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Last active June 24, 2020 22:15
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  • Save WardBrian/68c8296f9a84d1ecb50057f68b7b8dcb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save WardBrian/68c8296f9a84d1ecb50057f68b7b8dcb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Brian's Powershell Customization
Opens explorer in the current working directory
Function Start-FileExplorer {
Start-Process explorer.exe .
Opens Emacs in wsl for the specified file
.Parameter File
The file to open (optional)
Function Start-Emacs{
if ($file -ne $null) {
$url = Split-Path $file -Leaf
if ($url -ne $null) {
wsl.exe -e emacs $url
} else {
wsl.exe -e emacs $file
} else {
wsl.exe -e emacs
Opens Github of the current repo if inside one
Opens the Github page of the current repo. Requires git to be a valid command. Will do nothing if not a github remote or not in a git repo.
Function Open-Github{
$remote = git config remote.origin.url
if ($remote -ne $null -and $remote -match '.+\.com:(?<user>.*)/(?<repo>.*)\.git') {
$url = ""
$url += $Matches.user
$url += "/"
$url += $Matches.repo
Start-Process explorer.exe $url
Export-ModuleMember -Function Start-FileExplorer
Export-ModuleMember -Function Start-Emacs
Export-ModuleMember -Function Open-Github
New-Alias -Name "view" -Value "Start-Process" -Description "View a file"
New-Alias -Name "ex." -Value "Start-FileExplorer" -Description "Open explorer here"
New-Alias -Name "open" -Value "Start-FileExplorer" -Description "Open explorer here"
New-Alias -Name "edit" -Value "Start-Emacs" -Description "Starts WSL-Emacs"
New-Alias -Name "gh" -Value "Open-Github" -Description "Open git of current repo"
Export-ModuleMember -Alias * -Function *
# powershell core
# prompt customization
$color = "DarkYellow"
$arrow = "White"
. $HOME\Documents\PowerShell\Prompt.ps1
# load custom functions
Import-Module -Name $HOME\Documents\PowerShell\CustomFunctions
function Prompt {
Write-Host -NoNewline "PS [" -ForegroundColor $color
Write-Host -NoNewline "lego@Battletop " -ForegroundColor $color
Write-Host -NoNewline (Split-Path -Path (Get-Location).Path -Leaf) -ForegroundColor Blue
Write-Host -NoNewline "] " -ForegroundColor $color
Write-Host -NoNewline ">" -ForegroundColor $arrow
return " "
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