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Created August 24, 2020 16:13
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Code for generating a Padé approximant for the erfinv function.
Create a Pade approximant for the erfinv function.
import mpmath
import numpy as np
def create_pade_approx():
# dps = 400 is way overkill, but there is reason for it. If I set dps
# to M, some of the terms in ts and in p and q have magnitude on the
# order of 10**-M or smaller. Presumably these should be zero. By
# making dps = 400, these terms are sure to converted to 0 when the
# coefficients are converted to float64.
with mpmath.workdps(400):
def erfinvy_over_y(y):
return mpmath.erfinv(y)/y if y != 0 else mpmath.sqrt(mpmath.pi)/2
# Compute the Taylor polynomial of erfinv(y)/y at 0.
ts = mpmath.taylor(erfinvy_over_y, 0, 20)
# Convert the Taylor series to the Pade rational approximation.
p, q = mpmath.pade(ts, 10, 10)
# By construction, every other coefficient in p and q is 0.
# Drop the zeros to create NumPy polynomials whose argument is
# expected to be y**2.
P2 = np.polynomial.Polynomial([float(c) for c in p[::2]])
Q2 = np.polynomial.Polynomial([float(c) for c in q[::2]])
return P2, Q2
def check_rel_error(P2, Q2):
x = np.concatenate((np.geomspace(1e-80, 1e-7, 250),
np.linspace(1.1e-7, 0.25, 1500)))
x = np.concatenate((-x[::-1], x))
max_relerr = 0
for k, v in enumerate(x):
with mpmath.workdps(50):
exact = float(mpmath.erfinv(v))
v2 = v**2
delta = exact - v*(P2(v2)/Q2(v2))
relerr = abs(delta/exact)
if relerr > max_relerr:
max_relerr = relerr
return max_relerr
def generate_c_code(P2, Q2):
print('double polevl(double x, const double coef[], int N);')
print(' * Compute erfinv(y) using a Pade approximation.')
print(' * Tests suggest that on the interval [-0.25, 0.25],')
print(' * the relative error is roughly 3e-16 or less.')
print(' */')
print('double erfinv_pade_approx(double y)')
print(' // Coefficients are in reverse order; the constant term')
print(' // is the last term in the array.')
s1 = ' double P2[] = {'
print(s1, end='')
print((',\n' + ' '*len(s1)).join([repr(v) for v in P2.coef[::-1]]), end='')
s2 = ' double Q2[] = {'
print(s2, end='')
print((',\n' + ' '*len(s2)).join([repr(v) for v in Q2.coef[::-1]]), end='')
print(' double y2 = y*y;')
print(f' double num = polevl(y2, P2, {len(P2)-1});')
print(f' double den = polevl(y2, Q2, {len(Q2)-1});')
print(' return y * (num / den);')
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