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Created November 10, 2017 06:42
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QQ-Bot of SniperOJ
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding:utf-8
from qqbot import QQBotSlot as qqbotslot, RunBot
from qqbot import qcontactdb
import json
import requests
import sys
import random
rank_options = ['rank', 'ranking', '排名', '名次']
progress_options = ['战况', 'status', 'progress', '情况']
# tirck_optione = ['帅吗', '美吗', '机器人']
subsrcibe = ['大佬好强~', '大佬好厉害~', '大佬好棒~']
common = ['讨厌~ at 人家干嘛~', '你好讨厌哦!', '`']
def get_options(content):
for i in rank_options:
if i in content:
return "rank"
for i in progress_options:
if i in content:
return 'progress'
return 'unknown'
def get_content(url):
return requests.get(url).text.decode("UTF-8")
def get_progress():
url = ''
data = get_content(url)
json_data = json.loads(data)
output_data = []
for i in json_data:
username = i['username'].replace(" ", "")
challenge_name = i['challenge_name'].replace(" ", "")
submit_time = i['submit_time'].replace(" ", "")
output = "恭喜 : %s大佬在%s解出了题目%s" % (username.decode("UTF-8"), submit_time.decode("UTF-8"), challenge_name.decode("UTF-8"))
return output_data
def build_message(message_list):
result = ""
for i in message_list:
result += i + "\n"
if result.endswith("\n"):
return result[0:-1]
return result
def is_progress(content):
return 'progress' == get_options(content)
def is_rank(content):
return 'rank' == get_options(content)
def get_rank():
url = ''
data = get_content(url)
json_data = json.loads(data)
output_data = []
counter = 0
for i in json_data:
counter += 1
username = i['username'].replace(" ", "")
score = i['score'].replace(" ", "")
output = "%d. 用户名 : [%s] 分数 : [%s]" % (counter, username, score)
return output_data
def onQQMessage(bot, contact, member, content):
if '@SniperOJ机器人' in content:
if is_progress(content):
message = build_message(get_progress())
if message != "":
bot.SendTo(contact,'您好 , 目前最新战况如下 : \n' + message, resendOn1202=False)
bot.SendTo(contact, "哇 , 现在居然没人做题... 这可是超越他们的好机会~", resendOn1202=False)
if is_rank(content):
message = build_message(get_rank())
bot.SendTo(contact,'您好 , 目前最新排名情况如下 : \n' + message, resendOn1202=False)
if 'flag' in content:
bot.SendTo(contact, 'SniperOJ{1_aM_A_smart_robot}', resendOn1202=False)
bot.SendTo(contact, '讨厌啦 , @ 人家干嘛 ? 输入[排名|战况]试试吧~', resendOn1202=False)
def get_new_progress():
url = ''
data = get_content(url)
json_data = json.loads(data)
output_data = []
for i in json_data:
username = i['username'].replace(" ", "")
challenge_name = i['challenge_name'].replace(" ", "")
submit_time = i['submit_time'].replace(" ", "")
output = "恭喜 : %s大佬在%s解出了题目%s" % (username.decode("UTF-8"), submit_time.decode("UTF-8"), challenge_name.decode("UTF-8"))
return output_data
def onInterval(bot):
# 每隔 5 分钟被调用
# 现在已经被我改成 20 秒了
# bot : QQBot 对象
print "[+] 每 20 秒调用一次 , 获取最新战况"
message = build_message(get_new_progress())
if len(message) == 0:
print "[+] 暂时没有解题者"
print "[+] Sending..."
gl = bot.List('group', 'SniperOJ')
if gl is not None:
for group in gl:
bot.SendTo(group, random.choice(subscribe) + ' orz 膜膜膜!!!' + message, resendOn1202=False)
print "[+] Send over!"
if __name__ == '__main__':
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