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Created June 28, 2015 13:27
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Unable to open file DBFilesClient\CreatureSpellData in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\DeclinedWord in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\DeclinedWordCases in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\FeedbackPath in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\Package in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\SkillTiers in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtAttackPower in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtAttackPowerRanged in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtAvoidanceDim in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtChanceToDodgeBase in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtChanceToParryBase in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtItemLevelByLevel in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtNPCExpectedResistPhysExp1 in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtNPCExpectedResistPhysExp2 in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtNPCExpectedResistPhysExp3 in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtNPCExpectedResistPhysExp4 in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtNPCExpectedResistPhysExp5 in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtNpcDamageByClass in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtNpcDamageByClassExp1 in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtNpcDamageByClassExp2 in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtNpcDamageByClassExp3 in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtNpcDamageByClassExp4 in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtNpcDamageByClassExp5 in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtNpcGuildExperience in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtNpcTotalMp in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtOCTChanceToDodge in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtOCTChanceToParry in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtOCTClassCombatRatingScalar in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtOCTClassStats in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtOCTHPFromItems in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtOCTMPFromItems in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtOCTMPPerIntellect in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtOCTNPCDpsScaler in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtOCTNPCExpectedAgility in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtOCTNPCExpectedIntellect in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtOCTNPCExpectedResistPhysical in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtOCTNPCExpectedSpirit in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtOCTNPCExpectedStamina in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtOCTNPCExpectedStrength in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtOCTNPCHPScaler in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtOCTRaceStats in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtPCBaseAgility in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtPCBaseIntellect in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtPCBaseSpirit in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtPCBaseStamina in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtPCBaseStrength in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtPCExpectedAgility in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtPCExpectedIntellect in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtPCExpectedSpirit in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtPCExpectedStamina in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtPCExpectedStrength in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtPVPRanks in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtRageGenScaler in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtResistanceInnateFire in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtResistanceInnateFrost in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtResistanceInnateHoly in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtResistanceInnateNature in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtResistanceInnateShadow in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtShieldBlockRegular in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
Unable to open file DBFilesClient\gtXPGroupBonus in the archive for locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND
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