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Created September 21, 2017 14:12
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  • Save WaterSibilantFalling/830e0218b8c0ab73672d4888e71bb061 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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fvwm config files
ModulePath /usr/lib/fvwm/2.6.5/:${FVWM_MODULEDIR}:+
# for debugging
# see man FvwmGtkDebug
# the GTK version : seems kinda useless
#Module FvwmGtkDebug
# the text version
#FvwmDebug --log '|xconsole -file /dev/stdin -geometry 600x400 -notify'
#FvwmDebug --log --xconsole
# get rid of existing debugging and logging
# Exec rm /var/log/userspace/fvwm.log
# Exec touch /var/log/userspace/fvwm.log
# Exec exec kill `lsof | grep userspace/fvwm | awk '{print $2}' ` 2>/dev/null
# Exec exec killall FvwmDebug 2>/dev/null
# # start logging
# Module FvwmDebug --send-configinfo --log /var/log/userspace/fvwm.log
# --- remove default bindings
Key Help R A -
Key F1 R A -
Key Tab A M -
Key Escape A MC -
Mouse 1 R A -
Mouse 1 T - -
#Mouse 1 FS - # drag inside dialogs to resize
Mouse 2 FST - -
DestroyFunc AddToFunc
Mouse 0 R N -
#key p N A - # ?? what is Context==N?
key p A A -
#key p N R - # ?? what is Context==N?
key p A R - # ?? what is modifier==R -- are these N<->R swapped?
# M: 'Menu" context for a key
key p M A -
key n M A -
# However for FVWM 2.5.X, forget InitFunction, and incorporate it into your StartFunction
# You don't need to use RestartFunction
# StartFunction is read by FVWM at initialisation and reboots.
DestroyFunc StartFunction
AddToFunc StartFunction
#+ I Module FvwmBacker
+ I Module FvwmGtk
#+ I Exec exec xsetroot -solid red
#### TODO ##########################
# - Ctrl-F4 --> kill window
# - get the path of each urxvt into fvwm, poss via the terminall's name (i.e. change it)
# - a global menu system, so fvwm independent (but do in fvwm anyway)
# Key <keyname> Context Modifier Action
# Mouse <buttonNum> Context Modifier Action
# Context is where the mouse is currently located
# A - anywhere : it doesn't matter where the mouse is located.
# R - the root window
# I - Icon
# F - frame corners
# S - frame sides
# T - title bar
# W - application window
# 0-9 - buttons.
# Modifier is any combination of
# (A)ny Not Alt
# (C)ontrol
# (S)hift
# (M)eta Alt
# (N)othing
# or 1-5 representing the X Modifiers mod1-mod5 (man xmodmap)
# + I (Action to happen immediately)
# + C (Action to happen on a mouse 'click)
# + D (Action to happen on a mouse 'double click')
# + H (Action to happen on a mouse 'hold')
# + M (Action to happen on a mouse 'motion')
DestroyFunc MouseButton1actions
AddToFunc MouseButton1actions
mouse 1 WI M MouseButton1actions
DestroyFunc MouseButton2actions
AddToFunc MouseButton2actions
Mouse 2 W M MouseButton2actions
#(3rd mouse button: window ops menu. see ~/.fvwm/fvwm_sdm_menus.rc)
# Set Environment variables
Echo "setEnv calls"
# Set a varaible to some value. Inherited by all other processes then run
# SetEnv variable value
# $FVWM_USERDIR = ~/.fvwm
# Fvwm automatically sets "$HOME/.fvwm" to "$[FVWM_USERDIR]".
SetEnv fvwm_icon /usr/share/pixmaps/fvwm/
SetEnv global_icon /usr/share/pixmaps
SetEnv fvwm_scrpt /usr/local/bin
SetEnv fvwm_wallpapers /home/library/images/possDesktops/
# SetEnv fvwm_icon $[FVWM_USERDIR]/icons
# SetEnv fvwm_wallpapers $[FVWM_USERDIR]/wallpapers
# SetEnv fvwm_img $[FVWM_USERDIR]/images
SetEnv fvwm_webbrowser /usr/bin/iceweasel
SetEnv fvwm_term /usr/bin/urxvt
SetEnv fvwm_mail /usr/bin/mutt
SetEnv fvwm_media_player /usr/bin/xmms
SetEnv fvwm_video_player /usr/bin/mpv
#--- icons and wallpapers
# ImagePath : a colon separated list of paths to look for images
# may contain ${ENV_VARIABLE} or $[fvwm_variable] names
# ':' separates alternatives
# ...png a second alternative specifically for png images
ImagePath $[fvwm_icon]:$[fvwm_icon];.png:+
ImagePath $[global_icon]:$[global_icon];.png:+
ImagePath /usr/local/share/icons:$[fvwm_wallpapers]:+
# ----- desktop setup -----------------------------
#--- desktops
DesktopSize 1x1
DesktopName 0 "(1) machine 1"
DesktopName 1 "(2) machine 2"
DesktopName 2 "(3) primary project 1"
DesktopName 3 "(4) primary project 2"
DesktopName 4 "(5) secondary project 1"
DesktopName 5 "(7) secondary project 2"
DesktopName 6 "(7) media/teritary 1"
DesktopName 7 "(8) media/tertiary 2"
DesktopName 8 "(9) internet browser"
DesktopName 9 "(10) internet other"
# desktop swithcing : done in xbindkeysrc
#--- specific apps on specific desktops
# Desks - 0-based, my count: 1-based
# so for desk 4 I need to use '3' here
#Desk 8:
Style *udacious StartsOnDesk 7
Style musicRec StartsOnDesk 7
#Desk 9:
Style *Firefox* StartsOnDesk 8
Style Iceweasel StartsOnDesk 8
# Desk 10:
Style tixati StartsOnDesk 9
Style jdl StartsOnDesk 9
Style jdl2 StartsOnDesk 9
Style jDownloader StartsOnDesk 9
Style qBittorrent StartsOnDesk 9
Style *qBittorrent* StartsOnDesk 9
Style "Torrent Search" StartsOnDesk 9
Style Torrent* StartsOnDesk 9
Style skype StartsOnDesk 9
Style Skype StartsOnDesk 9
Style sdm_skype StartsOnDesk 9
Style sdmskype StartsOnDesk 9
#--- other per-app modifications
Style gkrellm Layer 0
Style gkrellm Lower
#---- backgrounds for each desktop
# does NOT work
# NB: FvwmBacker can run ANY command when switching desktops
# -solid is a special case
# FvwmBacker must be initially run at some time
#AddToFunc StartFunction I Module FvwmBacker
# Did NOT work
KillModule FvwmBacker
#Exec exec killall FvwmBacker*
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmBacker*
*FvwmBacker: Desk 0 -solid midnightblue
*FvwmBacker: Command (Desk 1) -solid yellow
*FvwmBacker: Command (Desk 2 *) -solid navy
*FvwmBacker: Command (Desk 3) Exec xsetroot -solid firebrick3
*FvwmBacker: Desk 4 -solid firebrick3
*FvwmBacker: Desk 5 -solid ForrestGreen
*FvwmBacker: Command (Desk 6) Exec fbsetbg -f $[fvwm_wallpaper_path]lakeWanaka_1910ish.jpg
*FvwmBacker: Desk 7 -solid LawnGreen
*FvwmBacker: Desk 8 -solid DarkViolet
*FvwmBacker: Desk 9 -solid black
Module FvwmBacker
# *FvwmBacker: Command (Desk 0, Page * *) -solid midnightblue
# *FvwmBacker: Command (Desk 1, Page * *) -solid yellow
# *FvwmBacker: Command (Desk 2, Page * *) -solid navy
# *FvwmBacker: Command (Desk 3, Page * ) Exec xsetroot -solid LightGray
# *FvwmBacker: Command (Desk 4, Page * ) Exec xsetroot -solid firebrick3
# *FvwmBacker: Command (Desk 5, Page * ) Exec xsetroot -solid ForrestGreen
# *FvwmBacker: Command (Desk 6, Page * ) Exec xsetroot -solid lightPink
# *FvwmBacker: Command (Desk 7, Page * ) Exec xsetroot -solid LawnGreen
# *FvwmBacker: Command (Desk 8, Page * ) Exec xsetroot -solid DarkViolet
# *FvwmBacker: Command (Desk 9, Page * ) Exec xsetroot -solid black
# - using fbsetbg and an image
# DestroyModuleConfig FvwmBacker: *
# *FvwmBacker: RetainPixmap
# *FvwmBacker: Command(Desk 0, Page * *) Exec fbsetbg -f $[fvwm_wallpaper_path]desk-1.jpg
# *FvwmBacker: Command(Desk 1, Page * *) Exec fbsetbg -f $[fvwm_wallpaper_path]desk-2.jpg
# *FvwmBacker: Command(Desk 2, Page * *) Exec fbsetbg -f $[fvwm_wallpaper_path]desk-5.jpg
# *FvwmBacker: Command(Desk 3, Page * *) Exec fbsetbg -f $[fvwm_wallpaper_path]desk-4.jpg
# - using a function called from fvwmbacker
#*FvwmBacker: Command (Desk *,Page * *) ChangeDesk
#Module FvwmBacker
#DestroyFunc ChangeDesk
# AddToFunc ChangeDesk
# I + Exec echo boo > $[HOME]/deskno
# - using colorsets
# colorset 77 tiledpixmap image1.xpm
# colorset 88 tiledpixmap image2.png
# *FvwmBacker: Command (Desk *, Page 0 *) Colorset 77
# *FvwmBacker: Command (Desk *, Page 1 *) Colorset 88
# FvwmBacker
#Module FvwmBacker
#----- mouse ---------------------------------------
#- click < 350ms ; hold > 350
ClickTime 350
#- no of pixels moved before, actually, a move
MoveThreshold 3
#------ focus new and existing windows ------------------------
# TODO: actions are passed to windows when not focused (e.g. scrolling)
#- mouse focus styles
Style * MouseFocusClickRaises
#Style * SloppyFocus # whatever the mouse is over gets the focus
Style * ClickToFocus
# new windows get the focus - NO, fucking lota stuff
#Style * FPGrabFocus
# and release it back to the former win when closed
Style * FPReleaseFocus
#Style * FPReleaseFocusTransient # even 'transient' windows
# * : all windows get this style
# sloppy foxus : whatever has the mouse over is focused
# try to fix cronometer focusing probs
Style "cron*" ClickToFocus, Lenience
Style "CRON*" ClickToFocus, Lenience
DestroyFunc EWMHActivateWindowFunc
AddToFunc EWMHActivateWindowFunc I Iconify Off
+ I Focus
+ I FlipFocus
+ I Raise
#+ I WarpToWindow 50 50
AddToFunc SelectWindow
+ I Focus
+ I Iconify false
+ I FlipFocus
+ I Raise
+ I WarpToWindow 50 50
DestroyFunc WindowListFunc
AddToFunc WindowListFunc
+ I Iconify off
+ I FlipFocus
+ I Raise
+ I WarpToWindow 50 50
# ----- windows' apperances -------------------------------
Style * EWMHMaximizeIgnoreWorkingArea
# --- remove all decorations from all windows
Style * !Title
# Style * !Title, !Borders
# Style * !Title, !Borders, !Handles
Style *rxvt* !Borders
Style Audacious* !Borders
Style mplayer* !Borders
Style mpv !Borders
# force whatever decorations onto transient windows
Style * DecorateTransient
# try to make sane placements of new windows
#Style *rxvt* TileCascadePlacement
Style *rxvt* MinOverlapPlacement
# ----- iconification & maximization -------------------
#--- IconMan
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmIconMan
*FvwmIconMan: NumManagers 1
*FvwmIconMan: FollowFocus true
*FvwmIconMan: DrawIcons true
*FvwmIconMan: ShowOnlyIcons true
#want icons from all desks
*FvwmIconMan: Resolution Global
*FvwmIconMan: Background slategrey
*FvwmIconMan: Foreground white
*FvwmIconMan: Font 7x13bold
*FvwmIconMan: ButtonGeometry 100x0
*FvwmIconMan: ManagerGeometry 1x0-0+0
*FvwmIconMan: Format "%t"*FvwmIconMan: Action Mouse 1 N sendcommand Focus, sendcommand "Iconify"
*FvwmIconMan: Action Mouse 2 N sendcommand "Iconify 1"
*FvwmIconMan: Action Mouse 3 N sendcommand "FvwmIdent"
*FvwmIconMan: Sort none
*FvwmIconMan: IconButton up black maroon
*FvwmIconMan: PlainButton up black bisque3
*FvwmIconMan: SelectButton down black bisque3
*FvwmIconMan: FocusButton up yellow firebrick
*FvwmIconMan: FocusAndSelectButton down yellow firebrick
#*FvwmIconMan: DontShow icon=Untitled resource=Untitled
Style FvwmIconMan sticky, WindowListSkip
# 2015-10-31 I don't want an icon manager - icons only to desktop
#Module FvwmIconMan
#--- iconify
# todo 6 how to iconify and maximize an d un-iconfy -----
# Iconify : ctrl+shift+i when focused on a window
key i WIFS CS Iconify Toggle
# W window
# I icon
# F frame corners
# S frame sides
# CS Ctrl+Shiftt
# --- toggle iconified and move (both mouse button 1)
AddToFunc MouseButton1actions
+ D Iconify Toggle
+ C Move
AddToFunc MouseButton2actions
+ C Resize
# NB: on click-release starts resizing
#--- toggle 'on top' for a window
DestroyFunc ToggleLayer
AddToFunc ToggleLayer
+ I ThisWindow (Layer 6) Layer
+ I TestRc (NoMatch) Layer 0 6
key l WIFS CS ToggleLayer
# W window
# I icon
# F frame corners
# S frame sides
# CS Ctrl+Shiftt
#--- maximize a window
# DestroyFunc FvwmToggleMaximize
# AddToFunc FvwmToggleMaximize
# + I Maximize
# D Double Click
# TODO: also bring-to-front (and return to former layer?)
Key m W CS Maximize
# W window
# SC control+Shift
#--- delete a window
Key F4 W C Delete
#----- menu system ---------------------------------
# this reads /etc/X11/fvwm/menudefs.hook which is the "Debian" menus
read fvwm_sdm_menus.rc
#----- startup actions ----------------------------------------
Goto Desk 0
# debug: now present the Startup log
#Exec exec urxvt -g 80x20 -title "fvwmLogger" -hold -e bash -c '/usr/bin/less /var/log/userspace/fvwm.log'
# vim:set filetype=fvwm
Read /etc/X11/fvwm/menudefs.hook Quiet
Read menudefs.hook Quiet
# Note: Must define submenus first
# ----- Sub-Menus ---------------------------------------
DestroyMenu Submenu_FvwmModules
AddToMenu Submenu_FvwmModules "$[gt.Fvwm Modules]" Title
+ "&1. $[gt.Control Animation]" Popup MenuFvwmAnimate
+ "&B. Button-Bar" Module FvwmButtons
+ "&O. IconBox" FuncFvwmConfigureIconBox
+ "&F. Forms" Popup MenuFvwmForms
+ "&I. Identify" Module FvwmIdent
+ "&M. IconMan" Module FvwmIconMan
+ "&N. Banner" Module FvwmBanner
+ "&C. Console" Module FvwmConsole
+ "&P. Pager" Module FvwmPager 0 0
+ "&2. Pager (2 $[gt.desks])" Module FvwmPager 0 1
+ "&R. Backer" Module FvwmBacker
+ "&S. ScrollBar" Module FvwmScroll 50 50
+ "&T. FvwmTaskBar" Module FvwmTaskBar
+ "&U. AutoRaise" Module FvwmAuto 200 Raise Nop
+ "&W. WinList" Module FvwmWinList
+ "&X. $[gt.Stop Module Menu]" Popup MenuFvwmStopModule
DestroyMenu Submenu_Net
AddToMenu Submenu_Net "internet" Title
+ "&internet browser" Exec exec sdm_firefox
+ "sa&fe browser" Exec exec MOZILLA_DISABLE_PLUGINS=1 firefox -safe-mode
+ "" nop
+ "&jDownloader" Exec exec jdl2
+ "&qbittorrent" Exec exec qbittorrent_starter
+ "qbt-&nox" Exec exec qbittorrent-nox___starter
+ "" nop
# + "&skype" Exec exec sudo /usr/bin/apulse skype
+ "&skype" Exec exec urxvt -g 80x20 -title "sdm_skype" \
-e bash -c 'sdmskype pulse '
DestroyMenu Submenu_CoreApps
AddToMenu Submenu_CoreApps "Apps" Title
+ "&writer (oo)" Exec exec /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/swriter
+ "&calc (oo)" Exec exec /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/scalc
+ "&other office (oo)" Exec exec /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice
+ "" nop
+ "&mysql workbench" Exec exec sudo sqlstart && mysql-workbench
+ "" nop
+ "&gimp" Exec exec gimp
+ "" nop
+ "calculator (&x)" Exec exec xcalc
+ "&year calendar" Exec exec urxvt -g 77x40 -title "calendar" \
-hold -e bash -c 'ncal -B 6 -A 6'
+ "" nop
+ "&file manager" Exec exec doublecmd
DestroyMenu Submenu_SystemMonitor
AddToMenu Submenu_SystemMonitor "Monitoring Tools" Title
+ "&nload" Exec exec urxvt -g 80x20 -title "startupNload" \
-e bash -c 'nload -t 2000 -i 800 -o 800 '
+ "&top" Exec exec urxvt -g 80x26 -title "startupTop" \
-hold -e bash -c 'top -d 0.8'
+ "&portlist" Exec exec urxvt -g 120x35 -title "startupPortlist_2" \
-hold -e bash -c 'sudo /usr/bin/watch /usr/local/bin/portlist '
+ "&logs (messages)" Exec exec urxvt -g 115x26 -title "startupSyslog_2" \
-hold -e bash -c 'sudo /usr/bin/tail -n 300 -f /var/log/messages'
+ "&iotop" Exec exec nice -n 19 urxvt -g 120x50 -title "startupIOtop"\
-e bash -c 'sudo /usr/sbin/iotop -o -d 3 ;'
+ "&xosview" Exec exec xosview
+ "g&memusage" Exec exec gmemusage
+ "&video top" Exec exec urxvt -g 77x40 -title "intel_gpu_top" -hold -e bash -c 'sudo intel_gpu_top'
+ "&all disks (di / df)" Exec exec nice -n 19 urxvt -fg white -g 80x26 \
-title "di / df" -hold -e bash -c "sudo /usr/bin/di"
+ "&disk usage (gdmap)" Exec exec gdmap
+ "" nop
+ "print &start" Exec exec sudo printstart
+ "print stop (&x)" Exec exec sudo printstop
+ "" nop
DestroyMenu Submenu_music
AddToMenu Submenu_music "music" Title
+ "&audicious" Exec exec audacious & musicRec
+ "aud&tty" Exec exec sdm-audpl
+ "au&mix" Exec exec xaumix
+ "" Nop
+ "&hydrogen" Exec exec hydrogen
+ "" Nop
+ "qjack&ctl" Exec exec qjackctl
+ "" Nop
+ "&Debian Music" Popup /Debian/Applications/Sound
DestroyMenu Submenu_utilities
AddToMenu Submenu_utilities
+ "x&kill" Exec exec xkill
+ "x&wininfo" Exec exec urxvt -g 80x26 -title "startupSyslog_2" -hold -e bash -c 'xwininfo'
DestroyMenu Submenu_end
AddToMenu Submenu_end
+ "&sleep" sudo slp
+ "restart &awesome" Restart awesome
#+ "restart &fvwm" Restart fvwm
+ "restart &fvwm" Restart
+ "&quit fvwm" Quit
#----- Main Menu -----------------------------------
DestroyMenu MainMenu
AddToMenu MainMenu "Main Menu" Title
+ "&reload fvwm" Restart
+ "&net" Popup Submenu_Net
+ "&system" Popup Submenu_SystemMonitor
+ "core &apps" Popup Submenu_CoreApps
+ "&fvwm modules" Popup Submenu_FvwmModules
+ "&music" Popup Submenu_music
+ "&utilities" Popup Submenu_utilities
+ "" Nop
+ "&debian Menu" Popup /Debian
+ "" Nop
+ "the &end" Popup Submenu_end
# ----- window menu -------------------------
DestroyMenu Submenu_toDesk
AddToMenu Submenu_toDesk "send to desk ..." Title
+ "&1" MoveToDesk 0 0
+ "&2" MoveToDesk 0 1
+ "&3" MoveToDesk 0 2
+ "&4" MoveToDesk 0 3
+ "&5" MoveToDesk 0 4
+ "&6" MoveToDesk 0 5
+ "&7" MoveToDesk 0 6
+ "&8" MoveToDesk 0 7
+ "&9" MoveToDesk 0 8
+ "1&0" MoveToDesk 0 9
DestroyMenu Window-Ops
AddToMenu Window-Ops "Window Operations" Title
+ "&Move" Move
+ "&Resize" Resize
+ "&to Desk..." Popup Submenu_toDesk
+ "R&aise" Raise
+ "&Lower" Lower
#+ "On &Top" ToggleLayer
+ "(De)&Iconify" Iconify
+ "(Un)&Stick" Stick
+ "(Un)Ma&ximize" Maximize ; RaiseLower
+ "" Nop
+ "&Delete" Delete
+ "&Close" Close
+ "Destroy" Destroy
#----- keys and mouse to summon the menus ----------------
# the (*udacious*) means that this only concerns the A/audacious app
# the -- means "pass through to the app"
# this is the "roll up playlist" command for that app, and is being triggered via the
# ctrl-alt-P wmctl binding in ... somewhere
key w W CS Menu Window-Ops
key (Audacious*) w A CS --
mouse 3 W M Menu Window-Ops
# w : key or mouse press
# W : what the focus must be on W=window
# CS : modifier CS= ctrl-shift, M=alt (meta)
# Fvwm ships with a hardcoded "Builtin" menu linked to mouse button 0.
# Replace Mouse Button 0 with my main ("start button") menu.
# now removed in the "defaults removal" section
#Mouse 0 R N Menu MainMenu
#key a A CS Menu MainMenu
key a A CS Menu MainMenu Root 0 0
#----- Alt-Tab window list --------------------------------------
#--- a list shown when switching windows
# WindowList [(conditions)] [position] [options] [double-click-action]
# Root c c Centre of Root screen
# - options -
# CurrentAtEnd: the curr Win at end
# IconifiedAtEnd: sort with iconified at end of list
# CurrentDesk: only this Desk's wins
# NoGeomety: Don't show each Win's geometery in the list
# SelectOnRelease switch to sel wind (needs the key Meta_L)
# Icons: Include Icons
# NB: don't get these options (what & how to list)
# confused with the MenuStyle (appearance)
Key Tab A M WindowList Root c c \
CurrentDesk, \
Icons, \
NoGeometry, \
NoGeometryWithInfo, \
NoDeskNum, \
NoNumInDeskTitle, \
IconifiedAtEnd, \
CurrentAtEnd, \
SelectOnRelease Meta_L
#UseIconName, \
# AddToFunc StartFunction
# + I Module FvwmWindowMenu
# Key Tab A M SendToModule FvwmWindowMenu \
# Post Root c c SelectOnRelease Menu
# DestroyMenu FvwmWindowMenu
# *FvwmWindowMenu: ItemFormat %n
# *FvwmWindowMenu: MenuStyle WindowListStyle
# Key Tab A M SendToModule FvwmWindowMenu
# Popup Root c c SelectOnRelease Meta_L , \
# NoWarp, \
# CurrentDesk, \
# Icons, \
# NoGeometry, \
# NoGeometryWithInfo, \
# NoDeskNum, \
# NoNumInDeskTitle, \
# UseIconName, \
# IconifiedAtEnd, \
# CurrentAtEnd
# the man page is wrong: any quotes appear in the string
#----- styling of menus ---------------------------------------
style Submenu* GrabFocusOff
style MainMenu* GrabFocusOff
style MainMenu GrabFocusOff
# TitleWarp Send the mouse to the menus & submenus
# PopupOffset movePixelToR move%toRight (100--> no overlap)
MenuStyle sdmMenuStyle \
!TitleWarp, \
PopUpAsRootMenu, \
VerticalItemSpacing 1 1, \
PopupOffset 1 100, \
!AutomaticHotKeys, \
RemoveSubmenus, \
PopdownImmediately, \
Foreground turquoise3, \
Background DarkOliveGreen, \
Sidecolor DarkOliveGreen, \
SelectOnRelease Meta_L, \
Font -*-Verdana-medium-r-*-*-9-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
# MenuFace TiledPixmap resize.rainbow.xpm, \
#MouseWheel ScrollsMenu, \
NoWarp, \
!SelectInPlace, \
!SelectWarp, \
MenuStyle WindowListStyle !TitleWarp, \
VerticalItemSpacing 1 1, \
PopupOffset 1 100, \
!AutomaticHotKeys, \
Foreground gold, \
Background ivory4, \
SelectOnRelease Meta_L, \
Sidecolor ivory4, \
Font -*-Verdana-medium-r-*-*-9-*-*-*-*-*-*-* , \
# MenuFace TiledPixmap resize.rainbow.xpm, \
#MouseWheel ScrollsMenu, \
#overrides the above
CopyMenuStyle sdmMenuStyle WindowListStyle
#The name "*" is reserved for the default menu style.
#The default menu style is used for every menu-like object (e.g. the
#window created by the WindowList command) that had not be assigned
#a style using the ChangeMenuStyle.
MenuStyle * !TitleWarp, \
VerticalItemSpacing 1 1, \
PopupOffset 1 100, \
Foreground turquoise3, \
Background DarkOliveGreen, \
Sidecolor DarkOliveGreen, \
Font -*-Verdana-medium-r-*-*-9-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
# MenuFace TiledPixmap resize.rainbow.xpm, \
#MouseWheel ScrollsMenu, \
NoWarp, \
!SelectInPlace, \
!SelectWarp, \
ChangeMenuStyle sdmMenuStyle Window-Ops
ChangeMenuStyle sdmMenuStyle MainMenu
ChangeMenuStyle sdmMenuStyle Submenu_FvwmModules
ChangeMenuStyle sdmMenuStyle Submenu_Net
ChangeMenuStyle sdmMenuStyle Submenu_CoreApps
ChangeMenuStyle sdmMenuStyle Submenu_SystemMonitor
ChangeMenuStyle sdmMenuStyle Submenu_music
ChangeMenuStyle sdmMenuStyle Submenu_toDesk
ChangeMenuStyle sdmMenuStyle Submenu_utilities
ChangeMenuStyle sdmMenuStyle Submenu_end
ChangeMenuStyle sdmMenuStyle WindowList
ChangeMenuStyle sdmMenuStyle Debian*
# ================== to do =============================
# Example (File browser):
# # You can find the shell script
# # in the utils/ directory of the distribution.
# AddToMenu BrowseMenu
# + DynamicPopupAction PipeRead \
# ' BrowseMenu'
# vim:filetype=fvwm tabstop=4
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