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Last active November 3, 2017 01:51
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  • Save Warr1024/4298907 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Warr1024/4298907 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple Perl IRC bot that connects to a single IRC channel and passively listens and logs conversations to STDOUT. (C)2012 Warr1024, MIT License.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics qw(-t -w);
use POSIX;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case bundling_override auto_help);
use Bot::BasicBot;
my $ircserver = 'localhost';
my $ircport = 6667;
my $channel = '';
my $nick = '';
my $username = '';
my $realname = '';
my $nickpass = '';
"s=s" => \$ircserver,
"p=i" => \$ircport,
"c=s" => \$channel,
"n=s" => \$nick,
"u=s" => \$username,
"N=s" => \$realname,
"P=s" => \$nickpass);
$channel or die('No channel specified');
$nick or die('No nick specified');
$username or $username = $nick;
$realname or $realname = $nick;
$0 =~ m#([^/]*)$#;
my $app = $1;
$0 = $app;
select STDOUT;
$| = 1;
package LogBot;
use POSIX;
use base 'Bot::BasicBot';
sub log
my $self = shift();
my $msg = join(' ', @_);
my $now = time();
my $line = $ircserver . ':' . $ircport . ' ' . $channel . ' ' .
strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime(time)) . ' ' . $msg . $/;
print $line;
sub connected
my $self = $_[0];
$self->{lastevt} = time();
$nickpass and $self->say(who => 'nickserv', channel => 'msg',
body => 'IDENTIFY ' . $nickpass);
sub announcenames
my $self = $_[0];
my $raw = $self->channel_data($channel);
$raw or return;
my %chan = %{$raw};
my %who = ( );
my %flags = ( );
my $safe = '';
for my $n ( keys %chan )
my $f = '';
$chan{$n}{op} and $f .= '@';
$chan{$n}{voice} and $f .= '+';
$n =~ s#_+$##;
$n =~ s#^_+##;
$who{$n} = 1;
$flags{$n} = $f;
$n eq $nick and $safe = 1;
$self->log('Shutting Down: Kicked');
my $names = join(', ', map { $flags{$_} . $_ } sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } keys(%who));
my $ids = $self->{rawnicks} || { };
for my $n ( keys %{$ids} )
$who{$n} or delete($ids->{$n});
$self->{rawnicks} = $ids;
my $old = $self->{channames} || '';
if($old ne $names)
$self->log('Names: ' . $names);
$self->{channames} = $names;
sub tick
my $self = $_[0];
my $now = time();
my $le = $self->{lastevt};
$le or ($le, $self->{lastevt}) = ($now, $now);
$le < ($now - 90) and $self->fail('event timeout');
$le < ($now - 60) and $self->say(who => $self->nick, channel => 'msg', body => 'ping');
return 1;
sub topic
my ($self, $msg) = @_;
my $w = $msg->{who} || '';
$w and $w = ' (set by ' . $w . ')';
$self->log('Topic' . $w . ':', $msg->{topic});
sub nick_change
my ($self, $old, $new) = @_;
$self->{lastevt} = time();
$old =~ s#_+$##;
$old =~ s#^_+##;
$new =~ s#_+$##;
$new =~ s#^_+##;
$self->log('Nick Change:', $old, '->', $new);
return undef;
sub said
my ($self, $msg) = @_;
$self->{lastevt} = time();
my $body = $msg->{body};
my $n = $msg->{who};
$n eq $self->nick and return;
$n =~ s#_+$##;
$n =~ s#^_+##;
$msg->{address} eq 'msg' and return undef;
$body = $msg->{address} . $body;
my $r = $msg->{raw_nick};
my $ids = $self->{rawnicks} || { };
if(($ids->{$n} || '') ne $r)
$ids->{$n} = $r;
$self->log('User Name:', $n, '=', $r);
$self->{rawnicks} = $ids;
$self->log('<' . $n . '>', $body);
return undef;
sub emoted
my ($self, $msg) = @_;
$self->{lastevt} = time();
my $body = $msg->{body};
my $n = $msg->{who};
$n eq $self->nick and return;
$n =~ s#_+$##;
$n =~ s#^_+##;
$msg->{address} eq 'msg' and return undef;
$body = $msg->{address} . $body;
$self->log('*', $n, $body);
return undef;
sub chanjoin
my ($self, $msg) = @_;
$self->{lastevt} = time();
my $n = $msg->{who};
$n eq $self->nick and return;
$n =~ s#_+$##;
$n =~ s#^_+##;
$self->log('Joined:', $n);
return undef;
sub chanpart
my ($self, $msg) = @_;
$self->{lastevt} = time();
my $n = $msg->{who};
$n eq $self->nick and exit 1;
$n =~ s#_+$##;
$n =~ s#^_+##;
$self->log('Parted:', $n);
return undef;
sub kicked
my ($self, $msg) = @_;
$self->{lastevt} = time();
my $n = $msg->{who};
$n eq $self->nick and exit 1;
$n =~ s#_+$##;
$n =~ s#^_+##;
$msg->{reason} and $n .= ' (' . $msg->{reason} . ')';
$self->log('Kicked:', $n);
return undef;
sub userquit
my ($self, $msg) = @_;
$self->{lastevt} = time();
my $n = $msg->{who};
$n eq $self->nick and exit 1;
$n =~ s#_+$##;
$n =~ s#^_+##;
$msg->{body} and $n .= ' (' . $msg->{body} . ')';
$self->log('Quit:', $n);
return undef;
sub got_names
my $self = $_[0];
$self->{lastevt} = time();
sub irc_disconnected_state
my $self = $_[0];
exit 1;
sub irc_error_state
my ( $self, $err, $kernel ) = @_[ 0, 10, 2 ];
exit 1;
my $bot = LogBot->new(
server => $ircserver,
port => $ircport,
channels => ( $channel ),
nick => $nick,
username => $username,
realname => $realname
for my $s ( 'TERM', 'INT', 'HUP', 'ALRM', 'PIPE' )
$SIG{$s} = sub { $bot->log('Shutting Down:', @_); exit 0; };
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