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Last active April 20, 2017 16:46
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include "key.fbs";
include "primitives.fbs";
include "asset.fbs";
namespace iroha;
table Account {
pubKey: PublicKey (required); // primary key for account
alias: string;
// for m-n multisignature scheme
// signatories.size() = n, useKeys = m
signatories: [PublicKey];
useKeys: ushort = 1;
// message represents custom user data, related to account. User is able to store blobs in his account and access it by key.
// e.g.,
// accPubKey: "account1",
// data: {
// key: "email",
// value: ""
// }
table Message {
accPubKey: PublicKey (required);
// values can be accessed by key for O(log(n)). Look at "Storing maps" section in flatbuffers docs
data: [KeyValueObject];
root_type Account;
include "primitives.fbs";
namespace iroha;
table ComplexAsset {
// (ledger:domain:asset) = composite primary key for any asset
asset_name: string (key, required); // sorted; name should be unique inside a domain
domain_name: string (required); // domain should be unique inside a ledger
ledger_name: string (required); // unique worldwide
description: string;
// amount and precision should be encoded in properties
prop: [KeyValueObject]; // using this, you can create complex assets
logic: AssetLogic;
table AssetLogic {
add: Chaincode;
remove: Chaincode;
transfer: Chaincode;
// currency is a simple asset, like USD.
table Currency {
currency_name: string (required, key);
domain_name: string (required);
ledger_name: string (required);
description: string;
amount: ulong;
precision: ulong;
union AnyAsset { ComplexAsset, Currency }
table Asset {
asset: AnyAsset;
root_type Asset;
include "asset.fbs";
include "account.fbs";
include "key.fbs";
include "primitives.fbs";
namespace iroha;
// we union only those objects.
// they share the same commands
union Object { Peer, Account, Chaincode }
table CmdAdd {
object: Object (required);
table CmdRemove {
object: Object (required);
// users are able to store custom data in their accounts
table CmdStore {
accPubKey: PublicKey (required);
data: [KeyValueObject] (required);
table CmdTransfer {
currency: Asset (required);
sender: PublicKey (required);
receiver: PublicKey (required);
/// Commands for Asset
// logically means asset summation
table CmdAddAsset {
accPubKey: PublicKey (required);
asset: [AnyAsset] (required);
// logically means asset negation
table CmdRemoveAsset {
accPubKey: PublicKey (required);
asset: [AnyAsset] (required);
// needed to implement correct permission model:
// user may have permission to add asset, but not to create and vice versa.
table CmdCreateAsset {
asset_name: string (required);
domain_name: string (required);
ledger_name: string (required);
description: string;
/// Commands for Chaincode
table CmdExecute {
code_name: string (required);
domain_name: string (required);
ledger_name: string (required);
// consider chaincode storage as key-value map
table CmdSetChaincode {
chaincode: Chaincode (required);
/// Commands for Peer
// set new peer trust (with specific value)
table CmdSetPeerTrust {
peerPubKey: PublicKey (required);
trust: double;
// change current trust to some delta
// example: delta=-5, trust=10 -> newTrust = 10-5 = 5
table CmdChangePeerTrust {
peerPubKey: PublicKey (required);
delta: double;
table CmdSetPeerActive {
peerPubKey: PublicKey (required);
active: bool;
/// Commands for Account
table CmdAddSignatory {
account: PublicKey (required);
signatory: [PublicKey] (required);
table CmdSetAccountsUseKeys {
accounts: [PublicKey] (required);
useKeys: ushort;
union Command {
namespace iroha;
// another ledgers can use another algorithms
enum KeyAlgorithm: byte { ed25519 }
table PublicKey{
algorithm: KeyAlgorithm = ed25519;
data: [ubyte] (required);
include "transaction.fbs";
include "commands.fbs";
namespace iroha;
file_identifier "IROH";
file_extension "iroha";
table ConsensusEvent {
peerSignatures: [Signature];
transactions: [Transaction];
enum Code: ubyte {COMMIT, FAIL} // TODO: maybe more?
table TransactionResponse {
message: string;
code: Code;
transaction: Transaction;
table ReceiverConfirmation {
signature: Signature;
hash: [ubyte];
table Response {
message: [Object];
code: Code;
signature: Signature;
root_type ConsensusEvent;
include "key.fbs";
namespace iroha;
enum ProgrammingLanguage: ubyte {Java8}
table Chaincode {
// (ledger:domain:chaincode) is a primary key
code_name: string (required, key); // sorted
domain_name: string (required);
ledger_name: string (required);
language: ProgrammingLanguage;
code: [ubyte]; // .class, whatever
/// Key-Value object
table KeyValueObject {
key: string (key, required); // primary key, sorted
value: [ubyte]; // arbitrary data
/// Permissions
table UserPermissionRoot {
ledger_add: bool; // ability to create new ledgers
ledger_remove: bool; // ability to remove ledgers
table UserPermissionLedger {
ledger_name: string (required, key);
domain_add: bool; // ability to add new domain
domain_remove: bool; // ability to remove existing domain
peer_add: bool; // ability to add new peer
peer_remove: bool; // ability to remove existing peer
user_add: bool; // ability to create new user account
user_remove: bool; // ability to remove user account
user_give_permission: bool; // ability to give permissions to user globally
table UserPermissionDomain {
// identify domain:
domain_name: string (key, required); // sorted
ledger_name: string (required);
user_give_permission: bool; // ability to give permissions to user in this domain
user_add: bool; // ability to add existing user to domain
user_remove: bool; // ability to remove existing user from domain
table UserPermissionAsset {
// identify asset by its primary key:
asset_name: string (key, required); // sorted
domain_name: string (required);
ledger_name: string (required);
transfer: bool; // ability to transfer an asset
add: bool; // ability to add some amount to account
remove: bool; // ability to remove some amount from account
create: bool; // ability to create new asset
union UserPermission {UserPermissionRoot, UserPermissionLedger, UserPermissionDomain, UserPermissionAsset}
/// Peer
table Peer {
publicKey: PublicKey (required); // sorted; primary key.
ip: string;
trust: double;
active: bool;
join_network: bool;
join_validation: bool;
table Signature {
publicKey: PublicKey;
signature: [ubyte]; // signature is sign(hash + timestamp)
timestamp: ulong;
include "key.fbs";
include "commands.fbs";
include "primitives.fbs";
namespace iroha;
table Transaction {
creatorPubKey: PublicKey (required);
command: Command;
signatures: [Signature];
hash: [ubyte];
attachment: Attachment;
table Attachment {
mime: string;
data: [ubyte];
root_type Transaction;
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// TODO: why PEER permission? do peers have different permissions?
table SetPeerPermission {
    peerPubKey: PublicKey  (required);
    permission: Permission (required);

in command.fbs
Is it needed?

Do you not need following that?
( )

Activate peer ( isActive -> true )

table ActivatePeer {
	peerPubKey: PublicKey( required );

Stop peer ( isActive -> false )

table StopPeer {
	peerPubKey: PublicKey( required );

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@satellitex Added SetPeerActive

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