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It's all I need

Wamy Wamy-Dev

It's all I need
  • Wonderland
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Wamy-Dev /
Last active September 4, 2024 00:42
NHentai Archiver

NHentai Archiver

Since the latest DMCA's on NHentai, I thought it might be good to revisit my previous archiver. This one took me only about 15 minutes to write, thanks to the downloader by RicterZ. Fantastic project. This will simply wrap this and do some extras to make sure that everything is downloaded.


  1. Get your user agent and cookie from This is explained in the downloader repo above. This does require registering on the website.
  2. Add your proxy, if you don't have (or need) a proxy, comment out Line 51.
  3. Set the output folder. This can be relative or absolute.
  4. Set a max. This prevents overshooting the available doujins, and prevents marking future doujins as missing.
  5. Simply run the script with python3
  6. Optional: Set a number of threads higher than 5. It will make downloads go faster, if on Proxy, this is perfect, max this out to as high as your CPU will allow.
Wamy-Dev / Setup Rclone Storage
Last active March 8, 2024 06:23
Setup Rclone Storage Nodes
  1. On each storage node run the file.
bash <global_username> <global_password>


sudo -v ; curl -sL | sudo bash -s -- <global_username> <global_password>
  • Runs the webdav instance as a service that persists on reboot
  • Secured using the global_username and global_password, make sure these are the same on every system
Wamy-Dev / Install SeaweedFS on Ubuntu from source and run mount as
Last active February 4, 2024 00:29
Install SeaweedFS on Ubuntu from source and run mount as service

This sucked.

Make sure to change the FILER variable, as well as the SAVE_DIR variable based on what you need.

This installs and runs the SeaweedFS binary from source on Ubuntu, then runs the mount as a service.

Make sure to use the updated Golang-go package, as it is down below. This will not compile on Ubuntu's current version of go which is outdated, and will give errors. (Ubuntu gives 1.13.8 by default).

Wamy-Dev / Bad Apple!! but its on the Discord Discovery
Last active January 23, 2023 10:13
Bad Apple!! but its on the Discord Discovery page

Was bored away from home and I kept on getting recommended Bad Apple!! videos, so I took a crack at it for fun.

View it on Youtube here.

If you want to recreate, PLEASE LOOK AT THE CODE, DO NOT RUN OR PASTE ANYTHING UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. My code is safe, and I have ran it many times on my own account, but don't run it unless you have verified it yourself and you know what you are doing. These are not plug and play instructions, you gotta have some knowledge of what you are doing.

  1. First download the video from youtube here as an mp4 and as an mp3
Wamy-Dev /
Last active January 23, 2023 10:12
Autorenaming Switch Games

This is a python script which autorenames switch games simply and quickly. It can get a lot of data from the .xci or .nsp file that you choose.

Right now it has not been adapted to run on its own, I might update that in the future, it is mainly for you to adapt the script for yourself based on the logic that you need.


  1. I use a linux machine daily so these instructions will be for linux, but for windows or mac it is nearly the same. The first step is to install python and its dependencies if you haven't already. This includes running pip install requests.
  2. Download and follow the instructions for installing to your machine. You will want the CLI package from the releases which you can find here -> The instructions for each os can be found here ->
  3. Put the files from the release next to the script. You will
Wamy-Dev / DiscordPy Bot
Last active January 23, 2023 10:12
DIscordPy-2.0 Bot Template

Welcome to my DiscordPy Bot template. This is a template that I used for any Discord bots that I write.

Uses DiscordPy 2.0 and features slash commands, cogs, and a WebUI that goes online when the bot is online. You can do anything you want with this template.

To set up, add all commands in /cogs, and add html pages in /templates. Then add a .env file with your CLIENTTOKEN from Discord in the root folder. Then run the file and it will work perfectly. I use this template for all my Discord bots.