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Created September 11, 2022 18:40
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Recursion Schemes For Dynamic Programming: TS-Plus Edition
import type * as P from "@tsplus/stdlib/prelude/Covariant"
import type { Unfolder } from "@tsplus/stdlib/prelude/Recursive"
// Type definitions
export type MyNonEmptyList<A> = Leaf<A> | Node<A>
export type Carrier<A> = Tuple<[A, A]>
export interface ListF extends HKT {
readonly type: MyNonEmptyList<this["A"]>
export const Functor: Covariant<ListF> = HKT.instance<P.Covariant<ListF>>({
map: (f) => (fa) =>
export class Leaf<A> {
readonly _tag = "leaf"
readonly "_A": A
constructor(readonly value: Carrier<string>) {
return this
map<B>(_: (a: A) => B): MyNonEmptyList<B> {
return this as any
export class Node<A> {
readonly _tag = "node"
readonly "_A": A
constructor(readonly head: Carrier<string>, readonly tail: A) {}
map<B>(f: (r: A) => B): MyNonEmptyList<B> {
return new Node(this.head, f(this.tail))
export function substrings(s0: string): Unfolder.Fn<ListF, Carrier<string>> {
return ({ tuple: [s, t] }) => {
const [,] = s
const [, ...ts] = t
switch (s.length) {
case 0:
return t.length == 0 ?
new Leaf(Tuple("", "")) :
new Node(Tuple("", t), Tuple(s0, ts.join("")))
return new Node(Tuple(s, t), Tuple(ss.join(""), t))
export const suffixes: Unfolder.Fn<ListF, string> = (curr) => {
const [a,] = curr
if (curr.length == 0 || !a) {
return new Leaf(Tuple("", ""))
return new Node(Tuple(a, ""), rest.join(""))
import type { ListF } from "./listr"
import { Functor, Node, substrings, suffixes } from "@tsplus/stdlib/examples/recursive/listr"
import type { Annotated } from "@tsplus/stdlib/prelude/Recursive"
import { Recursive } from "@tsplus/stdlib/prelude/Recursive"
function main() {
editMain("kitten", "sitting")
editMain("helicopter", "heliocopter")
lcsMain("AGCAT", "GAC")
lcsMain("GAC", "AGCAT")
function editMain(s: string, t: string) {
console.time(`editDistance ${s} => ${t}`)
const value = editDistance(s, t)
console.timeEnd(`editDistance ${s} => ${t}`)
console.log(`editDistance ${s} => ${t} = ${value}`)
function lcsMain(s: string, t: string) {
console.time(`lcs ${s} => ${t}`)
const value = longestCommonSubsequence(s, t)
console.timeEnd(`lcs ${s} => ${t}`)
console.log(`lcs ${s} => ${t} = ${value}`)
function lisMain(s: string) {
const label = `lis("${s}")`
const value = longestIncreasingSequence(s)
console.log(label + " = " + value)
// From
// Typically, edit distance uses a matrix of substrings to store best previous value
// eg the "ate" vs "pit" matrix. To find the previous values corresponding to insertion,
// deletion and substitution for the cell labeled "*" are marked
// _ a t e _
// p . . . .
// i . * I .
// t . D S .
// We emulate this using a "walk-of-value" matrix -- one stored as a list.
// For example
// ("ate", "pit"), ("te", pit"), ("e", "pit"), ("", "pit"), ("ate", "it"), ("te", "it") ....
// We use an annotated fold over the matrix to store each "cells" edit distance and
// use the string's length to lookup neighboring cells and the answer pops out at the head
function editDistance(s: string, t: string) {
return pipe(
Tuple(s, t),
Recursive.unfold(Functor, substrings(s)),
Recursive.$.foldAnnotated(Functor, editDistanceAnnotatedAlgebra(s.length))
function editDistanceAnnotatedAlgebra(len: number): Annotated.Fn<ListF, number> {
type AnnotatedNode = Node<Annotated<ListF, number>>
return (fa) =>
Match.tag(fa, {
"leaf": () => 0,
"node": minDistance
function minDistance({ head: { tuple: [[a], [b]] }, tail }: AnnotatedNode): number {
return Math.min(
lookup(0, tail) + 1, // insert
lookup(len, tail) + 1, // delete
lookup(len + 1, tail) + (a == b ? 0 : 1) // substitute
// We can also fold the same `substrings` structure to determine the longest common subsequence
function longestCommonSubsequence(s: string, t: string) {
// this ensures a deterministic result
const [a, b] = s.length < t.length ? [t, s] : [s, t]
return pipe(
Tuple(a, b),
Recursive.unfold(Functor, substrings(a)),
Recursive.$.foldAnnotated(Functor, longestCommonAlgebra(a.length))
function longestCommonAlgebra(
len: number
): Annotated.Fn<ListF, string> {
type AnnotatedNode = Node<Annotated<ListF, string>>
const max = Associative.max(Ord.number.contramap((_: string) => _.length))
return (fa) =>
Match.tag(fa, {
"leaf": () => "",
"node": longestSequence
function longestSequence({ head: { tuple: [[a], [b]] }, tail }: AnnotatedNode): string {
return a == b ?
(a + lookup(len + 1, tail)) :
max.combine(lookup(0, tail), lookup(len, tail))
function lookup<A>(n: number, cache: Annotated<ListF, A>): A {
return n <= 0 ?
cache.annotations :
Match.tag(cache.caseValue, {
"leaf": () => cache.annotations,
"node": ({ tail }) => lookup(n - 1, tail)
// And we can use an unfolder that generates `suffixes` of a string, along with an
// `Annotated.Fn` that picks the longest subsequence of the current character
function longestIncreasingSequence(s: string): string {
return pipe(
Recursive.unfold(Functor, suffixes),
// since each step of our unfold will find the longest sequence
// of just that character, we need an "empty" wrapper around the whole
// thing so we can pick from the best
(b) => Recursive.fix<ListF>(new Node(Tuple("", ""), b)),
Recursive.$.foldAnnotated(Functor, longestIncreasingAlgebra())
function longestIncreasingAlgebra(): Annotated.Fn<ListF, string> {
type AnnotatedNode = Annotated<ListF, string>
return (list) =>
Match.tag(list, {
"leaf": ({ value }) =>,
"node": ({ head, tail }) => + findSmaller(, tail)
function findSmaller(curr: string, start: AnnotatedNode): string {
return iter("", start)
function iter(accum: string, cache: AnnotatedNode): string {
return Match.tag(cache.caseValue, {
"leaf": () => accum,
"node": ({ head, tail }) =>
better(, cache.annotations, accum) ?
iter(cache.annotations, tail) :
iter(accum, tail)
function better(candidate: string, annotation: string, accum: string) {
return (, candidate) < 0) &&
annotation.length > accum.length
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Example of three common dynamic programming algorithms implemented using TS-Plus' Recursive.foldAnnotated functions. From the paper

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