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Find FRUS documents whose English dates do not match the date metadata
xquery version "3.1";
Find cases such as this:
<date when="1971-10-05">October 15, 1971</date>.
... where the supplied English date, October 15, 1971, does not match the
supplied machine-readable date, 1971-10-05.
declare namespace tei="";
import module namespace dates="" at "/db/apps/twitter/modules/date-parser.xqm";
let $vols :=
(: collection('/db/apps/frus/volumes'):)
let $datelines := $vols//tei:dateline[.//tei:date/@when]
for $dateline in $datelines
let $div-id := $dateline/ancestor::tei:div[@xml:id][1]/@xml:id
let $vol-id := util:document-name($dateline) ! substring-before(., '.xml')
let $supplied-english-date := $dateline//tei:date[@when][1]
let $supplied-when-attribute := $supplied-english-date/@when
let $english-date-regex := '[A-Z][a-z]+\s+\d{1,2},\s+\d{4}'
let $parsed-english-date := analyze-string($supplied-english-date, $english-date-regex)//fn:match
let $parsed-iso-date :=
(: To improve likelihood of success, we'll try parsing the pre-processed date :)
if ($parsed-english-date) then
(: But if the date doesn't match our regex, we might as well let the dates module try on the raw date :)
catch *
"parseDate had problems with " || $supplied-english-date
let $matches := substring($supplied-when-attribute, 1, 10) = $parsed-iso-date
(: limit results to cases where the date portion of the supplied when attribute doesn't match the iso-date :)
where not($matches)
element doc {
element vol-id { $vol-id },
element div-id { $div-id/string() },
element supplied-english-date { $supplied-english-date/string() },
element supplied-when-attribute { $supplied-when-attribute/string() },
element parsed-english-date { $parsed-english-date/string() },
element parsed-iso-date { $parsed-iso-date },
element matches { $matches }
<supplied-english-date>July11, 1971, midnight–1:40 a.m. and 9:50–10:35 a.m.</supplied-english-date>
<parsed-iso-date>parseDate had problems with July11, 1971, midnight–1:40 a.m. and 9:50–10:35 a.m.</parsed-iso-date>
<supplied-english-date>October 15, 1971</supplied-english-date>
<parsed-english-date>October 15, 1971</parsed-english-date>
<supplied-english-date>November 1971</supplied-english-date>
<date resolution="month">
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