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Last active January 28, 2020 03:44
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Play.KICKOFF_NORMAL = Result.TOUCHBACK = Result.TOUCHBACK, None | 1 and 10 on 35 | 0 | 389, 509 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 0 | 1 and 10 on 25 | 3 | 1325, 482 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, -3 | 2 and 10 on 25 | 4 | 122, 823 | away
Play.PASS = Result.TOUCHDOWN = Result.TOUCHDOWN, 78 | 3 and 13 on 22 | 12 | 1022, 1036 | away
Play.PAT = Result.PAT = Result.PAT, None | 1 and 10 on 97 | 0 | 1466, 814 | away
Play.KICKOFF_SQUIB = Result.KICK = Result.KICK, 30 | 1 and 10 on 35 | 5 | 1266, 247 | away
Play.RUN = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 0 | 1 and 10 on 35 | 2 | 456, 1372 | home
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 2 and 10 on 35 | 5 | 571, 172 | home
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 3 and 10 on 35 | 5 | 948, 361 | home
Play.PUNT = Result.PUNT = Result.PUNT, 40 | 4 and 10 on 35 | 15 | 1236, 43 | home
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 1 and 10 on 25 | 5 | 529, 1402 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 12 | 2 and 10 on 25 | 7 | 843, 683 | away
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 1 and 10 on 37 | 5 | 1320, 884 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 16 | 2 and 10 on 37 | 7 | 333, 439 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 8 | 1 and 10 on 53 | 6 | 24, 267 | away
Play.RUN = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 12 | 2 and 2 on 61 | 6 | 1378, 1486 | away
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 1 and 10 on 73 | 5 | 444, 1465 | away
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 2 and 10 on 73 | 5 | 1234, 767 | away
Play.PASS = Result.TOUCHDOWN = Result.TOUCHDOWN, 27 | 3 and 10 on 73 | 8 | 632, 616 | away
Play.PAT = Result.PAT = Result.PAT, None | 1 and 10 on 97 | 0 | 375, 917 | away
Play.KICKOFF_SQUIB = Result.KICK = Result.KICK, 25 | 1 and 10 on 35 | 7 | 680, 174 | away
Play.RUN = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 50 | 1 and 10 on 40 | 14 | 213, 250 | home
Play.RUN = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 3 | 1 and 10 on 90 | 4 | 1163, 52 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 6 | 2 and 7 on 93 | 6 | 981, 652 | home
Play.RUN = Result.GAIN = Result.TOUCHDOWN, 1 | 3 and 1 on 99 | 3 | 824, 1072 | home
Play.PAT = Result.PAT = Result.PAT, None | 1 and 10 on 97 | 0 | 593, 572 | home
Play.KICKOFF_NORMAL = Result.KICK = Result.KICK, 25 | 1 and 10 on 35 | 9 | 487, 1184 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 11 | 1 and 10 on 40 | 7 | 125, 303 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 0 | 1 and 10 on 51 | 3 | 937, 83 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 6 | 2 and 10 on 51 | 6 | 725, 422 | away
Play.RUN = Result.TOUCHDOWN = Result.TOUCHDOWN, 43 | 3 and 4 on 57 | 14 | 94, 93 | away
Play.PAT = Result.PAT = Result.PAT, None | 1 and 10 on 97 | 0 | 1462, 748 | away
Play.KICKOFF_SQUIB = Result.KICK = Result.KICK, 25 | 1 and 10 on 35 | 7 | 1221, 702 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, -3 | 1 and 10 on 40 | 4 | 412, 1250 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 13 | 2 and 13 on 37 | 7 | 329, 161 | home
Play.PASS = Result.TURNOVER = Result.TURNOVER, None | 1 and 10 on 50 | 15 | 995, 249 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.TOUCHDOWN, 50 | 1 and 10 on 50 | 10 | 33, 1 | away
Play.TWO_POINT = Result.KICKOFF = Result.KICKOFF, None | 1 and 10 on 97 | 0 | 843, 1444 | away
Play.KICKOFF_SQUIB = Result.KICK = Result.KICK, 35 | 1 and 10 on 35 | 3 | 333, 458 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 15 | 1 and 10 on 30 | 7 | 1002, 863 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 9 | 1 and 10 on 45 | 7 | 1239, 1475 | home
Play.RUN = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, -3 | 2 and 1 on 54 | 5 | 122, 794 | home
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 3 and 4 on 51 | 5 | 559, 1083 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.TURNOVER, None | 4 and 4 on 51 | 4 | 352, 1194 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 3 | 1 and 10 on 52 | 5 | 844, 1236 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, -5 | 2 and 7 on 55 | 5 | 1400, 610 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 17 | 3 and 12 on 50 | 7 | 1297, 1393 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.TOUCHDOWN, 33 | 1 and 10 on 67 | 9 | 1393, 1413 | away
Play.PAT = Result.PAT = Result.PAT, None | 1 and 10 on 97 | 0 | 319, 4 | away
Play.KICKOFF_SQUIB = Result.KICK = Result.KICK, 20 | 1 and 10 on 35 | 9 | 1494, 854 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 9 | 1 and 10 on 45 | 7 | 1212, 974 | home
Play.RUN = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 0 | 2 and 1 on 54 | 2 | 888, 1414 | home
Play.RUN = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 13 | 3 and 1 on 54 | 6 | 339, 460 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 14 | 1 and 10 on 67 | 7 | 695, 852 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 4 | 1 and 10 on 81 | 5 | 939, 583 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 14 | 2 and 6 on 85 | 7 | 1023, 863 | home
Play.RUN = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 0 | 1 and 10 on 99 | 2 | 1302, 392 | home
Play.RUN = Result.TOUCHDOWN = Result.TOUCHDOWN, 1 | 2 and 10 on 99 | 3 | 121, 113 | home
Play.PAT = Result.PAT = Result.PAT, None | 1 and 10 on 97 | 0 | 485, 1050 | home
Play.KICKOFF_ONSIDE = Result.KICK = Result.KICK, 10 | 1 and 10 on 35 | 3 | 354, 1472 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 5 | 1 and 10 on 55 | 6 | 955, 623 | away
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 2 and 5 on 60 | 5 | 1234, 217 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 18 | 3 and 5 on 60 | 8 | 623, 533 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 3 | 1 and 10 on 78 | 5 | 1255, 123 | away
Play.PASS = Result.TURNOVER = Result.TURNOVER, None | 2 and 7 on 81 | 15 | 21, 755 | away
Play.RUN = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 4 | 1 and 10 on 19 | 4 | 167, 484 | home
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 2 and 6 on 23 | 5 | 801, 1372 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 15 | 3 and 6 on 23 | 7 | 1212, 1071 | home
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 1 and 10 on 38 | 5 | 1423, 972 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 30 | 2 and 10 on 38 | 9 | 203, 140 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 14 | 1 and 10 on 68 | 7 | 623, 462 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.TOUCHDOWN, 18 | 1 and 10 on 82 | 8 | 911, 873 | home
Play.PAT = Result.PAT = Result.PAT, None | 1 and 10 on 97 | 0 | 1133, 583 | home
Play.KICKOFF_SQUIB = Result.KICK = Result.KICK, 35 | 1 and 10 on 35 | 3 | 294, 513 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 11 | 1 and 10 on 30 | 7 | 597, 420 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 3 | 1 and 10 on 41 | 5 | 1423, 313 | away
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 2 and 7 on 44 | 5 | 495, 1103 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 0 | 3 and 7 on 44 | 3 | 777, 141 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.TURNOVER, None | 4 and 7 on 44 | 3 | 1046, 406 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 4 | 1 and 10 on 56 | 5 | 515, 161 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 8 | 2 and 6 on 60 | 6 | 917, 652 | home
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 1 and 10 on 68 | 5 | 797, 1315 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 6 | 2 and 10 on 68 | 6 | 1421, 247 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 11 | 3 and 4 on 74 | 7 | 603, 793 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, -3 | 1 and 10 on 85 | 4 | 1132, 292 | home
Play.FIELD_GOAL = Result.FIELD_GOAL = Result.FIELD_GOAL, None | 2 and 13 on 82 | 5 | 926, 662 | home
Play.KICKOFF_ONSIDE = Result.KICK = Result.KICK, 10 | 1 and 10 on 35 | 1 | 1343, 467 | home
Play.KICKOFF_SQUIB = Result.KICK = Result.KICK, 25 | 1 and 10 on 35 | 7 | 587, 1162 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, -5 | 1 and 10 on 40 | 5 | 813, 4 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 10 | 2 and 15 on 35 | 7 | 646, 872 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 7 | 3 and 5 on 45 | 6 | 1012, 1313 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 11 | 1 and 10 on 52 | 7 | 361, 160 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 5 | 1 and 10 on 63 | 6 | 641, 985 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, -5 | 2 and 5 on 68 | 5 | 1212, 394 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 10 | 3 and 10 on 63 | 7 | 999, 1212 | home
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 1 and 10 on 73 | 5 | 15, 1105 | home
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 2 and 10 on 73 | 5 | 423, 1000 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 7 | 3 and 10 on 73 | 6 | 666, 972 | home
Play.FIELD_GOAL = Result.FIELD_GOAL = Result.FIELD_GOAL, None | 4 and 3 on 80 | 5 | 399, 1427 | home
Play.KICKOFF_NORMAL = Result.KICK = Result.KICK, 25 | 1 and 10 on 35 | 9 | 213, 887 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, -10 | 1 and 10 on 40 | 10 | 622, 1344 | away
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 2 and 20 on 30 | 5 | 1076, 131 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 25 | 3 and 20 on 30 | 8 | 535, 476 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.TOUCHDOWN, 45 | 1 and 10 on 55 | 10 | 111, 132 | away
Play.PAT = Result.PAT = Result.PAT, None | 1 and 10 on 97 | 0 | 1191, 666 | away
Play.KICKOFF_SQUIB = Result.KICK = Result.KICK, 35 | 1 and 10 on 35 | 3 | 761, 717 | away
Play.PASS = Result.TURNOVER_TOUCHDOWN = Result.TURNOVER_TOUCHDOWN, 30 | 1 and 10 on 30 | 25 | 1212, 462 | home
Play.PAT = Result.PAT = Result.PAT, None | 1 and 10 on 97 | 0 | 494, 1212 | away
Play.KICKOFF_SQUIB = Result.KICK = Result.KICK, 35 | 1 and 10 on 35 | 3 | 1403, 1426 | away
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 1 and 10 on 30 | 5 | 933, 525 | home
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 2 and 10 on 30 | 5 | 812, 262 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 55 | 3 and 10 on 30 | 10 | 623, 660 | home
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 1 and 10 on 85 | 5 | 328, 805 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 11 | 2 and 10 on 85 | 7 | 1011, 1212 | home
Play.RUN = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 1 | 1 and 10 on 96 | 3 | 103, 577 | home
Play.RUN = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 2 | 2 and 9 on 97 | 3 | 657, 1073 | home
Play.RUN = Result.GAIN = Result.TOUCHDOWN, 1 | 3 and 7 on 99 | 3 | 1399, 247 | home
Play.PAT = Result.PAT = Result.PAT, None | 1 and 10 on 97 | 0 | 317, 781 | home
Play.KICKOFF_ONSIDE = Result.KICK = Result.KICK, 10 | 1 and 10 on 35 | 3 | 615, 840 | home
Play.PASS = Result.TURNOVER_TOUCHDOWN = Result.TURNOVER_TOUCHDOWN, 55 | 1 and 10 on 55 | 25 | 24, 773 | away
Play.PAT = Result.PAT = Result.PAT, None | 1 and 10 on 97 | 0 | 281, 174 | home
Play.KICKOFF_NORMAL = Result.KICK = Result.KICK, 25 | 1 and 10 on 35 | 9 | 423, 1122 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 3 | 1 and 10 on 40 | 5 | 1488, 1115 | away
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 2 and 7 on 43 | 5 | 934, 474 | away
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 3 and 7 on 43 | 5 | 321, 775 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 12 | 4 and 7 on 43 | 7 | 444, 596 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 3 | 1 and 10 on 55 | 5 | 728, 363 | away
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 2 and 7 on 58 | 5 | 1161, 239 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 14 | 3 and 7 on 58 | 7 | 712, 838 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 7 | 1 and 10 on 72 | 6 | 145, 1369 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 0 | 2 and 3 on 79 | 3 | 1333, 489 | away
Play.RUN = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 16 | 3 and 3 on 79 | 5 | 85, 167 | away
Play.RUN = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 0 | 1 and 10 on 95 | 2 | 382, 1336 | away
Play.RUN = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 0 | 2 and 10 on 95 | 2 | 827, 248 | away
Play.RUN = Result.GAIN = Result.TOUCHDOWN, 5 | 3 and 10 on 95 | 5 | 246, 35 | away
Play.PAT = Result.PAT = Result.PAT, None | 1 and 10 on 97 | 0 | 493, 512 | away
Play.KICKOFF_SQUIB = Result.KICK = Result.KICK, 30 | 1 and 10 on 35 | 5 | 863, 1147 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 4 | 1 and 10 on 35 | 5 | 1032, 674 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 4 | 2 and 6 on 39 | 5 | 814, 1172 | home
Play.RUN = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 0 | 3 and 2 on 43 | 2 | 123, 674 | home
Play.RUN = Result.GAIN = Result.TURNOVER, None | 4 and 2 on 43 | 2 | 1151, 260 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 8 | 1 and 10 on 57 | 6 | 345, 576 | away
Play.RUN = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 6 | 2 and 2 on 65 | 5 | 1107, 1346 | away
Play.PASS = Result.TOUCHDOWN = Result.TOUCHDOWN, 29 | 1 and 10 on 71 | 9 | 779, 779 | away
Play.PAT = Result.PAT = Result.PAT, None | 1 and 10 on 97 | 0 | 1319, 958 | away
Play.KICKOFF_SQUIB = Result.KICK = Result.KICK, 30 | 1 and 10 on 35 | 5 | 1426, 1111 | away
Play.PASS = Result.TOUCHDOWN = Result.TOUCHDOWN, 65 | 1 and 10 on 35 | 11 | 1207, 1212 | home
Play.PAT = Result.PAT = Result.PAT, None | 1 and 10 on 97 | 0 | 917, 911 | home
Play.KICKOFF_ONSIDE = Result.KICK = Result.KICK, 10 | 1 and 10 on 35 | 3 | 556, 660 | home
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 1 and 10 on 55 | 5 | 797, 321 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.TOUCHDOWN, 45 | 2 and 10 on 55 | 10 | 498, 460 | away
Play.PAT = Result.PAT = Result.PAT, None | 1 and 10 on 97 | 0 | 1069, 222 | away
Play.KICKOFF_SQUIB = Result.KICK = Result.KICK, 20 | 1 and 10 on 35 | 9 | 888, 256 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 8 | 1 and 10 on 45 | 6 | 893, 1172 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 5 | 2 and 2 on 53 | 6 | 1313, 974 | home
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 1 and 10 on 58 | 5 | 332, 867 | home
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 2 and 10 on 58 | 5 | 441, 874 | home
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 3 and 10 on 58 | 5 | 792, 1372 | home
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.TURNOVER, None | 4 and 10 on 58 | 5 | 1226, 161 | home
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 1 and 10 on 42 | 5 | 1236, 648 | away
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 2 and 10 on 42 | 5 | 1403, 945 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 2 | 3 and 10 on 42 | 4 | 1145, 42 | away
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.TURNOVER, None | 4 and 8 on 44 | 5 | 356, 1319 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 35 | 1 and 10 on 56 | 9 | 508, 457 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 5 | 1 and 10 on 91 | 6 | 917, 1260 | home
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.TOUCHDOWN, 4 | 2 and 5 on 96 | 5 | 312, 563 | home
Play.PAT = Result.PAT = Result.PAT, None | 1 and 10 on 97 | 0 | 808, 462 | home
Play.KICKOFF_ONSIDE = Result.KICK = Result.KICK, 10 | 1 and 10 on 35 | 3 | 1351, 142 | home
Play.PASS = Result.INCOMPLETE = Result.GAIN, 0 | 1 and 10 on 55 | 5 | 522, 1030 | away
Play.RUN = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, -1 | 2 and 10 on 55 | 3 | 834, 161 | away
Play.PASS = Result.GAIN = Result.GAIN, 19 | 3 and 11 on 54 | 8 | 444, 369 | away
Play.KNEEL = Result.KNEEL = Result.KNEEL, -2 | 1 and 10 on 73 | 1 | -1, None | away
Play.KNEEL = Result.KNEEL = Result.KNEEL, -2 | 2 and 12 on 71 | 1 | -1, None | away
Play.KNEEL = None = None, None | 3 and 14 on 69 | None | -1, None | away
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