalid chunk to write in object mode #6170.
  • TLS
    • Rename 'clientError' to 'tlsClientError' #4557.
    • SHA1 used for sessionIdContext #3866.
  • TTY
    • Previously deprecated setRawMode wrapper is removed #2528.
  • URL
    • Username and password will be dropped by url.resolve() if the host changes #1480.
  • Util
    • Changes to Error object formatting #4582.
    • The util._extend() method has been deprecated #4903
    • The util.log() method has been deprecated #6161.
  • Windows
    • Windows XP and Vista are no longer supported #5167.
  • Zlib
    • Multiple improvements have been made to Zlib processing #5883 and #5707.

Version 7.0.0

  • Buffer
    • Passing invalid input to Buffer.byteLength will now throw an error #8946.
    • Calling Buffer without new is now deprecated and will emit a process warning #8169.
    • Passing a negative number to allocUnsafe will now throw an error #7079.
  • Child Process
    • The fork and execFile methods now have stronger argument validation #7399.
  • Cluster
    • The worker.suicide method is deprecated and will emit a process warning #3747.
  • Deps
    • V8 has been updated to 5.4.500.36 #8317, #8852, #9253.
    • NODE_MODULE_VERSION has been updated to 51 #8808.
  • File System
    • A process warning is emitted if a callback is not passed to async file system methods #7897.
  • Intl
    • Intl.v8BreakIterator constructor has been deprecated and will emit a process warning #8908.
  • Promises
    • Unhandled Promise rejections have been deprecated and will emit a process warning #8217.
  • Punycode
    • The punycode module has been deprecated #7941.
  • URL
    • An Experimental WHATWG URL Parser has been introduced #7448.

Version 8.0.0

Node.js 8.0.0 is a major new release that includes a significant number of semver-major and semver-minor changes. Notable changes are listed below.

Note that the LTS lifespan for 8.x will end on December 31st, 2019.

  • Async Hooks

  • Buffer

    • Using the --pending-deprecation flag will cause Node.js to emit a deprecation warning when using new Buffer(num) or Buffer(num). [d2d32ea5a2] #11968.
    • new Buffer(num) and Buffer(num) will zero-fill new Buffer instances [7eb1b4658e] #12141.
    • Many Buffer methods now accept Uint8Array as input [beca3244e2] #10236.
  • Child Process

  • Console

    • Error events emitted when using console methods are now supressed. [f18e08d820] #9744.
  • Dependencies

  • Domains

  • Errors

    • We have started assigning static error codes to errors generated by Node.js. This has been done through multiple commits and is still a work in progress.
  • File System

    • The utility class fs.SyncWriteStream has been deprecated [7a55e34ef4] #10467.
    • The deprecated string interface has been removed [3c2a9361ff] #9683.
  • HTTP

    • Improved support for userland implemented Agents [90403dd1d0] #11567.
    • Outgoing Cookie headers are concatenated into a single string [d3480776c7] #11259.
    • The httpResponse.writeHeader() method has been deprecated [fb71ba4921] #11355.
    • New methods for accessing HTTP headers have been added to OutgoingMessage [3e6f1032a4] #10805.
  • Lib

  • N-API

    • Experimental support for the new N-API API has been added [56e881d0b0] #11975.
  • Process

    • Process warning output can be redirected to a file using the --redirect-warnings command-line argument [03e89b3ff2] #10116.
    • Process warnings may now include additional detail [dd20e68b0f] #12725.
  • REPL

  • Src

    • NODE_MODULE_VERSION has been updated to 57 [ec7cbaf266] #12995.
    • Add --pending-deprecation command-line argument and NODE_PENDING_DEPRECATION environment variable [a16b570f8c] #11968.
    • The --debug command-line argument has been deprecated. Note that using --debug will enable the new Inspector-based debug protocol as the legacy Debugger protocol previously used by Node.js has been removed. [010f864426] #12949.
    • Throw when the -c and -e command-line arguments are used at the same time [a5f91ab230] #11689.
    • Throw when the --use-bundled-ca and --use-openssl-ca command-line arguments are used at the same time. [8a7db9d4b5] #12087.
  • Stream

  • TLS

    • The rejectUnauthorized option now defaults to true [348cc80a3c] #5923.
    • The tls.createSecurePair() API now emits a runtime deprecation [a2ae08999b] #11349.
    • A runtime deprecation will now be emitted when dhparam is less than 2048 bits [d523eb9c40] #11447.
  • URL

    • The WHATWG URL implementation is now a fully-supported Node.js API [d080ead0f9] #12710.
  • Util

  • Zlib

Version 9.0.0

Version 10.0.0

  • Assert
    • Calling with more than one argument is deprecated. [70dcacd710]
    • Calling assert.ok() with no arguments will now throw. [3cd7977a42]
    • Calling assert.ifError() will now throw with any argument other than undefined or null. Previously the method would throw with any truthy value. [e65a6e81ef]
    • The assert.rejects() and assert.doesNotReject() methods have been added for working with async functions. [599337f43e]
  • Async_hooks
    • Older experimental async_hooks APIs have been removed. [1cc6b993b9]
  • Buffer
    • Uses of new Buffer() and Buffer() outside of the node_modules directory will now emit a runtime deprecation warning. [9d4ab90117]
    • Buffer.isEncoding() now returns undefined for falsy values, including an empty string. [452eed956e]
    • Buffer.fill() will throw if an attempt is made to fill with an empty Buffer. [1e802539b2]
  • Child Process
  • Console
    • The console.table() method has been added. [97ace04492]
  • Crypto
    • The crypto.createCipher() and crypto.createDecipher() methods have been deprecated. Please use crypto.createCipheriv() and crypto.createDecipheriv() instead. [81f88e30dd]
    • The decipher.finaltol() method has been deprecated. [19f3927d92]
    • The crypto.DEFAULT_ENCODING property has been deprecated. [6035beea93]
    • The ECDH.convertKey() method has been added. [f2e02883e7]
    • The crypto.fips property has been deprecated. [6e7992e8b8]
  • Dependencies
  • EventEmitter
    • The method has been added as an alias for EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener(). [3bb6f07d52]
  • File System
    • The fs/promises API provides experimental promisified versions of the fs functions. [329fc78e49]
    • Invalid path errors are now thrown synchronously. [d8f73385e2]
    • The fs.readFile() method now partitions reads to avoid thread pool exhaustion. [67a4ce1c6e]
  • HTTP
    • Processing of HTTP Status codes 100, 102-199 has been improved. [baf8495078]
    • Multi-byte characters in URL paths are now forbidden. [b961d9fd83]
  • N-API
    • The n-api is no longer experimental. [cd7d7b15c1]
  • Net
    • The 'close' event will be emitted after 'end'. [9b7a6914a7]
  • Perf_hooks
    • The PerformanceObserver class is now an AsyncResource and can be monitored using async_hooks. [009e41826f]
    • Trace events are now emitted for performance events. [9e509b622b]
    • The performance API has been simplified. [2ec6995555]
    • Performance milestone marks will be emitted as trace events. [96cb4fb795]
  • Process
    • Using non-string values for process.env is deprecated. [5826fe4e79]
    • The process.assert() method is deprecated. [703e37cf3f]
  • REPL
    • REPL now experimentally supports top-level await when using the --experimental-repl-await flag. [eeab7bc068]
    • The previously deprecated "magic mode" has been removed. [4893f70d12]
    • The previously deprecated NODE_REPL_HISTORY_FILE environment variable has been removed. [60c9ad7979]
    • Proxy objects are shown as Proxy objects when inspected. [90a43906ab]
  • Streams
    • The 'readable' event is now always deferred with nextTick. [1e0f3315c7]
    • A new pipeline() method has been provided for building end-to-data stream pipelines. [a5cf3feaf1]
    • Experimental support for async for-await has been added to stream.Readable. [61b4d60c5d]
  • Timers
    • The enroll() and unenroll() methods have been deprecated. [68783ae0b8]
  • TLS
    • The tls.convertNPNProtocols() method has been deprecated. [9204a0db6e]
    • Support for NPN (next protocol negotiation) has been dropped. [5bfbe5ceae]
    • The ecdhCurve default is now 'auto'. [af78840b19]
  • Trace Events
    • A new trace_events top-level module allows trace event categories to be enabled/disabled at runtime. [da5d818a54]
  • URL
    • The WHATWG URL API is now a global. [312414662b]
  • Util
    •[…] type checks have been added. [b20af8088a]
    • Support for bigint formatting has been added to util.inspect(). [39dc947409]


The following APIs have been deprecated in Node.js 10.0.0

  • Passing more than one argument to will emit a runtime deprecation warning. [70dcacd710]
  • Previously deprecated legacy async_hooks APIs have reached end-of-life and have been removed. [1cc6b993b9]
  • Using require() to access several of Node.js' own internal dependencies will emit a runtime deprecation. [0e10717e43]
  • The crypto.createCipher() and crypto.createDecipher() methods have been deprecated in documentation.[81f88e30dd]
  • Using the Decipher.finaltol() method will emit a runtime deprecation warning. [19f3927d92]
  • Using the crypto.DEFAULT_ENCODING property will emit a runtime deprecation warning. [6035beea93]
  • Use by native addons of the MakeCallback() variant that passes a Domain will emit a runtime deprecation warning. [14bc3e22f3], [efb32592e1]
  • Previously deprecated internal getters/setters on net.Server has reached end-of-life and have been removed. [3701b02309]
  • Use of non-string values for process.env has been deprecated in documentation. [5826fe4e79]
  • Use of process.assert() will emit a runtime deprecation warning. [703e37cf3f]
  • Previously deprecated NODE_REPL_HISTORY_FILE environment variable has reached end-of-life and has been removed. [60c9ad7979]
  • Use of the timers.enroll() and timers.unenroll() methods will emit a runtime deprecation warning. [68783ae0b8]
  • Use of the tls.convertNPNProtocols() method will emit a runtime deprecation warning. Support for NPN has been removed from Node.js. [9204a0db6e]
  • The crypto.fips property has been deprecated in documentation. [6e7992e8b8]
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