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Created June 30, 2022 06:07
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>Magnolia Test Framework</name>
<description>Magnolia Test Framework provides the utilities for writing JUnit5 UI tests.
These utilities include PageObjects, fixtures, setup and recording utilities needed for running UI tests.
<!-- 3rd party libraries not available in bom -->
<!-- this dependency is managed starting with boms 6.3 -->
<!-- When upgrading, pay attention to their changelog and keep versions (such as docker-java-api) in sync. -->
<!-- When updating Selenide, remember to keep the Selenium version used by the latter in sync (also in .env files!) -->
<!-- See -->
<!-- Manage 3rd party dependencies specific to UI tests, so that other modules can import from test-framework -->
<!-- used by some legacy ITs, e.g. ResourcesAppUITest in CE -->
<!-- <dependency>-->
<!-- <groupId>io.cucumber</groupId>-->
<!-- <artifactId>cucumber-junit-platform-engine</artifactId>-->
<!-- <scope>test</scope>-->
<!-- </dependency>-->
<!-- artifact not yet in bom -->
<!-- artifact not yet in bom -->
<scope>provided</scope> <!-- not needed at runtime -->
<!-- Has test scope in bom -->
<!-- artifact not yet in bom -->
<!-- Has test scope in bom -->
<!-- since MGNLTEST-238 removed in favor of info.magnolia.test.setup.DockerHelper.getExposedExternalSpaPorts(PortType portType) -->
<!-- excluding the method only wan not enough apparently -->
<!-- MGNLTEST-237 slightly tweaked many methods in the class, ignoring -->
-Dcucumber.plugin="pretty, io.qameta.allure.cucumber7jvm.AllureCucumber7Jvm"
<!-- Allure reports -->
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